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i was hanging out with y/n when i realized i didn't know what her quirk was. she seemed faster and stronger than any normal human. she could knock someone out with just three blows. i thought nothing of it, though. one day, y/n seemed very upset about something. then, randomly she slammed her hand over her eye. "woah, y/n, are you okay?" i asked her. she looked at me nervously. "yes! of course, i am! but i have to go, see ya!" she exclaimed. she ran off and i was just left there confused. before she was too far i ran after her and grabbed her wrist. "where are you going?" i asked her. "i'm just hungry," she answered. "i can buy you something," i suggested. "no thanks," she declined. she was acting weird. "if you say so..." i answered. "okay, see ya tomorrow kami."


"okay, see ya tomorrow, kami," i said to kami as he left. he nodded to me with a smile then left. when I was sure he was gone i grabbed a mask and jumped out the window. i looked from house to house, trying to find a perfect victim. finally, i found it. i broke in and grabbed the man. i jumped out the window. i had his mouth covered to stop his screams. i landed in my usual feeding alleyway. i used my kagune and was about to kill him when someone stopped me. a hero. i knew i was in training to be a hero but some sacrifices needed to be done. i started fighting this hero with my kagune. he was quite strong, but i was stronger. i always would be. more heroes came. i looked at them nervously. i lunged at one of them and bit his shoulder. he cried out in pain. i lunged at another and stabbed him with my kagune. he coughed up blood. i smirked. i ended up killing all of them, plus the man i was originally going to eat. "i have food to last me months.." i whispered to myself. then i heard a gasp. my mask had fallen apart since it was one of those cheap ones from the dollar store. i looked in the direction of the gasp, getting ready to kill this person.

it was kami. he looked at the bodies, shocked. then he looked at me. "kami-" before i could say anything else he ran off. "wait!" i shouted after him. i chased after him but he was already gone. i could've used my kagune to catch up to him, but the sun was rising and everyone would see a ghoul on the loose. i growled under my breath and ran back home.

"kami, we need to talk," i told him when we went to school the next day. he looked terrified of me. "please?" i begged. finally, he nodded his head. i dragged him to an empty alleyway. i think that scared him more, considering that i killed my food in an alleyway. "y-you're a ghoul," kami stuttered. i nodded my head. "and you didn't tell me?" he said in frustration. "i mean, usually ghouls don't go around telling humans their identity so..." i answered him. i looked at him and he just looked back. "those were all heroes," he stated. i cocked my head to the side. "what?" i asked. "i said, all the people you killed were heroes," he answered. "not all of them, one of them was a random person-" i said. i cut myself off because kami gave me a look like i was a monster. well, i technically was a monster since i am a ghoul but whatever. "wh-what?!" he yelled. before he could keep on yelling i used my kagune to cover his mouth. i retracted it. "please kami, don't tell anyone. i'll be killed!" i told him. he stared at me as if i was crazy. "if you love me you won't tell," i told him. he sighed. "fine, i'll keep your secret," he answered finally. "yes! thank you!" i yelled. i jumped into his arms. he hugged me back. "i can't believe i'm dating a ghoul.." i heard him mutter. "on the bright side, if anyone's ever mean to you, you won't have to worry about them ever again," i answered with a mischievous grin.

so- this isn't part of the original story, it's just a random scenario i wanted to do. i love tokyo ghoul and boku no hero so why not combine the two? anyway, i completed this whole thing at school- surprised i didn't get caught writing fanfiction. okay, i'll publish soon! see ya later, byeeeeee!


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