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i woke up, still in kami's bed. my
body was so sore from what happened last night. the images replayed in my mind. i felt so good i couldn't think straight at the moment, but now i can. the amount of pleasure kami could make me feel was incredible. kami rolled over and pulled me into his chest. "good morning, sunshine," he said with a yawn. i smiled at him and grabbed his face. i kissed him softly. "what day is it today?" i asked him. he grabbed his phone. "monday." i jumped out of bed. i hurried and put my clothes on. "see you in class kami!" i called. "see ya!" as i was running back to my dorm, i wondered if what happened last night would ever happen again.

i was the last person to get to class. "y/n, you're late," aizawa said. "mhm." "do you have a reason?" he asked me. "ummm, i was tired?" i answered. he sighed and motioned for me to go sit down. "i thought you'd never show up, teddybear," bakugo said when i sat down. "if i ever skipped a class my dad would kill me," i joked. bakugo smiled at me. i tried paying attention in class but the only thoughts i had were what happened the night before. i wanted to do it again. "yo, y/n!" kirishima called. i looked behind me and saw him and kami standing there. "hey, kiri," i answered. i stood up and faced him. i leaned back in my desk because my legs would give away if i didn't. part of the reason i was late was because my legs weren't working so i kept falling over. "kaminari and i are going to subway for lunch, wanna come with?" he asked me. i looked over at bakugo. i was used to sitting with him again. "sure," i answered with a smile. "great let's go!" kiri cried. "r-right now?" i asked him. "yeah it's lunch." "okay..." i answered. i took one step and stumbled forward. kami caught me. "damn, i fucked you hard," he whispered in my ear. kami picked me up and carried me to subway. kiri was ahead of us, so he was out of earshot. "i can't walk because of you!" i whined. "you liked it and you know it," kami answered. i rolled my eyes because he was right. kami started rubbing circles with his finger on my thigh. "kami, why'd you wanna fuck me?" i asked him. his face became red. "i-i just wanted to," he said. "yeah but why-" he cut me off by kissing me. "no more questions, okay baby?" i immediately shut my mouth.

when we got to subway i could kind of feel my legs again. i told them my order and went to sit down. i got a text from bakugo.

where r u?

i'm at subway, cya after lunch

i put my phone away and stared off into space. suddenly kami was next to me. "scootch over," he told me. i scooted over and he sat next to me. he put his hand on my thigh. this time, when his hand was traveling up, he started rubbing my pussy. i almost choked on my food. i wanted to moan so bad. i held it in, though. i glared at him but he just smirked at me. i whispered in his ear "we can do this later, cut it out." he got excited when i said we could do it later. at least the thing in between his legs got excited. i didn't know if i was actually going to fuck him again because my legs were in absolute pain and if he fucked me as hard they would just break.

we were walking back to ua when we saw bakugo and uraraka waiting for us at the gate. "hey guys, what's up?" i asked them. "we're going to the movies, wanna come?" uraraka asked me. we didn't hate each other as much now. "hell yeah!" i exclaimed. "let me go get changed first," i told them. i ran to my dorm and put on some ripped jeans and a thrasher crop top. i went back to the gate and was ready to go. kami and kiri were gonna go, too. kami was just wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. kiri the same. they didn't really like to dress up. "okay, let's go!" i exclaimed.

my sunshine - d.k.Where stories live. Discover now