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I awoke randomly in the middle of the night. Originally, I fell asleep on the couch next to Dom who was having a hard time relaxing.
It was 3am according to my alarm clock beside my bed. I rolled off the bed and tip-toed over to the door. I didn't hear any sounds so there was hope that Dom went to sleep. To make sure I looked out the window in my room and out towards the garage. Sure enough, the light was on. I could Dom moving around through the small square windows on the side of the building. I gave a sigh and went outside in my navy tank and plaid shorts.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I questioned from the entry way of the garage with my arms crossed over my chest.
"I'm fine." Was all he replied and it was a clear sign that he wasn't.
"Dom it's late. You need to rest." I reiterated as I approached him and the charger.
"This needs to be finished." He countered gesturing towards the car with his socket wrench.
"Dom you need to have a clear head if we are going to find her." I place my hands on my hips as I spoke to him firmly, "Being exhausted isn't going to help our case."
"I'm not concerned about it." I reached and out and took the wrench from his hand. He gave me a frustrated look before holding out his hand, "Give it back."
"No." I move the tool behind my back, "Make me." He shook his head slowly, "You're lucky I have a second one of those."
He went over to the tall storage cabinet of tools that was on the far wall and brought it back over to the car. I reached for it as he went by but was unsuccessful at fully jerking it out of his hand. He pulled me forwards, "If you are going to be out here then at least give a hand."
"Fine." I rolled my eyes and pulled a stool next to him and the cart of parts and tools he had laid out.
"I don't see why you have to finish this now."
"Because I want to."
"Dom you that I can read you. I can tell when you aren't okay."
He sighed and set down the tool before turning to me, "What do you want from me Angel?"
"To tell me the truth. To talk to me." I reached out to a hand towards him urging him to come closer and fess up on what was bothering him. He came closer towards me. His face hovering directly over mine as he tucked a strand of my hair back behind my ear.
"Talk to me." I repeated as he looked over my face.
"I don't have anything to say."
"Charlie, you know me. I'm not good with things like this."
"You don't have to be, just try okay. for me." He gazed over my face again as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. His eyes looking too intently into mine as his gaze flashed from my eyes and to my lips again.
"Don't Dom." I stated sternly.
"Don't what?" He smiled softly ignoring the firm look I was giving him.
"Don't look at me like that."
He smirked slightly, "Why not?"
"Because it's the same way you look at her."
His face fell immediately the sorrow and pain coming back to his eyes. Never once had I seen Dom look or feel depressed.
"Don't look at me like you look at her Dom. I'm not Letty."
His gazed drifted away from mine. I lifted my hand to his face brushing my finger tips over his cheek, "I know you miss her. I do too."
He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.
"I'm glad you stayed Charlie." A bright smile spread across my lips.
"It's About time you admitted it." He smirked.
"Now come on." I urged while tugging on his arm, "Let's go to bed. We can finish this tomorrow."
"Alright Angel." He chuckled lightly as he turned to close the hood of the car.
"Thank you." I said while looking up at the sealing with my hands in prayer formation.
He put his arm over my shoulders as we walked out of the garage and back into the house. Tomorrow we'd dedicate time to find more about Braga.
"So you have to race to get in?" I questioned the next afternoon as Dom explained to me some information he found out from someone he recently interrogated. Racers compete in order to drive drugs in and out of Mexico for Braga. Only the best and fastest get in.
"So we get in." He shook his head a few times before sitting down one the living room couch.
"It's not that simple Charlie and I don't want you in the race." He pointed a finger at me as he sat down.
"Then how the hell do we get tied with Braga, Dom? I'm going and I'm winning." I took a swig of my beer before crossing my arms over my chest. He looked away from me for a moment. I saw his body tense slightly as if he was forcing himself to relax. He spread both arms out and over the backs of the cushions before gesturing towards me,
"You'll go in the race Charlie but you won't win."
"Me and you will smoke all of them." He sat forward and folded his hands together,
"No we won't Angel."
I raised a brow at him firmly, "That was the plan Dom."
He glanced away from me for a moment and the proceeded to look at the floor, "Things changed."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing." He exhaled quickly, "Except recruit a bit more help."
"Help?" The word felt insulting and suddenly a wave of anxiety fell over me.
The next that happened was something I never expected. Footsteps thumped came down the stairs, I turned around swiftly to see who they belonged to. Navy suit, shiny shoes, clean badge came walking through the door frame. I felt like I could hurl but there was also apart of that was enraged. Brians piercing blue eyes met on mine and my entire life flashed before my eyes. Everything from the day he came rushed back over mr in a wave of anger, frustration, guilt, loss. I felt nothing but pain, aching on the inside. I just got backstabbed by my own brother.
"Angel." Dom said to me as I gripped ahold of the top of my beer bottle. I whipped around to look back at Dom. Tears began to stream down my cheeks.
"You bastard." was all I could mutter while gritting my teeth together coarsely.
"Charlie." Brians voice called calmly as he came to stand next to me.
"You stay the Fuck  away me." I spat back at him before pointing to Dom.
"I dont know how could you betray me like this?!"
"Charlie he's here to help us find Letty."
"BULLSHIT! Letty would be alive if it wasn't for him. If you think this is what she would want your wrong. If he never came here none of this would have happened!"
"You need to calm down Charlie."
"And you both need to go Fuck your selves."
With that I threw my bottle across the room watching as it shattered against the wall behind Dom. I ran into the kitchen and then outside into the garage. I locked the door immediately and banged my fists against it a few times before bursting out into tears. My back slid against the door as I slowly sank to the floor. Dom hated Brian more than I did! How could he invite him here? Brian was supposed to stay away from us. Now Dom could get caught. To be locked away forever. Maybe that's why he did it.....maybe Dom is sacrificing himself for Letty. Why did everything have to follow apart? I continued to sob continuously into my hands. I gripped and pulled at my hair; kicking and stamping my feet on the stone ground. I was loosing everything and everyone around me. How could I go without my family? What was the point without any of them. Everything we did was together. For each other. Forever loyal to one another. Ride or Die!
Things just got real!
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-Nyx 🤍🖤

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