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"You ready for the race tonight?" My boss Mickey gestured to me after finishing up the new isle of parts we had come in.
"Is that even a question?!" I beamed a bright smile from behind the service counter. Garry was a good guy, mid 50s and a good friend. He always treated me like another one of his nieces and it was really neat that he supported street racing.
"Well you know my moneys on you if your in tonight."
"Actually, I'm passing this one up tonight."
"Really? You, miss out on chance to one up Dom. I'm surprised."
I beamed another bright smile. I did quiet enjoy giving Dom a run for his money during the races. I held a streak of 13 wins in races where Dom wasn't included.
"Babies in the shop." I added with a shrug. I had two babies of mine that Dom helped me find and restore. My first was a 72 Corvette and my second was a 68 Mustang. I still had the dream of getting a Firebird something late 60's or early 70s. I really love my classic American muscle. I never raced the Vette really because I can not take the risk of damaging him. My Mustang however, is more of my statement piece. I don't care if he gets dented or messy its worth it when we cross that finish line.
"Well tell Dom I wish him the best. Mia too now if you see her."
"Sure thing Mickey." I smiled as he took some remaining parts to the next isle while I got ready to clock out for my shift.
Thankfully, with the race tonight, I didn't have to work on the bar side. I free to have an evening to relax a bit and enjoy time with the gang.
"Arent you looking bomb tonight?" Mia raised her brows and gave a bright smile when she entered into my small bedroom.
"Thanks." I gave her a confident smile as I blew a kiss to her. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I don't remember you owning that?" she inquired while taking a longer look at my full leather outfit. I had on black leather pants with a matching, fitted, leather crop top. I also had black boots, a few metal rings, and black stud earrings.
"Want to also bet I won't make it out the door without getting some comment or look from Dom?" I added as I pressed my lips together and resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"Ah yes well that's the thing big brother already headed out to the track."
"Yes." I cheered thankfully as I tossed both hands up to the heavens.
Mia chuckled, "And we better get down there before we are late."
With that we each took our car and headed down the street to where the race would soon begin. The track wasn't really a track. Just a random blocked off road that people could drive on when the timing was right and the cops were vacant.
Riding up in my Corvette I parked it right next to Letty's car. I ignored the looks and whistles that occurred when I emerged from my vehicle. These guys had a lot of nerve to cat-call at a girl that rode with Dominic Toretto. He ran this town. Letty was just getting out of her vehicle when I arrived. I tried waving at her when I came over but she didn't notice me at first. Her eyes were locked on Dominic and two blonde biddies, to put it in a civil way, but Letty wasn't civil. She gave me a quick glance and proceeded  maneuver through the crowd. I marched my way over to her quickly. Her face morphed into a scowl, I could see her jaw lock. I was pretty furious myself. He gave Mia and I a lot of crap if we associated with any guy and would kill anyone that put their hands on Letty. Least he'd tried to kill them. Letty would most likely intervene and calm him down or she'd kick the crap out of the guy herself.
She nodded her head towards me before strutting over to them. I immediately followed by her side, my arms crossed over my chest. Dom had his hands comfortably placed around the girls waists as we came up them.
Letty gave out a territorial sound something between a meow and a hiss.
"I smell." She stopped a moment to sniff the air, "Skanks."
The girls faces held a mix of irritation and intimidation.
"Why don't you girls pack it up before I leave tread marks on your face."
The skanks exchanged quick glances before scurrying away in their mini skirts and stilettos.
"Letty we were just talking." Dom tried to soothe the situation but she wasn't having it. She held up a hand to him as she strode away. He was lucky she didn't serve him up a finger.
I shook my head disapprovingly which seemed to catch his attention as he glanced my way for a moment before letting out a frustrated exhale. As I moved to walk past him I couldn't help but notice a random pair of eyes looking me up and down. The guy smiled as his eyes trailed over my top and bottom. I glanced back at Dom to see if he was watching before shooting the a wink and seductive smile towards the guy. I could feel his eyes all over my ass as I moved slowly past him, giving Dom enough time to take it all in. Sure enough he was watching every second. He took a few steps towards me and grabbed ahold of my forearm firmly jerking me back around to face him.
"What the hell are you doing?" He grumbled deeply, his jawline was clinched tight. "Double standard Dom." I spat while gritting my teeth. His gaze turned to the guy that had been eyeing me for a moment, the guy immediately retreated into the crowd. I rolled my eyes, why did he have to be so possessive. I jerked my arm out of his grasp and proceeded to walk away but he wasn't having it. He came next to me and threw an arm over my shoulder and chest, pulling me back towards his side. I resisted the urge to fight back, at least for the moment. When we caught back up to Letty she gave him an annoyed expression. He quickly put an arm around her waist and whispered something in her ear. Probably I love you or something of the sort. She seemed to relax a little bit but I was still angry that he could screw with whoever but if I attempt to flirt I'm scolded like I'm some little kid. Thankfully, Mia arrived and came over to us. He took his arm off of me to hug her and kiss her cheek. I took great advantage of the freedom and quickly distanced myself from Dom and over to Mia. I grabbed her hand and drug her over to the side of the starting line.
"What was that about?" she raised a brow knowing very well I was pissed about something. "Nothing, I'll tell you later." I kept staring straight because I knew I'd start venting about Dom if I looked right at her. Like a true sister, she could read me well and I could always read her. It came in handy at times and was kind of annoying at other times.

The Quarter Mile (Fast and Furious)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz