Chapter. XIV

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-Part 1-
Y/n held the tearful Claire, her body dug deep into his chest. Her eyes displayed levels of fear in which Y/n couldn't possibly fathom.

Did Sera really attack her?

He questioned slowly bringing his gaze up to the subject. Yet, Sera stared right back, her eyes never holding even a hint of guilt or pity. It made it immediately clear for Y/n, that this was another one of Claire's games, and shouldn't be taken as a serious issue.

Y/n: "So what's really happening?" Y/n's voice spoke out in a tone not worthy of the atmosphere.

Claire: "Huh?" Claire locked eyes with Y/n, revealing her red strained eyes on full display. It took a tad bit longer but Claire began to clench at Y/n's shirt, like a baby does when it wants something but can't vocalize it.

Y/n: "I'm not entirely sure what happened here, I'd just like to gather some context." As Y/n brought his thoughts out, Sera sighed with great relief, and a small smile began to form on her face.

Claire: "But I just told you what happened!" Claire squeezed on Y/n's shirt harder, the strands and fabric stretching to it's near limit.

Y/n: "Claire?"

Claire: "Don't "Claire" Me!" She shoved Y/n a bit, before wiping her tears away. "Why do you have to be like this!! Just leave Sera be, she shouldn't be that close with you anyway!!"

Sera: "And you should?!!"

Claire: "Yes!!"

Y/n: "What are you talking about?"

Sera: "She's just jealous! Don't worry about it!"

Claire: "I'M just jealous. You are leeching off of MY relationship!"

Sera: "What are you talking about?!"

Claire: "Don't try to play dumb!! You were there as well!!"

Y/n: "ENOUGH ALREADY!!" The shockwave from Y/n's voice caused a light rubble sound from within the house.

The two girls now stared at Y/n, as the once lively stairwell was now replaced with utter vacancy.No one spoke, and as time moved forward the silence somehow only grew.

Claire: "I'm outta here!" Claire shoved past Sera with forceful intent, however this only added fuel to Sera's fire.

Sera: "Heh! I remember now!" Sera sarcastically laughed. This caused Claire to stop without ever having to turn her head. "If I was in your situation, then I'd just forget about it and move on."

Claire: "...Forget about it and move on? We'll see about that..."

Claire grabbed her bags, that sat still by the couch, turned and walked out the front door, leaving the household even more vacant than it already was.

It was awkward to say the least. Y/n, continued to pry at Sera for answers about the entire situation, but she kept denying. She even went as far as to yell at him to leave her alone. This of course only left him wanting to know even more.

Heading out his house, Y/n made sure he was prepared with everything necessary for school, and locked his door.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he watched the long street, that led him towards the direction of the school. It was silent and lonely, especially since Sera went off ahead before he could finish up.


Being in school was a bit refreshing from all the events that's happened over the 4 days he'd had to stay home. (Yes I counted, and yes that is the correct and accurate timeframe.)

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