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"Its just up ahead." I told Dom as we drove up to the scene where Letty's car was found crushed and inflamed. Glass and debris flown everywhere on the road. As we approached the seen, I stopped the car and Dom immediately got out walking slowly to the corner of the curved road where the car had laid upside down. He stopped suddenly and bent down on one knee. His fingers drifted across the skid marks on the road; I could see the wheels turning in his mind. Dominic had always been a good tracker, specifically, when it came to members of the team. It was like a sixth sense.
"You found something?" I asked hesitantly he came towards the car and got into the drivers seat immediately.
"There are burn marks on the ground." He said as he sped back off towards the house. "Ones that can only be caused by nitrometh. There's only one guy in all of LA who sells it."
"And your going to go after him."
"I don't have a choice Charlie."
"Yes, you do." He stopped and looked at me slightly cold before gazing back at the asphalt.
"Mia told me not to let you do anything crazy so if you are going after him then I'm going to."
"I'm not letting you or Mia get mixed up in this Charlie." He spoke calmly and headed back towards the car hopping into the driver's seat.
"Thats not your choice to make." I mumbled to myself  as I got back in side.
"I want to help Dom and you can't stop me." I added as we pulled into the driveway and got out of my car. I knew how damaging this was to him no matter how well he tried to hide it. He wasn't going alone.
"No Charlie."
"Yes, Dom. I cared about her too."
"It's to dangerous for you to be involved."
"It's too dangerous for anyone to be involved Dom. Why we need to go together. You can't do everything yourself-."
"I need you to stay here and watch after Mia." He placed both hands on my shoulders and looked at me sincerely as he spoke. His eyes gazing deeply into to mine.
"Please, let me help." I countered softly.
He cupped my cheek with his hand, "I already lost Letty. I can't loose you or Mia as well. I need you to stay.
"You're not going to loose us Dom." I took his hand into mine, "Not if you let us help."
"Please don't go away again Dom, we need you." I needed him, more than anything.
Everything was still falling apart and I didn't know how much more I could take. He placed a long kiss on my forehead. "I wont be gone long. You guys stay here and stay low. I'll be back for you both soon."
I nodded slowly as he kissed my head again, "Just promise me that you will come back alright?
"I promise." He gave a small smile as I hugged him before he drove away. I let out anxious sigh as he drove off into the night. He had to come. He couldn't disappear again.
Two days went by and there was still no word from Dom. Mia and I tried to keep a low profile but work as normal. I headed home early one day from a job on the docks. Mia wouldn't be home till later so I planned on running a few errands before heading back to the house. As I drove up to the house in the early afternoon, I was greeted immediately by a cop car in the driveway. Two police officers approached me as I, hesitantly, got out of my 72 Vette.
"Charolette Jadden?" The cop to my right questioned while giving me a once over. "Who wants to know?" I remarked back with a slight nod towards him.
"Mrs. Jadden. I'm Agent Stasiak we're here in regards to the location of Dominic Toretto."
"I don't know where he is." I crossed my arms over my chest, the cop to my left snorted and I rolled my eyes immediately.
"Why don't we go down to the station for a little chat?" Stasiak added on.
"I already said that I didn't know where he was."
"Not an option." Stasiak replied before gripping ahold of my forearm and guiding me to the cop car. I tried pulling out of his grip but he only held onto me harder and shoved me into the back seat.
I was in the room for hours and the frustration from waiting and being manhandled was growing within me. I didn't know where the hell Dom was! Mia would be getting home soon it was almost 4'oclock. If I wasn't there or at least called her, I knew she was going to freak out.
"I have a right to a phone call." I spat back at Stasiak who hadn't let up on hammering me.
"Not until we get an answer. We know he came to see you!" He slammed his fist onto the table in front of me.
"When I say don't know where he is, I'm telling you the truth! He hasn't said anything to me in months, and even if he did I would never sell him out to you assholes!" Tears began to form up in my eyes. Stasiak ran a hand over his face frustratedly. "Listen you-" Suddenly his phone rang. He answered and glared at me before snapping it shut and stepping out of the room. My face fell into my hands as I felt and overwhelming desire to cry. I heard the door open up and prepared for round two of the yelling match but I was mistaken.....
"You want to come with me." His voice sent a chill up my spine as my face rose from my hands. My shoulders tensed up as I bit my bottom lip hard. I continued looking down as I exhaled.
"You've got no business messing with my suspect." The asshole officer came up behind Brian grumbling.
"You know what just shut up. She's not a hostile or a criminal." It was honestly shocking and somewhat nauseating to hear him defend me.
I stood up reluctantly, avoiding eye contact with him though I could tell the other cop was fuming. I felt Brian, familiarly, place his hand in the small of my back as he guided me into a private room. My body flinched at the warm and tender touch on my spine.
I sat down across from him and purposely looked out the window and towards the city scape. I could feel his piercing gaze running over every part of my face and body as I sat down.
"Are you going to tell me why I'm here?" I said flatly as I looked over the clear sky. There was nothing I wanted more than for this to be over.
"They just want to know where Dom is."
"I dont know where he went."
"I know that but you do know that they'll capture him....or worse."
He paused for a moment scanning my face for some sort of feedback, "I don't want you getting in the middle of all this. I'm sure Dom wouldn't want you to either."
"Don't act like you know what he'd want for me." I snapped suddenly. I could feel my blood heating up as my hazel eyes connected with his piercing blue ones. They looked a bit darker since the last time I looked into them. I looked down and away from him when I felt a familiar warmth in my stomach. I gazed out the window again and could feel myself growing colder inside. More emotionless. "Is that all you have to say to me after four years? All of a sudden you care about what happens to me?"
"I've always cared about what happens to you Charlie." he spoke softly and tenderly but I wasn't buying it.
I scoffed immediately and slammed my cuffed wrists onto the table in front of us, "Oh Cut the shit Brian! Look what the did to me." My gaze shifted downward to my hands as I ranted. He looked at my wrists for a few moments before pulling a key from his pocket.
"I know what I did was wrong. I never meant to hurt any of you, especially you Charlie." His words were soft and so were the touch of his hands as he unlocked the cuffs.
I shook my head back and forth while rolling my eyes. He leaned forward and spoke more seriously,
"I lied okay. I admit that. It's what I do best. That's why the FEDS hired me but those lies were never intended to hurt you."
"How can you lie to me and my family and not expect it to hurt me Brian!?" I rubbed the red marks on my wrists that the cuffs left behind.
"Charlie please, every day I think about what I said and did but I can't go back and change the past."
"Thats for damn sure." I mumbled to myself.
"I sorry, okay." He looked at me more intently and sincerely. I could see the longing flashing through his eyes.
"It's too late for apologies Brian. Everything I had is gone and you took it away from me! And trust me, they'll be hell to pay if your buddies out there, start going after Mia."
"She'll be alright, I'll make sure of it. You have my word."
I nodded while staring at the table still.
"Nice tattoo." He said after a few moments of silence nodding towards the tiger eyes/face on my arm. I exhaled frustratedly and rolled my eyes, I could see him analyzing me taking in all the changes and transformations of myself.
"Can I leave yet?"
"Charlie, Lying to you was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Just know that. Leaving that day was-."
I scoffed instantly, "Hard...for you?"
"Yes." He urged, pleading in his eyes but all I was seeing was red. Red from the day Jesse died. The day Dom left and the night when I found out Letty was gone. Red from all the blood of my family that's been spilt ever since Brian O'Connor entered the picture. Bullshit for him to act like he loved me.
"Well, I'm sorry that is was hard for you Brian. I'm so sorry that you come into MY home and rip my family apart. I'm sorry that you lied to me and pretended to love me. Yes, I'm very sorry that was so hard for you!" I slammed my hand on the surface table in frustration before retracting my arms crossing them over my chest.
Flashes of pain swept through Brians eyes as he looked down and away from me. I took that as a sign that the conversation was over. I stood up from my seat and walked towards the door.
"You know what your problem is Brian?" I asked while placing my hand on the knob. He looked up at me as I spoke, "That your lying to yourself and you don't even realize. Did ever think about it? Every think about how maybe your not the good guy pretending to be after all. Maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be good."
"Everyday." Was all he responded as I opened the door and walked out of it.
A wave of partial relief swept over me as I exited the room. I glanced around the room and quickly noticed the elevator. As I walked towards it I made eye contact with Stasiak who, I assumed, was heading to talk to Brian. As I waited by the elevator I heard some raised voices from inside one of the offices.
The elevator doors opened as Brian and Stasiak came out of the office arguing.
"I want her out of this Stasiak."
"She knows something! And so does the other one. I don't care what your feelings are O'Connor; I have a job to do."
"You won't lay a hand on her."
As I stepped onto the elevator I witnessed a little more verbal squabbling. The doors closer just as Brian grabbed Stasiak face and smashed it against the stone wall.
I gasped lightly as the doors shut tight my last vision of Stasiak with a bloody nose and embarrassed expression.

The Quarter Mile (Fast and Furious)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora