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I woke up the next morning and could hear the sound of Mia and Doms voices.
"Brian." I said and sat up while pulling the covers over my chest.
"Brian get up."
"What what is it?" He sat up immediately.
"Mia and Dom are outside they don't know I came here last night."
"Ah geez." Brian said as a knock came out the door.
"Brian get up!" Mia shouted urgently from outside.
He got out bed and tried to quickly pull on his jeans. I quickly got up and got dressed myself.
"Yeah. Hold on a second."
"Doms going to kill you." I whispered teasingly to him. I could see the slight nervousness in his eyes, "Thanks for the confidence." He said sarcastically before opening the door.
"Brian,Charlies-." Mia began in a slight panicked tone but soon saw me as I peeked my head past Brian.
"Oh thank goodness." She laid a hand on her chest in relief.
"So this is where you went." Dom said with a slight smirk as I stood next to Brian.
I bit my lip nervously, "Yeah sorry."
He eyed Brian up and down more intensely and Brian immediately lifted both his hands in the air.
"Hey, Dom I swear she came to me alright. You know she just barged in and didn't give me any option."
I gasped immediately taking my arm and swinging it firmly into his stomach.
He started chuckling as I swung my arm back again
and Dom gave a slight smile.
"Your such a shitty liar Brian." Mia crossed her arms and shook her head a few times.
Dom smirked slightly before giving me a once over,
"I don't know he might be telling the truth on this one."
I gasped and stepped forward defensively but Brian wrapped both his arms around my waist. Stopping me from slapping Dom firmly across the face.
"Good luck reeling back that fire of hers O'Conner."
Brian smiled and squeezed me a bit tighter before planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Yeah she's really something isnt she." I crossed my arms over my chest disapprovingly.
"Just remember to watch those hands O'Connor."
"Yeah." I scolded Brian by elbowing him in the stomach his hands had moved from being crossed over my waist to firmly gripping ahold of my hips.
He smiled at me before looking back up at Dom, "Yes sir."
"Okay you guys enough messing around. We've got a flight to catch." Mia finally butted in and pulled me out of Brians grip.
"She's right we need to get a move."
"So go put a shirt on Buster. If you aren't ready in five your getting left."
Dom and Brian both looked surprised by her boldness.
"Yes ma'am." Brian said with a smile before glancing me up and down.
I smiled at him lightly before turning to follow Mia who was continuing to pull on my arm. We got changed and set out for the flight to Brazil.
After we landed we took a bus to the outside of the city center and made our way up to one of the small mountain towns outside of Rio.
As we climbed the mountain over a dozen men came out of their houses with loaded guns. Brian and Dom immediately pushed Mia and I behind them.
"Espere! Espere! Hold on!" Vinces voice rangout as he came down from one of the buildings, "They are with me."
"Nice welcome party." I nodded towards Vince and he gave a smile. He came closer to us and immediately gave him a hug and so did Mia.
"See the busters still around." He nodded towards Brian. He still had an arm around my waist when he said it too.
"I wouldn't be manhandling the busters girl." Dom smirked slightly before continuing up the stairs with Mia. Vince looked confused for a minute but got the message as Brian came up and put arm around my shoulders. Vince grunted slightly.
"You better not hurt her."
"You know I wouldn't." Brian said sincerely but Vince didn't seem impressed. We went upstairs and to a higher level of the village where we met Vinces wife Rosa and his son Nico. Rosa made us all a large meal and we were able to talk about old times with Vince.
"Motherhood looks good on you." Brian smiled as he brought the last few dishes into the kitchen where I was holding Nico.
"You think so?" I smiled softly as I continued to cradle the little boy in my arms. He was getting sleepy.
"He's so tired." I nodded to Rosa and she smiled sweetly.
"It's definitely past his bed time." She added on with a small smile as she stroked his head.
"Then I suppose I should say goodnight." I said while looking down at Nico tenderly. I passed him over to Rosa who took him back into his room.
"Do you want to have kids someday?" I asked him as I went over to the sink and started doing the dishes.
"Depends." He paused for a moment. I looked up from the sink and waited for him to continue.
"If you plan on having some, Id consider it." I shook my head at his smirk and continued washing the plates in front of me. He moved over behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my shoulder lightly. I couldn't help but smile. My cheeks turning slightly flushed.
"You know I'd follow you anywhere."
I nodded. He brushed my hair over to one side and kissed my neck slowly.
"You know, I never really thought about having kids."
"Why's that?"
"Well for one," I began as I wiped the remaining water of my hand and turned around to face him, "I never thought I'd find anybody decent to have them with and now with us being fugitives. I couldn't ever bring a child into a life like this. It's to dangerous."
"We'll make it out."
"I dont know yet but whatever happens we've always got each other." I smiled softly as he caressed my cheek.
"You guys should come hear this." Dom nodded towards as he came into the kitchen suddenly, "Vin has a idea for a job. Be a good pay day for all of us."
We took no hesitation and went into the living room to hear Vins offer. Some cars were be transferred over the boarder. Expensive ones. They would make a quick sale in Rio we just had to get ahold of them. We made a plan and all agreed to head out in the morning maybe our luck was finally starting to turn around.
Third person pov:
Everyone agreed on a plan to get the cars but the risks were always. Anything could happen but they couldn't turn down such a large cut. After discussing the plan everyone laid down for the rest of the night. Mia fell asleep on small cot that was placed behind the couch that Brian was sitting on. Charlie was laying across it and fell asleep in Brians arms. Dom went out to get some supplies and make sure the area was clear before turning in himself. Vince and Brian waited for him to return. The guys were more concerned about the girls than anything. Vince sat across from Brian and watched Charlie sleeping soundly against his chest. He found purpose and life in his wife and son but there was always a part  of him that would have love for Charlie and Mia. He would never stop being protective of them and new they deserved better. He had some remaining bitterness towards Brian and his lies. He knew how much it screwed up his family causing them to now remain in exile and now Letty was gone too. He didn't want that for them. For Dom. Mia. For Charlie. He loved them too much.
"You know she deserves better." Vince called out slightly begrudgingly before taking a sip of his beer.
"She doesn't deserve to be in a life like this. She deserves to be happy."
"She is happy." Brian replied back emotionless. He was trying hard to not give into Vinces game.
"Bullshit she is." Vince mumbled.
"What's your problem with me Vince?"
"My problem?" Vince scoffed in reply, "You're the reason that we're all stuck out here. The reason none of us can go back to our old lives. Lettys dead now. That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't put a target on Doms back."
"That's where your wrong. He already had that target on his back. I let him go and I lost my job for that."
"Boo hoo. You had to give up a suit and tie and face the real world.
"Look man." Brian gestured towards him firmly. He didn't want Charlie to wake up and hear them.
"I more respect for Dom than anyone. I left that life because it wasn't me. I owed Dom my life because he showed me who I am. I know I screwed up and I spend every day trying to undo it."
"She doesn't deserve you." Vince grumbled once again but deeper this time.
"And you don't think I know that? I never said I did deserve her. I just vowed to protect her."
"And a fine job you're doing at that." Vince sneered sarcastically before taking a final drink. Brian took a deep breath. He could his temper flaring. Thankfully Dom came in.
"Vince I think you should know better than anyone that Cock fighting is illegal in Brazil." He spoke cooly and set down a bag of supplies on the floor.
"Just catching up boss."
"Right well you might want to go and catch up on time with your wife and kid because you never know when it'll be the last time that you see them."
Vince gave him a nod and reluctantly got up from his seat and went into his bedroom to rest.
"Are we all clear?" Brian asked curiously to Dom.
"As we'll ever be for the moment. You need to get some rest O'Conner."
"I'm alright." He nodded lightly.
"Listen to me Brian I don't care what Vince or anyone else may say...your good for Charlie and she's good for you."
"I appreciate that Dom but."
"No buts. You screwed up in the past and that's exactly what it is. History. The only person I trust her life with other than myself is you. I know you'll take good care of her. I've seen it. It's because you love her."
Brian nodded his head and glanced down to Charlie who remained peacefully asleep.
"More than anything."
"Good answer." Dom smiled, "Now get rest. We all need to be on our A game tomorrow."
"You got." Brian said as Dom went outside to the front porch. Brian leaned forward and kissed Charlie on her forehead before allowing himself to finally fall asleep. A smile spread over Charlies lips as she was happy to hear Doms approval and to know how much Brian loved her. It was all a new experience and no matter how far they had to run. She was happy to have Brian at her side.

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