Chapter VII (Part 2)

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A/n: "I had way too much fun writing this chapter."

The two girls in front of me blush, only making me confused. Without a moments delay, the two began to speak.

Sera/Claire: "She/I didn't say anything to me/her." As they spoke in sync, I stared at them dumbfounded.

'Were they....teaming up...against me..?'

Y/n: "Bullshit! Sera, If that's true then why were you so down yesterday!! And Claire you and her have been hating on each other ever since!"

Sera: "That's just a coincidence! Besides I was only down because I broke my phone!" She yelled, clearly lying

Claire: "Hating on each other? We've been the best of friends!"

A vein appears on my head.

Y/n: "Sera show me your phone" I said, extending my arm towards her.

Quickly Sera walks up to my front door and throws her phone outside. With a nervous and sad chuckle, she turns back.

Sera: "What phone?" She says, to which my eye twitches.

Claire quickly goes and hugs Sera.

Claire: "See we've always been friends!"


Y/n: "I can't believe you guys are willing to go this far to keep something away from me."

Sera/Claire: "Keep what from you???"

Hearing this, I went silent. Without a word, I take a step out my front door and into my driveway. Looking around, I notice Sera's phone on the ground.

'Now her phone really is broken....what a dumbass.'

Picking up her phone, I walked back into my house, their eyes on me the entire time.

Y/n: "Wow!! Look at this random phone I found!! I should destroy it!!"

Sera: "W-Wait!! Wouldn't it be better trying to find the owner!!"

Y/n: "Hmmm? Why? Wouldn't it be more fun if I put it under a hydraulic press and made sure it never operated again?"

To this, she sweated heavily. Since she wanted to bullshit me, I should return the favor.

Claire: "Ha!" Claire laughed, clearly trying to hold in.

Y/n: "Alexa! Call the police we have a stalker!!"

Alexa: "Calling!"

Claire: "Alexa stop!!"

Alexa: "No"

Claire: "Since when could you say that!?"

Y/n: "Hey Claire can you hear that? It sounds like jail!"

Claire: "It was just a joke! Come on you know me! I would never!"

Y/n: "Know you? Who are you again?"

Claire visibly flinches at this.

'What a weird girl.'

Y/n: "Alexa stop."

Alexa: "Ok"

Hearing this, Claire looks at me. Only to be pushed out of my house with Sera.

Sera: "What the hell?"

Y/n: "Since you two are such great friends, you both should hang out today."

Claire: "Wait--" She gets cut off as the door slams in her face.

Claire: "I didn't even get to finish." She said to no one in particular.

Sera: ".....Well since we are in the same situation...maybe we could...chill for a bit.."

Claire: "Didn't you want to kill me a second ago?"

Sera: "It's all in the past now! Besides you helped me back there."

Claire: "I was helping myself."

Sera: "Look I'm really trying here!!"

Claire: *Sigh* "Alright.....where to?"

Sera: "Oh! I know just the spot!!"

With that, Sera and Claire start to leave Y/n's house.

Y/n: "Wait that actually worked? They left and made up?"

Y/n says, looking out of his front door window. With a sigh, he backs away and walks upstairs, finally jumping onto his bed.

Y/n: "I'm too tired for this shit."

A/n: "First off, I'm sorry for the short chapter! I'll go back to the usual length after this one! Second! Sorry for no shout outs today. There are wayyyy to many now, and I don't really have the energy to do all of them. And finally I do want to thank all of those who said nice things about my really helped."

Also I don't know if any of you guys know what the King's game is? But when there are more characters I think I'd like to do a little side story on that

I won't discontinue it right now. So you can relax.

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