Chapter 22:Ponytail

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     The hallway... once heated and warm round the room of the orange-haired demon fills with a cold chill that runs over my skin. Its whispers are hateful, malicious, and so very poisonous that; I hate to say, but it almost makes me scared to open this door and check on the slayer that's still inside. Things sound like they've calmed down, but that thought isn't helping me very much, not when so many other things are going off in this head.


     The flinch that rocked me when I saw her face among the blizzard is still affecting me, long after I got out of the danger zone. I've never quite come off this way when being around (y,n)'s technique.

     Sure, she frightens me sometimes, but I've gotten so used to her chosen breathing style that earlier couldn't have shocked me more. Why? ... It didn't feel like (y,n), not the comrade I've known for over a year. That dark blizzard looked at me like I was a stranger, an unfamiliar face I couldn't recognize. I gave it a similar sense of unfamiliarity, not getting even a glimpse of the (h,c)-haired woman anymore, even if she was right in front of me-

     "Huh??" I backed up from the entrance locked shut with ice when feeling my socks getting wet. I raised my foot away from the hallway floor while blowing my blonde locks away from my face-... I didn't need a fitting expression to show the surprise when seeing a puddle of jet-black seeping through the cracks of the shoji door.

     The ice... it's melting already? But that would have to mean that... (y,n)...

     Taking action on the dot, I cracked the melting ice open to squeeze myself into the space of the giant room. The cold front greeted me on the other side... less harsh that what I normally feel from (y,n), I'm usually reverted into just another block of ice when I encounter her freeze. 

     "(y,n)? Where are you??" I trudged through the snow and slush on the ground with those first few steps into the terrain, calling out to the woman as I searched around what's left of the inside. Once a fiery place filled with embers and branches has faded off in the black storm, the tree I was worried about before; now entirely dead and crumbled away. The Ice Pillar really did a number with that attack... It was almost guaranteed that our enemy wouldn't be coming out victorious on the other side. 

     My gaze made its way back down on the black ice, finally locating my comrade after looking around in my shivering condition.

     A tributary of crimson flows from her face and into the hand she hovered under the blood- the victim of the bloody nose stays crumpled on the floor with her other arm barely holding her up; wobbling, and cascading her haori sleeves down to her elbows. I didn't immediately run to her side, too cold and stunned for my feet to properly move towards.

     -I also don't want to slip.

     "(y,n)..." I said the woman's name to her as her body quavered, her eyes making it to me. They look tired, very, very tired, a little watery with that exhaustion to them. She took a moment to breathe, shaking her head to push away the last of the blood.  

     "Kyojuro..." She wiped the blood from her nostrils and sent my name back at me, trying to get up. The Pillar stumbled to the side to the support of a pier of ice, the frozen water melting underneath her hands and sending strokes of black crawling onto her fingers. It took some effort from her to look at me again, still very depleted

     "Everything ok?" I asked in my next shallow breath when seeing her fatigue loud and clear. I don't wish to alarm her by going to help right away, I'd rather not elicit a bad reaction from her, not in the state that she's currently in.

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