Chapter 64:The Hive

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   The man makes the same trip as he did once before without a single obstacle in his path, smiling to himself under his hood. He can't help but be giddy to be walking around, no matter if no one has noticed a thing. He's not supposed to be here, not anymore. He took 'Dead to the Corps' as his final take of action. He's an imposter, and god does it feel good to have something to call himself, something that doesn't twist his stomach at the thought of fitting in. Hell, he even has his own 'comrades' waiting for him and the delivery.

     Slowing his pace down, Taiso watched on in patience as a Kakushi exited the room in front of him, leaving the door ajar, vulnerable. The only way to enter is with permission from the main Kakushi and a correct identity... This is perfect. The Second Sector isn't very busy, and his pickings are just in the places where they won't be noticed. After all, files aren't supposed to leave the building.

     The snake wasted no time to slip into the dimly lit room on the other side, blessed with life from the windows near the ceiling. There are several tables set around, few Slayers or assistants to them... forget about what might go missing, it'd be a miracle if anyone noticed him in the first place.

     Resisting to puff his chest out in pride, he made his few decoy rounds through the area before finally stopping at the shelf, almost tempted to lick his lips at the catch before him. Important locations to the Demon Corps and what they mean. It's only the overview for the rest of the shelf... but the areas there mean so much more than just any locations. Deduce all the minimal ones... and you can easily find the few places where Ubuyashiki must regularly visit.

     Just the thing that Muzan needs. He figures it out, and they'll be smooth sailing from then on. He may even get commended for his efforts. He didn't know this would be so... easy, and he thought he might have to give the twins some trouble. Too bad, they were even hoping for some-

     "You're looking in the wrong section, you know. You won't find anything remotely important, there." He was too ambitious. Taiso peaked his gaze over to his right with a fake smirk and shrug at the comment, heart pounding in an instant. ... Way too ambitious.

     Giyuu barely registered the expression as he looked up from his own set of files, nodding at his new company calmly. Heartbeat drumming at his ribs, and what for? The Pillar can't notice the rouse in the slightest, he's too occupied himself. Take everything back, Taiso had good cause to be fervent. This is nothing.

     "You're looking for information on the Upper Moons, right? You passed the end of their section by an entire case," The Water Hashira pointed out with a gesture of his head. ... one more time to revise, too ambitious. He may've been busy, but the warrior was watching the moment Taiso walked into the room, hovering and coddling the section they're at now. Only few people have a nag for spotting the haori- even fewer of the Hashira, but today, he just happened to strike gold on a special one.

     "Oh, you're absolutely right. How silly of me..." The rogue tried to play himself off, chuckling as he stepped over to the 'correct' spot. Now, no one said that this would be a walk in the park... he has to work for his meal.

      "It's appalling to see you here. One would think that you quit Demon Slaying altogether, your face barely shows anymore." Giyuu looked up and down at the man while he reopened the file he was previously reading, skimming through the information.

     "I could say the same for you... Mr.Water Pillar." Taiso emphasized the name with an even deeper grin, one nearly poisonous for him. ... The jealousy stands for Giyuu especially. He always thought he was more able than the current Pillar, just a point he never got to prove. Malice bubbles, more than one could correctly describe.

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