Chapter 5:Shiver

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~*Kyojuro's POV*~
     Two minutes... possibly? Maybe already on my way to the fourth minute of  hushed staring stretching between my comrade and I. From the open entrance I stand in, snowflakes rush at me and into the hallways of her home, touching on my face as my eyes try to consume everything. My tongue has gone numb inside of my mouth, not from the cold, rather... my lack to utter anything to her. 

     What's there to even do in a dilemma like this? Words don't seem appropriate...

     "What in the world is it now?" (y,n) breathed out in testy vexation when a flurry of frozen sleet whisked across on the icy ground, looking like petals from that of a blossom tree. I sniffled my nose to cease myself from yet another sneeze, and I contained my shivers into small shakes as I responded to her brittle question.

    "I just- uhm... the cold, it woke me up... most of your estate is covered in ice right now..." I friskily chuckled and  rubbed my hands up and down on my arms, trying to warm myself up in. It's so much colder out here than inside, I'm almost regretting not bringing any extra protection from the frosty air! Walking out into these plummeting temperatures wasn't smart when I only have the undershirt to my uniform to protect my arms and chest. A blanket of sorts would be better... or thicker clothes.

     Knitting her brows together after hearing my statement, the woman leaned over to glance past me and to the frozen walkway of her home. "Shit... I forgot that happens..." She mumbled to herself in a whisper and brushed her hair out of her face.

    "Yeah... k-kinda hard to stay asleep when the guest room is on the verge of freezing over..." I smiled- more of a sorry cringe- with that little jest. I'm glad I woke up when I did before the cold front could digest everything!' Still wondering what would've happened if I hadn't-... on second thought... it'd be better left not speculated...

     I set my irises onto her when trying to think up something to say, confused at one factor that won't stop nipping at me. Assuming that this is all intentional; why is (y,n) out here in such conditions?? She might be a Pillar, but she's still human. Summer clothes like what she's wearing don't do well at keeping their user warm. Not only that, but with nothing but a thin-layered haori to tie into all this, her skin has to be absolutely freezing right now!

     "Aren't you cold?" I questioned the slayer,

     "Tch, I'm the Ice Pillar, Kyojuro. I'm used to the cold." Oh... guess that gives an answer to that curiosity. I should've expected that... how else could she bear these conditions as if  it were a nice day?

     "Heh, that makes sense... sorry." I apologized after fighting against a quiver running up the nape of my neck. Even in winter it never gets THIS cold,' makes me curious just how drastically the (h,c)-haired Hashira can alter the weather... 

    Throughout this business, rumors and tales fly around about the breathing techniques used against demons, though, (y,n)'s ancient style always seems to be the most popular one floating in the air. To this day, it's still one of the more mysterious tactics, the type that can have people trying for hours to understand it. Even stumps me sometimes.

     There're so many things to predict about Ice breathing! I've never been offered quite a chance to get front row seats to the spectacular abilities until now, no deterrents stopping me from admiring each intricate, fragile speck of snow that drifts by. 

     ... Hgrmm, here comes an... interesting idea. I'm sure I'll sound crazy after I say this, (y,n) will think so too-

     "If it isn't too much of a problem; can I... join you? I'm not sure I'll be able to go back to sleep so easily now that I'm up, and I really think this would be a great experience for the both of us!!" I chirped with a hop, and I kept my smile intact as (y,n) raised an eyebrow at me. I can see it in her (e,c) eyes, eyes that frequently find a way to glare on my behalf. To her, I seem like the most insane and ridiculous person she's ever met.

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