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Hey so a quick note the first part will be a third person POV of Brian and Dom talking in garage then will switch back to Charlie perspective. Enjoy- Nyx 🤍🖤
"You know you should really tell her how you feel." Dom suggested to Brian after a few moments of beginning work on the engine of Brians car. Brian had repeatedly looked out of the garage into the window of the house where he could see Charlie standing in the kitchen.
Brian looked up at Dom with slight surprise before letting out a long exhale,
"I've tried, she wants nothing to do with me and I don't blame her."
Dom smirked, You think you have her all figured out don't you?"
"Is there something I'm missing?"
"Charlies not as cut and dry as she seems. She's stubborn for sure but only because she's been through a lot. The key thing about her O'Conor is she doesn't take loss well. She doesn't like change. She doesn't like letting people in because she doesn't want to face the potential idea that they could leave her one day."
"How was she able to trust you guys so easily?"
"She didn't." Dom shook his head a few times before heading over to the small fridge. He pulled out two Corona beers and gave one to Brian.
As he came back over towards the car he continued, "But that's because I never gave her a reason to doubt. None of us did."
"And she learned that you guys wouldn't leave her." Brian finished off after taking a sip of his beer. "So was I wrong for leaving back then?"
"Hell no." Dom replied instantly and took another drink.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Well because," Dom began leaning forward and pointed at Brian, "I'd have killed you if you did. There was no way in hell I'd have let you stick around back then especially after what you did to her."
Brian gave a slight chuckle and smiled, "Fair enough." He looked back up at the house again and could see Charlie washing dishes from the kitchen window.
"So Why are trusting me now?" Dom gave a slight shrug, "Because she needs somebody. Someone other than me that will look after her. I don't know how any of this going to end or what might happen to any of us in the future.....you care about her right?"
"Of course. I haven't been able to get her out my mind for the past four years."
Dom smirked again, "That's good. I can tell you genuinely care about her whether she wants to believe and accept it or not."
"Do you think she'll ever forgive me?"
"Maybe in time but if she doesn't; then I want you to promise me that you'll look after her anyways.
Brian gave a firm nod, "I promise." Inside he was full of shock and confusion.
"I'm not going to be around forever. I want to know she's taken care of."
"Ill do my best but right now she hates me. Where do I go from here with her?"
"Just don't give her any reason to doubt you and you'll be fine. You said a lots changed in these past years....it's time that you make a choice of what you want."
Brians mind began to race. His mind was full of memories and commitments. He fell in love with Charlie on the investigation those four years back. He broke rules by starting a relationship with her and end the end broke her heart and the entire security of the team. He wasn't denying the huge part he played in wrecking havoc in their lives. He still had many amends to make and if he was going to choose Charlie over everything, he had to be honest about everything in his own past. After a few minutes of thinking he left the garage and went up into the house.
I gave a deep exhale as I entered the house. I pressed my back against the door and bit my bottom lip hard. As my teeth dug into my lip a few small tears dripped down my cheeks. I didn't know what to think or feel right now. My head was spinning and it felt like there was a fight happening in my very soul. Everything within me was screaming to not trust Brian again but Doms soft words and warm eyes kept radiating through my mind. I could see the truth in his eyes when he spoke to me. I had known Dom well enough to tell when he was lying to me and he wasn't in this moment; though I wished he had been. The thought of me observing Doms eyes lead my mind to think of Brians. The anxious, pained and, at times, longing glances I had caught since he'd been here mixed with the warm and bright ones he gave me years ago. I didn't want to think about his eyes or anything to do with. I didn't want to think about him wanting me in anyway. I just wanted to be broken and by myself. I didn't need help stitching things back together. I've done it before and just want to forget everything. Why couldn't people just leave me alone! I pushed my hair back behind my shoulders and frantically began scrubbing away at dishes in the sink. Putting myself to work was, usually, a way I could block out uncomfortable thoughts and circumstances. However, it wasn't fully working tonight. I washed and dried my hands a few times in between scrubs. I wiped away any tears that fell with the back of my hand. Just when I finally started to pull myself together the back door opened up. I heard the sound of steps and immediately gulped down the wave of pain and anxiety that swept over me when I saw Brians figure move into my peripheral vision.
"Charlie." He said after a few moments of silence. I shook my head a few times over the, now, empty sink as I washed and dried my hands for the final time.
"Just go away Brian." I said quietly and quickly as I turned and began to walk out of the kitchen and towards the living room, my only desire to retreat upstairs to my room and cry myself to sleep. I felt his hand suddenly grasp my forearm. He turned me around to face him and moved his body in front of me blocking me from retreating. My lower back pressed against the kitchen counter as I gazed into Brians ocean shaded eyes. They flickered over my face frantically for a few short seconds; he looked desperate. I expected him to say something to me something, to apologize again for everything that happened. I didn't have the energy for another argument. After gazing me up and down he quickly cupped my face with both his hands, his lips planting firmly on top of mine. A wave of shock and pain swept through me as two tears rolled down my cheeks but he didn't back away. My hands pushed against his chest lightly before gripping ahold of the counter behind me. He only deepened the kiss and maneuvered himself in between my legs, his hand stroking up the outer edge of my thigh. A second wave of shock swept through my mind when the tension in my body began to slowly release and I found myself kissing him back. My hands moved from clutching the countertop, upwards and around his neck. I could feel a small smile form on his lips when I began to return the kiss. Warmth began to spread over my body and I could feel my pulse quicken but not in an anxious way. Though some part of my body was still aching from the years of cold heartedness and neglect. The kiss progressed from something firm to desperate and lustful. My nails dug slightly into his shoulders while his hands went under my thighs as he lifted me up onto the kitchen counter. He kissed me more urgently while moving his hand to my exposed hips. His thumbs stroked over the curves of my hips. My nails dug into his shoulders a bit more at the warmth and familiarity of his touch. I gave a slight, breathless, gasp as he pulled away to look at me. Two more tears fell from my eyes as he looked over me intensely. His thumbs wiped away the tears as they fell, "I never should've left you. He apologized once more while pressing his forehead against mine for a moment, "I never should have lied to you. I never wanted to lie too. And I promise I never lied about how I felt about you." I could see the genuineness in his eyes. It wasn't as if I never noticed the remorse he had before my heart just didn't want to accept it. It was about accepting or coming to terms with the fact that Brian still loved me; that he had actually loved me. It was admitting that I was in love with him as well.
"I know." I said lightly allowing him to step in closer towards me.
"I promise Ill make it up too. No matter what I have to do." I gave a soft smile at his words.
"I promise we'll find out what happened to Letty. And I promise that Dom will be safe. That he won't go back to prison. He'll be free. You all will."
"I know.....I believe you." A relieved smile came across his lips. He took my hands in his and raised both of them up to kiss them.
I gave a bright smile, "You better go help Dom finish so you guys are ready for tomorrow."
He gave a slight smirk, "I think he can handle the rest of it." I bit my bottom lip lightly and smiled, "Well whether he likes to admit or not, he does need your help."
"Doms a good guy." He turned his attention to the back door where he came.
"And he has a lot of faith in you." He turned back around to face me. He tilted his head to the side lightly and nodded towards me, "What about you?"
I scrunched up my face lightly before producing a wide smile, "I'm starting to get won over."
He smiled and leaned in and kissed me once more. I pushed against his chest before he could kiss me to much longer.
"I need to go and so do you." I said firmly pushing him back far away enough for me to hop down off the counter. He watched me intently as I circled around him and went upstairs to my bedroom. I gave a soft smile before walking through the living room door. He gave a wink which caused me to blush slightly as I went through the door.
Hope y'all enjoyed it!!
Thank you for all the votes and reads so far!
So excited to continue progressing through each ACT. I'll give updates on date for my surgery. I have some summer classes starting on the 28th of June. This will be a busy summer for me.
-Nyx 🤍🖤

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