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"Where have you been?!" Mia cried out as my car entered the driveway. She burst through the front door in a panic; tackling me in a hug,
"I thought the cops took you." She gasped in relief.
"They did." I pulled away from her hug
"What?!" Her eyes widened largely, "What did they want?"
"They wanted to know where Dominic is Mia, what do you think they wanted?" I pushed past her and walked into the house. I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet of hard liquor. Pouring some Jack Daniels in a glass, I tossed two shots back. "So they just let go?"
"Wouldn't be here if they didn't." I witted before pouring another glass.
"Charlie talk to me! What happened in?"
"Ive been under interrogation for the last five hours Mia. They asked the same damn questions over and over. Then they threatened to come after you...."
Her mouth went agape before she bite down on her bottom lip, "I'm sorry Charlie. I just-. Will they come-."
"Mia don't worry they won't bother us again." I looked down at my glass and swirled the drink around as I spoke.
"Why not?"
"Because we have Brians word." I snorted slightly before popping back the second glass not hesitating to pour a third for myself and one for Mia.
"Brian was there?" She looked surprised but I wasn't. Just my luck to have to be tormented by that bastard twice. I nodded as I gave her her drink. She sipped on hers as I tossed back my third. Dragging her finger tip around the rim of the glass she chewed on her bottom lip before asking, "What did he say?"
"That they'll catch Dom."
She furrowed her brows immediately, "Good luck finding him."
"Thats what I said. He also said that he cares and doesn't want me in the middle of any of this."
"What'd you tell him?"
"In summary, that he can kiss my ass and that I'm not buying into his shit."
"Do you believe what he says? That the cops won't came after us anymore."
"I don't want to believe anything he says but I made it clear that there will be hell to be pay if they do so.... I think he'll take my advice."
Mia nodded a few times before finishing the rest of her drink. I poured her a second and myself a fourth before we both turned in to bed that night.
Four Days later Dominic finally came home for this time. At least as real as it could be for him being a wanted man. It didn't take me a second to hear the recognizable sound of Doms car driving. I ran from the kitchen, where I'd been washing dishes, and too the front door. He was already there when I opened it, "You came back!" I smiled with tears in my eyes as I threw my arms around his neck. He gave a chuckle as he held me tight. "Of course I came back. Where's Mia." She's fine. She's safe she went out of town to see Leon a few days. I told her it would be best if we were separated in case the cops came back."
"They came after you?" His jawed hardened a bit as he gazed over my face.
I nodded rapidly, "Almost a week ago. They wanted to know where you were. They threatened to go after Mia if I didn't tell them. That's why I sent her away." That argument between her and I took place the day after my integration, thankfully she caved in the end and agreed to go stay with Leon. It was better off for us to be divided at the moment. She was right I didn't give a damn about what Brian promised. The only guarantees I trusted were my own.
"You should be there too." He held my face in between his hands and slowly brushed away the joyful tears off my cheeks.
"No. I'm staying here to help you."
"Charlie, we talked about this." His tone went from sweet to serious.
"Dom I'm staying and you can't make me go."
"I wont fight with you on this Charlie."
"Well that's a damn shame then because I don't plan on leaving without a fight." I crossed my arms over my chest firmly and narrowed my gaze at him. His jaw hardened more as he looked away and shook his head.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He gestured towards me before running a hand over his face.
"Because it's in my blood! Passeio ou morrer!" I shouted in my native tongue.
"Eu não fiz esse voto para que você pudesse jogar sua vida fora! Loyalty doesn't mean throwing your away as if it's nothing."
"Yes it does Dom! Life is the only true test of loyalty. Pessoas leais são as preparadas para sangrar." I quickly lifted the hem of my loose fitting Harley Davidson t-shirt revealing the scarred bullet holes of my right side. I took them when we were attempting to flee the country. We tried Mexico first but too many people there new about the bounty on our heads. One of the hunters left me these.
"I'm not ashamed of these scars! You shouldn't be either." His eyes averted away from my body when I revealed the wounds. The topic was very sensitive for him especially when it first happened.
"I'm not letting you do this yourself." I lowered my shirt and placed my hand on his chest, "Please don't push me away like you did with Letty." His warm brown eyes reconnected with mine as he looked at me tenderly once again, "Charlie." He cupped my cheek with his hand. I leaned my head towards his touch as he stroked my cheek with his thumb; his face hovering directly over mine. I saw his eyes avert from mine and to my lips before returning to look at me directly,
"I wasn't planning on going rogue, Angel."
"Then why won't you let me help?!" I stamped my foot firmly on the ground in a pouting manner.
"Because I can't loose you in the process!" He gripped ahold of my upper arms tightly as spoke. It was the first time I ever saw fear flash through Dominics eyes.
"We're safer together than we are apart Dominic. Don't you ever wanted what would have happened instead....if we had all stayed together instead of running away from each other? Because I think about every day."
My voice came out broken and shaky as I spoke through my gritted teeth, "Thats the kind of loss I don't want to risk again. A loss that I can't handle anymore Dom. Think about what you're saying when you ask me stay away...."
I was quite for a few moments as he stood silent his gaze averting from me. Eventually he turned completely around and looked out towards the road and neighborhood. I bit my bottom lip lightly in disappointment. I wiped away the remaining tears and running mascara off of each cheek before turning around to go back inside. My heart was to shattered to erupt anymore in front of him.
"Alright Angel." I heard him say as I slowly opened up the screen door. I turned back around to face him.
He turned around also and gave a half smile, "You win." I wave of excitement and joy flooded towards me. I immediately engulfed Dom in a hug a beaming smile spread across my lips as he chuckled and held me tight.
"But stay close." He pointed a finger at me in a warning manner.
"One wrong move and I send you packing. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to bring Letty back, are you?"
"Always." I smiled brighter and stood up on my toes in order to give him a kiss on the cheek. Hi eyes starred into mine intently. An odd feeling came over me when Dom smiled at me. Smiled in a way I wasn't used to or familiar with. His eyes looked from mine and too my lips again.
"I'm going to go call Mia." I said suddenly with a light smile, breaking the connection between the two of us.
"Go idea, make sure she stays in Phoenix until this is over. We don't know what we'll be getting in to." I nodded and quickly rushed inside to call her.
After my call with Mia, Dom gave me a synopsis on how he planned on infiltrating Bragas organization. He didn't have details on how but explained his goals. Braga was the only one with ties to Letty's mysterious death and disappearance. If we got in we could not only find out how and who killed Letty but break his mob down from the inside. Braga controlled many towns and people on fear and intimidation. His drug deals, weapons imports and exotic clubs fueled a variety of major clientele. We needed to get on the inside and make either a big bust or an even bigger pay off.
Hello Everyone!! I'm including a translation below. Note I don't speak Portuguese; I am using a translator app my apologies for any mistakes that occur in translation. I truly wish I spoke the language and have goals on learning multiples. Comment your opinions on this chapter please!! I wanted to really draw out the conversation here to emphasize the emotions and connections. Should Charlie speak more in Portuguese throughout the story?
Exciting things happening in the next two or three chapters!! Stay tuned!
-Nyx 🤍🖤
Passeio ou morrer! - Ride or Die!

Eu não fiz esse voto para que você pudesse jogar sua vida fora - I didn't make this vow so you could throw your life away

Pessoas leais são as preparadas para sangrar - Loyal people are those prepared to bleed.

The Quarter Mile (Fast and Furious)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora