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This chapter is a third-person pov conversation after Charlie left the garage
"I'll be back in an hour." Dominic told the rest of his team after Charlie ran out of the garage in a fury of anger and tears. Everyone in the room was dead silent. Leons eyes filled with surprise as Dominic headed out of the garage emotionlessly.  Vince sat silently his face and mind were blank as he continued processing the events that just occurred. Jesse looked around the room awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck; his ADHD preventing him from remaining unresponsive. Letty was the only who didn't remain passive over everything that was just said in the room. Her face began to harden as Dom moved past her, tossing the bag of tools over his shoulder.
"Where are you going?" She questioned unbelievably, as Dom opened the door of his 93 Mazda RX.
"I'll back in a little while. Just hold down the fort while I'm gone."
"No!" She shouted and stopped her foot simultaneously. She couldn't believe how quickly dismissive he was.
Dom gave her a stern expression.
"Dom you need to go after her." Letty pointed at him while she spoke. Letty rarely felt worried or scared and her eyes were full of both.
"I'm not." Dom replied calmly and firmly.
"How can you be such an asswhole?!"
"I'm the asshole?"
"Yeah you are! She's right Dom. You treat her like shit! After everything thing she's done for this team, things she's done to try and please you; you throw her aside just like that!"
Dom face hardened as he approached Letty and took her by the upper arm, "We're not having this conversation now. I never told her to leave town."
"Shit Dom. I can't believe you." Letty shook her head..
"How could say that to her huh?!" She lunged forward and shoved him in the chest
"What else was I supposed to do?!" He bellowed getting face to face with her.
"Not make her feel like a damn hore Dom. Gosh, screw you man! You know that shit ain't true!"
"She knows better." Dom spat back coldly.
"Yeah, then to ever trust or give a crap about you again. Why should she stay now huh? Why should ever think that you give a shit about her after this? Do you even give a shit about her?!"
"Of course I care about her! I'm trying to protect her."
"No, you're trying to possess her Dom. She isn't your property. Neither am I and neither is Mia. I know you care about her. Not in the way you care about me but it's special."
"Letty you know I love you." He affirmed looking into her brown eyes with his own.
"I know." She began calmly lightly stroking Doms cheek with her hand, "But you love Charlie too. I know you don't want her to leave; Dom if you don't go after her she may never come back......"
"What about Spilner?" Dom added quickly glancing away from Letty before resuming eye contact.
"What about Brian?" She gave a light scoff, "Are you that upset that she connected with him, alright, that he wants to be with her? Doesn't she deserve to be happy too?" Dom remained silent a few moments,
"Hell you brought him into the group Dom. You like him and trust him I know you do otherwise he wouldn't be with us."
"Not anymore."
"Dom, come on and Cut the shit. He isn't a bad guy."
"I don't want him hanging around her or Mia."
"Thats not your decision to make. You may lead us but you don't own us Dom. Now I'm going to Call Mia and see if Charlie came by the house."
He nodded lightly and Letty gave him a slight kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.
"What are you morons waiting for get your asses on the street."
Dom smirked at Lettys command and nodded towards Jesse and Leon who immediately went to their vehicles and began scouring the town.
The call to Mia was unsuccessful. Charlie was officially declared MIA after she wasn't found to be at Mickeys or the Torettos. Brian arrived back just in time to discover that Charlie was missing.
"I knew this would happen." Letty stomped as she paced up and down the garage floor. Dom, Jesse, Leon and Mia were all out on the hunt for Charlie while Vince and Letty remained at the garage. It ate away at Letty's core to not be out with everyone else searching for Charlie but Dom wanted someone back at base in case Charlie did comeback and for when Brian got back as well.
A car engine reviving caught Letty's attention as she ran to the front of the garage. Vince sat quietly in a corner cleaning his pistol. Letty's eyes widened a bit as Brian came up with a confused expression.
"What did Dom and them bail? Thought these cars had to be ready by tonight?"
Vince gave a snort from his spot in the corner. Brian glanced over at him for a moment then turned his attention back to Letty. Her brown eyes fell to the floor and then averted to one of the project cars up on the lift as she tried to figure out how to explain to Brian everything that happened. At the sight of her dismal face Brians own intuition was going off now as his eyes scanned over Letty's face, attempting to decipher what was wrong.
"What happened?" He asked in calm tone as Letty glanced back towards Vince for a second.
"Charlies gone Brian." Her voice was low and stern.
"What do you mean she's gone, what happened?" He tilted his head curiously an anxiety slowly began rising within in.
"Dom and her got into a fight earlier, about half an hour after you left. She sped off afterwards and we haven't been able to find her."
Brians chest began to heave as his pulse quickened and his mind began to race, "A fight about what? What did he say to her that would make her run off like?"
Letty rolled her eyes, "Oh cone on Put two and two together Spilner. Do you really need me to spell it out for you?"

He found out about y'all's "night out." Vince suddenly cut in cocking his gun confidently, "What the hell do you think he said to her?"
"Son of a bitch." Brian cursed underneath his breath as he drug a hand over his jaw.
"She isn't with Mia?"
"No, she hasn't contacted anybody. Mia's out looking with the guys right now."
"So what are y'all doing just standing around here?!" He nodded towards Vince who glared back who rested his gun over his left shoulder.
"We were waiting to see if Charlie would come back. And to give you a heads up of course." Letty soothed her voice being as soft as it could.
Vince pipped in with his condescending tone, "Yeah, and none of this shit would have happened if you'd stayed away from Charlie in the first place."
"Get off my ass Vince." Brian pointed at him before heading back over towards his car.
"Not till you get off Charlies." Brians jaw clenched as he continued towards his car, resisting the urge to confront Vince.
"You really think Dom was going to let you be with her? You ain't worth shit to him or Charlie!"
"Vince!" Letty called out furiously but he ignored her and continued to approach Brian.
"Man I told you to stay off my ass." Brian quickly turned around and shoved Vince backwards. Vince grabbed ahold of Brian and threw him down into the dirt.
"Shit!" Letty mumbled to herself before yelling out to both guys who were punching and rolling around in the dusty red street....again. Brian sat up for a moment punching Vince firmly in the jaw. Vince exchanged by kicking Brians legs out from underneath him. As Brian fell to the ground Vince reached for his shotgun by the side of the garage.
"Hey!" Doms booming voice suddenly called out as he and Jesse pulled up and ran over to the squabble. Dom reached down and jerked Vince off the ground.
"I'm not going to keep dealing with this shit man!" Dom yelled as he forcibly shoved Vince backwards a few times.
"He started it." Vince huffed out as he caught his breathe.
"Thats BS!" Brian defended himself immediately, "I didn't start nothing until he came after me and Charlie."
Vince opened his mouth to speak but Dom immediately butted in,
"Shut your damn mouth and go back to the house! I'm done defending you! I ought to kick your ass myself!"
Vince looked surprised at first but then began sneering at Brian as he slowly walked away. He spat some blood on the ground and carried his gun back into the garage.
"Jesse!" Dom yelled at Jesse who immediately jumped, "Call Mia and Leon and see if they found anything."
Jesse nodded and jogged towards the garage. Letty looked between Dom and Brian before turning to follow Jesse inside.
"Man what did you say to her Dom?!" Brian breathed heavily and, mistakenly, shoved Dom in the shoulder.
"Hey, it doesn't matter what I said." Dom got immediately in Brians face, " You're lucky I didn't let your ass get kicked, just now."
"I know how to hold my own," Brian spat back slowly, "What'd you say to Charlie?!" He grabbed ahold of Doms shirt. Dom swiftly whipped around and slammed Brian against the outer wall of the garage.
"Dom!" Letty shouted in shock.
Dominic hard expression didn't change but his gaze did shift away from Brian for a moment,
"Why would you hurt her like that Dom?" Brian exhaled exhausted and his back now aching. He knew he was out of line to ask such a question but didn't care.
"Don't start acting like you're the only one who gives a shit about Charlie. Everything I do here is to protect her and my team. If you want to help find her. I suggest you start looking." Doms face shifted from anger to urgency. His only priority was to find Charlie and bring her back home. He released his grip off Brian and turned back towards his car.
"Letty if you see or hear anything call me."
"I will." She said breathlessly the adrenaline from everything still flowing through her veins.
Before getting into his car Dom looked at Brian once more. Brian nodded towards him before going back to his own car.
Hope the alternative perspective was enjoyable you guys! - Nyx

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