Chapter. XVII

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Sera was unable to move. Her gaze was firmly locked onto the table before her, unable to find the motivation to progress.

Claire's words lingered in her mind, and it was a painful sensation. It felt like her desperate attempts to remain in Y/n's life were nothing more than a way for her to cope with her loneliness.

An audible sigh escaped her as the once hot beverage on the table cooled with the passing of time.

'I'm so awful...' she thought, realizing Y/n was probably in danger, and yet she hadn't done anything about it. Not a single phone call to check if he was alright, not a flurry of texts like she usually did when she was bored. She only sat alone in the empty cafe, the classical music playing softly from the speakers.

The surface of the cold Hot Chocolate wobbled as a single tear dropped into the drink. To Sera's surprise, she hadn't even realized she was crying the whole time.

The small droplets of her tears slowly trickled down her cheeks as she slowly pushed the mug away from herself, before burying her face into her arms, in an effort to shut the world out.

Sera knew she'd never been the strong type. No matter how much she'd like to act that way, her feelings were easily hurt by even the simplest of jokes. But it seems even her front, wasn't strong enough to guard her feelings that'd been building up like a dam of water.

The cashier in the cafe, who had been periodically glancing at Sera, couldn't help but feel bad for her. At first they wanted to reach out and comfort her, maybe try and sneak her a free drink or something, but her aura made that more than difficult.

Eventually, their pity-filled gaze shifted to the TV above the cafe, where some news was being displayed.

Sera felt the world getting quieter and quieter, as if her sadness was taking away the sound. Until all that was left was silence. A void of nothingness that Sera had begun to embrace.

But then, a sudden buzz shook her arm, taking her attention away and snapping her back into reality. Looking around, she saw her phone flipped upside down and hesitantly reached for it.

When she opened her phone, she was surprised to see her mom's name on the caller ID. They never really got along, so if her mom was calling then it had to be important.

Sera took a deep breath, slapping her cheeks and rubbing the tears from her face before clearing her throat. She tapped the screen of her phone, expanding the caller contact to take up the whole display. Gently placing it to her ear, she croaked out a quiet,

Sera: "Mom? Did you need something?" Due to Sera's incredibly hoarse voice and almost whisper-like manner of speaking, Sera's mother could tell she had been crying a lot.

Mom: "Oh Thank God! I thought something happened to you!"

Sera: "What do you mean!?" Suddenly, Sera's voice came back.

Mom: "Haven't you seen the news? Y/n was caught in a car accident!"

Sera: "..." Sera didn't utter another word, and the phone gradually faded into silence. She was neither shocked nor anxious. All she felt was disgust at her own actions. Somewhere along the line, Sera started to doubt if she had any right to be by Y/n's side, especially since she'd taken advantage of him all those years ago.

Sera could still hear some shuffling from her mother, but she chose to ignore it. She used this moment to take a few deep breaths and push away all of the emotions that were bubbling up inside her. If Claire were to get what she wanted, then maybe everything would go back to how it had been before.

Mom: "Sera...? Are you okay?"

Sera: "Yeah...I'm fine. So how bad was the injury?" There was a noticeable change in Sera's energy level. It was as if she didn't care about what her mother had to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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