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"we're going on a trip to the united states!" exclaimed my dad. the whole class cheered. i did, too, but i had gone so many times it wasn't that exciting anymore. "when are we leaving?" asked momo. i rolled my eyes at her. i may not care that she was dating shoto, but he is still my ex boyfriend. "next week!" "should we start packing?" asked izuku. "i'll give you this period to pack and you should pack over the weekend!" "are we going for educational purposes?" asked iida. "if you want to! you can do whatever you want!" my dad exclaimed. i smiled. "will there be mixed hotel rooms? like with boys and girls in the same room?" i asked. my dad glared at me. he knew i just wanted to stay with kami. he sighed. "sure, you can share a room with whoever you want," he said. "yes!" i yelled. i was going to share a room with izuku, kami, and kirishima. i ran up to izuku and grabbed him. kami was already talking to kiri so i went up to them. "we're all sharing a room, end of discussion," i said. they looked at me in confusion then nodded their head. "i'll be in a room with you extras, too. pink cheeks wants to share a room with the girls," bakugo said with an eye roll. i could feel kami glaring daggers at bakugo. "sure," i said with a shrug. "okay, start packing!" my dad yelled. everyone ran out of the classroom. i dashed to my dorm and started packing. mangas, computer, phone, chargers, clothes, all the necessities for a trip. and since we were going to be flying for a while, i needed entertainment. once i had finished i headed down to kami's dorm. i wasn't entirely finished because i needed to buy some more things. "kami!" i said. "what's up, sunshine?" kami asked. he was looking through his clothes. i went up behind him and saw a hoodie i liked. i grabbed it and put it on. kami glared at me playfully then smiled.

it was the next day in class and we were ordered to stand with the people we wanted to share a room with. i stood with kiri, kami, bakugo, and izuku. shoto decided he wanted to join us, too. my dad looked at my group in confusion, as i was sharing a room with two of my ex boyfriends and my current boyfriend. he ignored it. "okay, we're going to buy the plane tickets, so everyone get on the bus!" my dad exclaimed. everybody obeyed. we all got on the bus and sat in silence. "how many times have you been to the united states?" kami asked me. "umm, i go every year," i answered. "that's so cool!" he exclaimed. i giggled at his reaction. "yeah i guess so."

finally, the day of going to the us had arrived. i was jittering with excitement. i was going to get to go on vacation with kami! we sat in the plane and waited for the long 17 hours of flying to begin. in the meantime, kami and i played games, watched shows, and cuddled. i was asleep when the pilot announced that we were landing. i was practically jumping up and down. the plane landed and i basically ran out. "yes! we're finally here!" i exclaimed as i fell over. since i had been sitting down for so long, my legs seemed to not work anymore. "come on, sunshine! we need to grab our stuff!" kami said. i looked at him. "i can't walk," i muttered. kami grinned. "i wonder why..." he said thoughtfully. "i've been sitting down for 17 hours, perverted jackass! now help me up or i'll beat the shit out of you!" i threatened. kami laughed and picked me up. i crossed my arms. "pervert," i mumbled. kami laughed it off and just went to go get our bags.

once we got to the hotel i flopped over on the bed. "finally! we're here!" i exclaimed. "we've been here for 30 minutes," bakugo said. "i mean we finally got to the hotel! now i can sleep!" i exclaimed happily. everyone sighed. considering that i was one of the most powerful at that school i was also one of the laziest. there were two beds in the room and six of us. three people would share a bed and the other three would be in another bed. i bit the inside of my cheek. i could share a bed with izuku and kami. but, i knew how izuku could get. there was also kirishima. "so who's sharing a bed with kami and i?" i asked. everyone looked at each other. it'd probably be weird since we were dating. "if someone doesn't share a bed with us you're gonna have to sleep on the floor because four people don't fit on a bed. everyone sighed. "okay, i will."

kami gave bakugo the death stare when he said he'd share a bed with us. "no way in hell," he said. i face palmed. "kami, it's fine," i reassured him. he looked at me then at bakugo. he sighed then glared at bakugo again. well, this was going to be fun.

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