Chapter. VIII

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Sera: "Can you believe it? Like seriously who does that!?"

Sera was currently on the phone with Y/n, as she complained and complained about Claire. Apparently during their hangout, Claire up and left Sera in the middle of a restaurant, leaving her to pay the bill.

And of course, Sera decides to bother Y/n with a 40 minute phone call, because she has no one else to go to.

Y/n: "Listen....can we talk about this later?" Y/n spoke, clearly tired as fuck

Sera: "Absolutely not! You were the one who had me go with her!!"

Y/n: "No! You decided to hang with her! You both could have gone home anytime! Besides, who takes someone to a restaurant as a hangout spot?"

Sera: "It wasn't even like that!"

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: "Sera, I'm just trying to sleep. I promise I'll hear you out some other time."

Sera: "If you hang up this call I swear I'll come to your house and bother you some more."

Y/n: "Why do you have to be like that?"

Sera: "Because I like hearing you suffer."

Y/n: "Why do I still talk to you?" I facepalm

Sera: "Because you love talking to me."

Y/n: "Whatever you say."

After saying this, Y/n shifted his eyes up towards a window. It was currently bright out, and Y/n had recently been woken up. Much thanks to Sera.

Y/n currently laid on his incredibly comfy bed, not a single thought telling him to get up. Sadly he knew what Sera was going to ask next. And of course this was because he'd known her for so long.

Sera: "So you wanna do something today?"

Y/n groans especially loud, since Sera was on the phone with him.

Sera: "Stop being lazy all the time!! The council would not approve!"

Y/n: "The fuck is "The council"?"

Sera: "I forgot you're an Idiot."

A vein pops up on Y/n's head. With a simple tap of his finger, the phone call ends.

Quickly he turns off his ringer; It was obvious she was going to spam call him over and over again until he picked up. But she wouldn't be able to bother him if he couldn't hear anything.

Y/n: "Finally!"

With a big smile, Y/n cuddles up into his blankets, allowing his brain to forget all of his issues at the moment.


Hearing the noise, Y/n's eye twitched.

Y/n: "I swear to god..."

Reaching for his phone, Y/n quickly unlocks it and looks at his newly arrived text messages."

Sera: "I'm at your house. If you're not here in a minute I'll start spamming.

Irritated as all hell, Y/n calls the girl.

Sera: "Hello?"

Y/n: "How the fuck did you even get here so fast!?"

Sera: "I was standing outside your house, waiting for you to hang up."

Y/n: "Why!?"

Sera: "Obviously to freak you out a bit...did it work?"

With a loud groan, Y/n spoke with a clear annoyed tone.

Y/n: "I just want to sleep."

Sera sighs.

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