Chapter. XII

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It was dark. Small wraps of fabric covered Y/n's face, as he groaned. The intense headache that rose and almost never seemed to fade, plagued his very being.

His arms and legs felt heavier then usual...Or rather, the "weight" made sure he was unable to move them. To him, it felt like someone had put pressure down onto his limbs, from both sides vertically and left no room for release.

A cough emerged out of his mouth, the dry and raspiness of the tone gave a clear indication that his body wasn't at it's peak performance. Though his breathing which sounded like crushed pipes made that quite obvious. 

To put it frankly, Y/n lay rested on a somewhat decent bed that sat comfortably in Room 213 a room found in his local hospital. And upon further inspection, it was obvious that whatever put him in this situation didn't hold the tiniest bit of mercy. 

In fact, it would appear that the overall goal wasn't to injure him.

But to Kill...


Y/n spread his body across the couch of his living room, his restless eyes engraved into his ceiling. He could've slept in his guest's room, but some part of him wanted to keep a good distance from Sera (Conscious or Not). 

With a sigh, he pushed off the covers that kept him warm from the night's breeze and sat up. He rubbed his eyes, and let out a yawn. Then he stood.

His surroundings left him uncomfortable. The mixture of the moon's dimmed beam, and his house's vacant noise added a layer of eeriness that he hadn't prepared for. 

Staring at his staircase, he replayed the scene with Sera in his head causing a frown to form.

He knew she was unconscious, and was aware of the possibility that she just spat some shit from a dream. But it wasn't the actual message she conveyed, that had Y/n feeling distraught. Rather it felt like his attempts to push her away only seemed to backfire.

With all his being, Y/n wished to forget the entire encounter, so he could continue his life like how it always had been. But his body did quite the opposite, he couldn't go even 5 minutes without having the scene replay inside his head.

Y/n: "Geez..." He whispered to himself. Then took a giant breath, before walking to his front door and sliding some sandals on, which he always keeps to the left side of his door.

If inside of his house was dark, then the outside was devoid of all light. It felt like a scene from a horror movie, as a single lamp post shined further down the street.

Seeing the conditions, Y/n sat down in front of his door, and listened as nature went about it's usual course. His breath left a trail, and he shivered every occasionally breeze. But he found this spot incredibly peaceful.

That was until a familiar face, found itself in his view.

Claire: "Y/n? What are you doing out here?" Claire's figure revealed itself as she slowly walked into view from the right side of Y/n's sidewalk, stopping just a few inches from where Y/n sat. Groceries in hand.

Y/n: "H-Huh?" He sat dumbfounded by the question. "What are YOU doing out here!? You shouldn't be outside at this time!"

Claire: "Hmm? Why not?"

Y/n: "Huh? What do you mean "Why not?" It could be dangerous! Who knows what someone could be plotting."

Claire: "I haven't noticed anything strange thus far...I think I should be good."

Y/n: "You can't be serious." 

Y/n began to massage his forehead, as a bobbing headache oh so suddenly presented itself. But as he brought his attention back to Claire, he noticed the somewhat emotionless gaze she held. It was like opening a box to find it empty on Christmas; something just didn't seem right with her.

Y/n: "Hey are you alright? Do you want me to walk you home?"

Claire: "And leave you to walk back by yourself? I thought you said it was dangerous."

Y/n sighed. He didn't want to propose the idea that floated freely inside his head, but his guilt won the battle against his hesitance. 

Y/n: "Do you want to stay the night? I have a guest room available."

Claire: "Oh? That's quite an interesting proposition."

Y/n: "Is that a no?"

Claire: "Hmm...Is Sera feeling better?"

Y/n: "What? Why do you think she isn't feeling well?"

Claire: "You look pretty stressed, just intuition I guess."

Y/n: "Isn't that a little...Nevermind, so what'll it be?"

Claire: "You're very kind y'know" Claire set her Groceries down, leaving the items protected by the brown bags she carried. "You don't want to do anything to me right?"


Y/n: "What!? I don't have any weird thoughts like that! I was just worried!"

Claire: "Pity" She spoke gently pushed herself onto Y/n. "I wouldn't mind...We could even go at it right now."

Y/n would have been lying if he said he wasn't at least a tad bit "interested" but he couldn't shake off the weird vibe Claire gave him. In fact the word weird wasn't correct; he felt as if a large snake wrapped it's body around him just waiting to go in for the attack.

Y/n: "I'd rather not."

Claire: "Why?" She snuggled closer.

Y/n's eyes continued to dart around the place, unsure of what to do. This however didn't go unnoticed.

Claire: "Is there someone you don't want seeing us?" She smiled devilishly "Is that person inside the house?"

Y/n: "U-Uh"

Claire: "Perhaps it's Sera..." Her smile vanished, and was replaced with a kind and gentle one. The change completely changed the vibe of the situation, scaring Y/n shitless.  "Y/n, I think I'd like to go inside now. It's very cold out here, and I think I might get kidnapped if I continue forward."

Y/n: "I-I thought you were fine on you're own..."

Claire: "Oh? Was it not you who offered..." 

Y/n thought for a moment he could see her face shift into a look of anger, but all it took was a blink and she was back to her happy smile.

Y/n: "S-Sorry, here..." Y/n spoke moving out the way of the door frame. 

With unmatched speed, Claire turned her body around and grabbed her groceries.

Claire: "Thanks." She then went inside the house, leaving Y/n staring out into the distance.

Y/n: "Is" Y/n whispered, noticing a bright glare in the distance.

Claire: "Something wrong?"

Y/n: "Uh..." Y/n turned to her for a second, watching as she set her stuff down near his couch. But as he returned his gaze back to the topic of interest, he noticed it vanished. "It's nothing..."

Y/n entered his house and locked the door behind him. There was something wrong, and even though he was not exactly sure what was happening, he made sure to be especially cautious around Claire.

A/n: "As the narrative progresses, chapters will get longer, and the point of view will shift quite a bit. So be ready for that."

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