Chapter 71:Repeat...?

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~*(y,n)'s POV*~
     The two lords of hell, ruling over the city, but not of who you'd think they are. It's not the grand doom of a tropical storm, ushered in by a drumline. No, it's us Hashira.

     I felt the flames of kings glide on my skin when first licked across the cobblestone through the streets, and that mighty roar of power only knew to take flight when an empress demanded he bow. Everyone felt the surge, I know they had to. I'm sure he's been worrying where I was at,' just had to remind him I won't ever go down easily.

     I lowered my blade from behind me after having my own nape threatened, my opponent dumbfounded and still in her spot. My first warning. I have to do this while I'm fresh, and I'm done with this back-and-forth game after that, anyways.

     When you tease a giant, you're bound to get stepped on.

     I would love to keep drawing my cards, but we're getting far too close to the lake ports in Mewa. We distracted the twins long enough for some evacuations to be made, but they're not evading fast enough. If the streets were already crowded enough, those boats out on the water are pure jackpots.

     I've seen Arashidan's eyes wandering to those black water, her attempts continuously moving the  fighting closer to fresh blood. She gets a hold of any 'food', and it's going to take a lot longer for us to end this. It already took me so much just to level the playing fields- - there aren't exactly lines of civilians ready to jump into danger on standby.

     My sleeping comrade hesitated to continue fighting after my threat, blocking off just one more of the woman's attacks and shifting back from me. He can feel the danger, it was overwhelmingly clear to him. Where I'm going, he can't come along.

     Where I'm going, I can't go either, but I must trek into the violent storm if I want the town to survive the blizzard.

     "You're not going to stop me, you might've fooled me earlier, but I'm still better!" Arashidan bared her teeth at me in response to my warning shot, not letting me get under her skin when she undoubtedly registered the danger. I suggest she take me a little more seriously...

     "We'll see about that." I mumbled as the demon charged at me, trading her cleave for a punch towards the center of my sword. I plowed through her attacks like she was nothing more than a training dummy, frustrating her further and freezing the entire street with only two strikes in succession to hers. Agatsuma has relinquished the battlefield for me;' already jumped away to one of the nearby roofs when the ice began to consume his sandals.

     It's starting, and that's not nearly as potent as it's full cowl. This is just the start.

     I nodded to the boy before my opponent struck me with an electrical blast, careening me the rest of the way to the water-bound ports. I twisted myself around with just a push, and my feet slid to a stop as the lake froze beneath me before I could fall in. That grand flooring spread from my position as I stood up, claiming the rest of the waters within seconds.

     I looked to the vessels of civilians retreating into deeper waters... the boats rocked over the violent waves as gargantuan walls of ice shot up from the deeps at the tap of just my foot. I watched on as the boats disappeared from over the barriers, returning to my enemy as her sparks flashed through the city towards the docks. She gazed upon the icy challenge when stepping out from the electrical air, contorting her face as she withheld to accept my offer. Her eyes fell onto my stance, and in a fever, she took the first heavy steps across the frozen waters.

     "My job would've been so much easier if you'd just died like you were supposed to!! You're so unbearable... everything about you is unbearable! Everything!!!" The demon screamed at me as she tried to advance my way, screaming even louder when she had to continue prying off her sandals from the ice. The moment she raised her weapon, I sent another attack at her, colder and stronger than the last. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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