Chapter. I

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Makinohara High School a place where students prepare themselves for the hardships that college will bring, it's also where this story begins.

On the rooftop of Makinohara High we see two particular fourth years sitting next to each other eating their lunch. Y/n who had just finished his lunch of Onigiri and Miso soup, half listens to the rambling girl next to him.

Sera: Can you believe that bitch?! The next time I see her she'd best watch her back!

Y/n: Calm down, you screaming about her is exactly what she wants from you.

Sera: Y/n when someone complains to you, more than likely they want you to get mad with them not actually try to calm them down.

Y/n: Well it's different in your case.

Sera stares at Y/n with an eyebrow up, obviously curious about what he meant. Y/n seemed to notice this as he sighed.

Y/n: Sera I've known you since 1st grade and no matter what problem you've had you always come to me for advise.

Sera looks away from Y/n.

Sera: That's not true at all asshole!

Y/n finding it meaningless to argue with her drops the topic.

Y/n: You know the bell's going to ring soon, we should probably get to class.

Sera: yOu kNoW ThE bEll's gOiNg tO rINg sOon.

Y/n stands up ignoring her while he heads for the staircase that leads back down to the school hallways.

Y/n: Now I know why you don't have any friends.

Sera: Hey I have plenty!

Sera stops talking and stares at Y/n walking down the stairs.

Sera: Hmph!

Y/n arrived to his classroom seconds before the bell rang. He quickly got to his seat located at the back of the class and waited for class to start.

Almost like it was planned Sera walks into the class seconds after the bell rang.

Teacher: Miss Amber it appears you are late to my class.

Sera: Sorry! I had no idea the bell was about to ring.

I deadpan thinking back to moments ago when she mocked me.

Teacher: That's no excuse! The next time your late you'll be given detention.

Sera: Ok......

The Teacher goes back to teaching as Sera takes her seat next to me. Sera puts her head on the desk and starts talking.

Sera: What a dick.

Y/n Ignores the girl as he writes his notes down, but that didn't stop Sera.

Sera: Y/nnnnnn say somethingggg.

Y/n: ......

Sera: If you don't respond I'll yell, you know I'd do it.

Y/n pinches the bridge of his nose. Speaking in an angered tone Y/n responds.

Y/n: What do you want.

Sera: Nothing.

Y/n's eye twitches as he looks back to the board seeing that he missed a bunch of work.

Y/n: Where the fuck did all of that work come from, I looked away for a second!

Sera: Sucks to Suck.

Y/n sighs.

Sometime passes as the final bell rings revealing that school has ended. Y/n finishes writing his notes as he stands up and closes his notebook.

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