Side Story #1: Prank War

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This Takes Place During Middle School

Y/n sighed as he saw the obvious water bucket trap that awaited him near the entrance to the school's library.

Y/n and Sera were currently in the middle of a prank war, in which neither of them were willing to give up their pride and accept defeat. Because of this, it's been a rapid back and forth between the two as they try to win one over the other.

As of this moment, neither of them had managed to get a single point against the other. And this reason was obvious.

They sucked at pranking each other.

Y/n walked towards the school library's front doors, quickly kicking them and backing up. Immediately, a bucket of water fell onto the ground, completely missing Y/n.

Sera: "Dammit!!"

Suddenly, Sera jumps out from behind Y/n, clearly frustrated that her garbage trick didn't work.

Sera: "How'd you even know!?"

Y/n: "I could see the bucket dumbass, hide it better next time."

With a loud sigh, Sera slouches forward.

Y/n: "Also don't you think trying to prank me at school could have some bad consequences?"

Sera: "...."

Y/n: "Well whatever. I've got books to read."

Sera: "..."

Turning around, Y/n started to walk towards the library, when he realized something important.

When has Sera ever been quiet for more than 5 seconds?

Stopping dead in his tracks, Y/n turns back towards Sera, as he sends her a terrifying death glare. Honestly it might've been the scariest Y/n had ever looked before.

Y/n: "You didn't set up another trap of some sort...Right?"

Sera: "Whatever do you mean?"

Sera stops slouching as she sends a death glare back at Y/n, resulting in a stand off between the two.

On one hand this could just be her bullshitting him...or there is a second prank behind the first one.

Y/n: "So if I go into that door, nothing's going to happen to me right?"

Sera: "No, I missed my trap already, remember?"

Y/n: "Well, you go in first"

Sera: "No, I have no business with the library"

Y/n: "After that prank I'd say you have plenty of business."

The two glared at each other even more. It was almost like that cliché troupe in anime where the two characters have electricity surging between the two.

???: "Hey what are you two doing!?" A loud male voice yelled out.

Turning to the man, they both recognized him as the school's gym teacher. He was a bit of an asshole, so neither of the two really wanted to talk to him.

Y/n: "Nothing Sir"

Sera: "Yep, what he said"

Gym Teacher: "I doubt it, you and Miss Amber cause trouble everywhere you go!"

Sera: "That's not true!"

Gym Teacher: "It is and you know it! Y/n, if you truly take school seriously then I suggest you move on from your little crush here and find someone better."

Sera: "What!? Who are you to tell him to move on!"

Y/n: "Who are you to say I have a crush on her!?"

Gym Teacher: "Whatever Just Move!!"

The teacher quickly pushed past Sera and I, trying his best to avoid the upcoming argument. Unfortunately for him though, he didn't know about me and Sera's Prank War. And to make matters even worse, Sera did have a backup to her original prank.

Annoyed, the Teacher power walked into the library, failing to notice the string hidden beneath the door. In an instant, a bucket of paint fell onto the teacher.

Seething with anger the man turned towards me and Sera who were laughing at his ass. Quickly he picked up the bucket, which had landed by his feet, and sprinted towards the both of us.

Sera: "Runnn!!!"

Sera quickly grabbed my hand, as we ran from the teacher.

I remember how pissed I was at her. She really was going to drop paint on my head! Not to mention we almost got expelled for that! Lucky enough we teamed up to bullshit our way out of the situation...but the Teacher did get fired.





Y/n and Sera were currently walking down the sidewalk together, not a word out either of their mouths as they were both lost in thought.

Y/n was thinking of a plan to win the challenge, while Sera was wondering how to make him fail. Sneaking a glance at Y/n, Sera seemed to notice a grin on his face, much to her dismay.

Sera: "What are you happy about?" Sera spoke in an annoyed tone

Y/n: "Nothing, I just remembered something is all."

Sera frowns at this.

Sera: "Where are we going anyways?"

Y/n: "To find me a girlfriend."

Sera: "You have no idea what to do"

Y/n: "You're goddamn right."

To Be Continued In the First Day

A/n: Alright that was another chapter. It just took a month and several weeks but nevertheless it's here. Funny enough I've finished writing the entire week of Y/n trying to get a girlfriend...and maybe succeeding, but I have no idea when I'm going to publish them because my writing makes me cringe and I don't like publishing it.

Now this is exclusive to the following people.

wadafaqq, Rei_no_1, Bruh6969amiright, Yagami-kun 127, BL4K3H34RTV3LT, SciOnRye, and KryPticHaven.

If any of you really waited, then I'll give each of you a single request.








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