Chapter 50:Single scratch

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     Even the servants who know of my circumstances couldn't comprehend my request when they first approached me. What type of person would ask of such a thing? Absolute insanity, some of them must've thought. They wouldn't understand why I said that, of all things. It's not rare for me to feel like the odd one out, but for once, I have to say that some of my comrades could wrap their heads around my antics, be they were here, too.

     I let only my nose and eyes stay above the water as I simmer in this tub, my wet hair all let out, nicely cleaned. It's been a while since I've had a bath like this, Lady Yokomeda doesn't let a single commodity fall short from her expensive taste. I could get used to this...

     "(y,n), your water is absolutely freezing! I still can't believe you let them keep it this way!!" Could. Could get used to it. Some of the Hashira get my antics, not all of them.

     I blew out a flock of bubbles into the brisk war, getting nothing but that sweet smile from Mitsuri. They popped at the surface, airing my disdain with every burst. She continued to bother my bathwater while twirling a lock of hair around her finger, "What? I think it's quite charming of you not to be afraid! I could never!!!" She slapped her hands onto her cheeks with a squeal, almost losing hold of her towel.

     May that sheet be the only thing saving me from shame... I can't compete with blessings like hers, no matter what size I am. I'll just keep mine covered under all the bubbles... 'cross my arms too, if I wasn't already embarrassed enough.

     "You find everything admirable..." I peeked my mouth out from the water with a little flub in my words, a  worthless effort. There's no chance I'll be fazing her glee. She's the only few that I don't have any effect on, not unless I truly intend on being an asshole. I wouldn't, even if I was that bad of person- Iguro doesn't discriminate with his foes.

      My ally waved a hand at my comment, bringing her other grasp up to be sure she doesn't flash me. An iron-clad bra would be better suited than that towel. 'They' can barely be kept to themselves on a regular basis, this is chaos.

     "Oh, how could I not? Everything about you is charming!" Finally leaving my side, she took her leave off to her own, warmer tub, steaming at the surface. She hid her backside with the towel before shedding it off to the side, covered by the top of the basin... That didn't spare me from her company, however. I figured that out after hearing the water from her swish around, and sure enough, the Slayer has turned herself right back to me, rested on that wooden rim.

      "I'm still shocked that you haven't had any special partners, yet! A picky one, aren't you? You've probably got crowds lined up for your hand~"

     "Picky." I repeated in almost a scoff, shaking my head. Picky, sure, if I was actually looking for a partner at all. I don't have any admirers coming forward because they don't want to (I know damn well there are just a few hiding behind the corners). They're all smart enough to keep to themselves, fearing the brutal rejection they'll surely recieve. Even if they had the balls, why would I do that? Court someone who's fallen in love with the idea of me? I wouldn't call myself picky, I just have common sense.

     "Hm... not even one of our Slayers?" Mitsuri trailed her finger across the tub, giving me foxy eyes of curiosity.

     "None that I can think of. I don't talk to many Slayers, anyways." That came out in a sigh- - I can tell she's trying to wiggle something out of me. What it is? I need more time to discern that. I'd leave if this bothered me enough, but this is the first time all day I've been able to beat the heat, and there's no way I'm busting the ice out here, either.

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