Chapter 47:Just Snow

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
      Rolling onto my back doesn't help me in my sleep. To toss and turn among the freezing temperatures, I keep every single particle of ice awake with me. I don't understand how I'm not asleep right now, these are just the conditions that I've come to admire during the evening hours, not to mention, on a warm summer night needing a breeze to it. Perfect temperatures, perfect position, and no one to bother me... that's the thing, though. Dad and (c,n) already turned in for the night, but it's me that's got my mind up. No one else to put at fault, here.

     I sighed out a cool breath when shifting to my side, placing my hand on the snow to sift through the soft surface. ... I don't like staying at this house; too many memories outside of these frozen walls, walking through the estate where the sun can no longer be seen. I'm sure they'd be beating their fists on the surface of the ice, if they could. Not in the real world, though. I'm safe here.

    The names of those who've once stayed here whisper in each splinter of the floorboards back inside. Among those titles is mine as well, drifting off from their shadowy mouths and leaving me to haunt the rooms along with them. The ties, they only seem to return once I come back onto these grounds, suffocating me when I dig to deep into once was...

     My cheek went to press itself into the ground and feel the snowflakes catch my eyelashes, fluttering away with each tired blink. My hand continued to graze across the ice like grains of glittering sand, blowing off after an ample breath.

     ... This could've been worse, this could've been far worse. I've been graced with the fact that Kyojuro's not here to somehow make this hell for me.' How quickly I would've left, had that been the case. If I had to worry about keeping him out of trouble, imagine how much sleep I would've gotten then...





     "(y,n)..." Cherries, tart cherries, they drop off one by one onto the table with their sour juices following along with them, going from every vowel of my name. The make me cringe just a little after each bitter hint. You could mistake them for the sweet type from their vibrant color, with that rosy red, but looks can be more than just deceiving. 

     "Yes, (c,n)?" I know she's going to say something about it again, I can feel it with all my might. Put an arm and leg on the table, and whatever's left in my wallet for the day, and I bet it's exactly what I'm thinking-

     "He's still shivering. Is there not something you can do about this?!" There goes my career and everything else I've ever dreamed of. I'm left to flop over, chopped of what I need to function and poorer than the poorest of poor men. Who could've POSSIBLY guessed?

      I grumbled off to my own ears as my relative cut her eyes at me, my comrade proving to be the most important thing on her mind. She got him several blankets, a fresh, warm cup of tea, and medicines as well. She might try to rock him to sleep at thus point.

     When hearing her scorn, Kyojuro held his tongue, realizing he opened his mouth at all while grasping onto the sight of my drained state. At least he knows not to say anything.

     "He's going to make it through this, the effects should be subsiding in another ten minutes, or so." I blew her off, rimming my tea cup with the spite in my words. This keeps up, and my dwindling vigor will surely fail me. I've already told her I can't control the results, I wield ice, not the mere feeling of cold. I would've already done something if I could just magically warm him up, this is only the reaction that his body is exhibiting. It's out of my reach.

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