Chapter. VI

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I had finally finished my homework for the day meaning I could now enjoy my weekend to the fullest. Of course the only reason I had so much homework was because I skipped school with Sera yesterday, the principal obviously wasn't happy with that so as punishment he assigned me a whole lot of work.

Y/n: "If think I have it bad imagine what she got" I said to no one in particular

Standing up from the desk I was doing homework on, I grabbed my phone which was only a couple of inches away from me and began going through my contacts. Today was a Friday which for many meant the start of the weekends, me included.

I had 4 contacts on my phone. My mom, My dad, Sera, and My sister who is away. It was kind of saddening when I really thought about how I only knew one person's number outside of family.

Realizing I haven't gotten any messages I put my phone away and begin walking away from the desk.

I was in my basement, I usually did homework here. It was comfortable but it didn't really have anything to gawk at.

Arriving at the staircase I turned off the lights to the basement and began walking upstairs.

Reaching the top of the stairs I make my way to the couch and lay there on my back.

You know it's kind of funny when she's not here it's sort of boring. Of course I won't tell her that, she'd never let me live it down

In an attempt to quench my boredom I grabbed the remote to the TV and turned on the TV. As I expected most of the shows airing at this time were just shows for kids and reruns of older shows.

Y/n: "At this point I might as well watch a YouTube video or something."

I Press the microphone button on the TV remote and request it to turn on YouTube. Once that was done I got up from the couch and gave myself a pretty good stretch, from there I walked to the kitchen in search of a snack.

Searching through the cabinets I see an opened bag of Doritos. These were Sera's chips, which didn't surprise me though she always leaves things in my house.

Y/n: "Mine now" I whisper to myself as I grab the open bag of chips.

Returning back to the couch I sluggishly lay back down, but not even a second later my doorbell starts to ring on repeat.

Y/n: "I'm coming!.....geez" I yelled getting back up from the couch annoyed.

Opening my door with force, I look up to see Sera with her finger on the doorbell.

Y/n: "What the actual fuck is wrong with you?"

Sera: "I was bored and I thought you were asleep."

Y/n: "So you just thought it was a great idea to spam my doorbell?"

Sera: "Oh come on you're happy to see me, just admit it."

Y/n: "Oh yeah?"

Sera: "Yep"

I then closed the door in her face, sadly I should have expected what happened next.

She begins to spam the doorbell just like she was doing before but faster this time.

Reopening the door I look at her to see this shit eating grin plastered on her face.

Y/n: *Sigh* "Yeah I don't know what I expected." I sigh in defeat.

Without saying anything she walks into my house with a huge smile on her face.

Just like every other time she comes here she drops everything by the door and jumps onto my couch.

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