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"I can't believe I said yes to out with him!" I sat in front of the vanity in my room; my face in my hands. The anxiety was overwhelming. I felt dizzy and like I could throw up at any moment.
"Come on girl it's not that bad." Mia cooed as she placed her on my shoulders. She began shaking me gently.
"You should be excited!"
"No! no I shouldn't Mia! I was just making Vince jealous."
"And you succeeded. Bravo." She applauded a few times, "You also got a date in the process. It's not like he's ugly CJ."
I rolled my eyes at her comment, "I'm aware of that Mia."
She wiggled her brows at me, "Then why don't you act like it."
"Gosh." I said with slight smile emerging onto my lips after a few moments of looking at her.
She smiled brightly, "You'll have a good time Charlie don't be nervous."
"Gee what helpful advice." I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at her.
"You know what I mean Charlie just loosen up and have fun."
My face was full of pain
"I'll try. I guess." I mumbled with a deep sigh.
"No more sulking let's find you something hot to wear." I rolled my eyes as she pulled me up out of my seat and over to my closet.
The dress I went with was short and semi fitted with thin black straps. It was a deep green in color and I paired it with a pair of black sling-back heels.
"You look gorgeous." Mia gave a slight gasp as I put in a pair of simple small hoop earrings."
"Isnt this a little extra?"
"Not if the goal is to make Vince furious."
"I feel like slut Mia."
"Would you knock it off! This is one of your favorite dresses."
"Not anymore it isn't."
"You are really just being ridiculous at this point." She crossed her arms over her chest disapproving but I ignored her. I sat on the edge of my bed and stared at my reflection until tears began to swell in my eyes.
"I just cant do this." I whispered lowly before letting my face fall into my hands.
"Oh Charlie." Mia came over and sat next to Mia.
"Your going to smudge your eye liner."
"I don't care Mia." I looked up at her quickly batting away the salty tears from my lashes.
"Look at me."
I didn't I continued to stare down at my lap.
"If you don't enjoy yourself tonight then I'll back off you never have to see or talk to him again if you don't want to. Deal?"
The sound of a car engine pulling up disrupted my response.
"I think your date has arrived." Mia smiled lightly as she looked out the window.
"Oh shit." I cursed under my breath and raced over there next to her. Sure enough he had arrived.
"Oh I'm gonna hurl." I said whipping around so he wouldn't see me staring, "Would you get away from there!" I loudly whispered at her but she just shooed me with her hand.
"She'll be down in a second!" She called out the window as she waved to Brian.
I felt like I was going to faint.
"I didnt agree to the deal yet Mia!"
"There's no time for agreements." She smiled and pulled me up onto my feet.
"Mia I don't want to do this." I pleaded with her desperately as my heart began to beat a mile a minute.
"Charlie you're fine. Just go out this one time okay. Just try it." With that she jerked open the door to my room and shoved me towards the stairs. I couldn't believe I was doing this.
It wasn't terrible when we got into the car and started driving. I felt a slight relief when we began to converse first. It made it to where I didn't have to think much.
"So where is this place exactly?" He asked while turning his eyes off the road and onto me. He'd be doing that the entire time we were driving. The restaurant was about 20 minutes from my apartment.
"Just a few more streets up." I pointed as he glanced back at the road.
"So be honest, you only agreed to this because you wanted to make Vince jealous right?"
He looked away from the road again as he asked. I gave a slight chuckle, "What do you think?"
"Hey, I'm just happy I get a shot." He continued to smile at me, his gaze firmly averted from the road.
I furrowed my brows lightly,
"You might want to keep your eyes on the road there, playboy." I nodded towards the windshield.
"What you think we're going to crash?" He gave a slight smirk as his eyes flickered up and down my body.
"I haven't decided yet." I witted back trying to hide the flustered feeling I felt in my stomach.
Suddenly, I felt the car jolt forward as Brian hammered on the gas. Something inside me jumped a little bit as we flew through the streets. It was as if we weren't touching the ground at all. His gaze held firmly with mine as we floored down the street of what I could only assume was near 100mph until we hit the next stop light. He slammed on the brakes just in time for us to stop at the light.
"Now how many girls have you tried that little trick on?" I gave him a suspicious look.
"Just the one." He said with out hesitation his cocky smile made my eyes roll instinctively.
"You've gotta get better at your lies Spilner."
He smirked before replying, "Just the one that's meant something."
I didn't have a reply for that. I could feel myself becoming more flustered and I didn't like it. A part of me did but most of was in agony about it. And there the anxiety was again.
"So how did the gang come around to be?" He asked after we arrived and had finished our food.
"They don't call themselves a gang, they're a team."
"Okay, the team then."
"Well, it's kind of a long story."
"I got time." He smiled at me warmly at me and I returned it with a shy smile.
"Okay. Well, Vince grew up with Dom. Though he didn't actually grow up as you can tell. They were friends as kids. Letty lived just down the street. She was always into car ever since she was, like, ten. Dom always had her attention...then she turned sixteen."
"And then she had Doms attention." He finished for me with a smile and understanding nod.
"Funny how that works isn't it."
"How does Jesse play into all of this?"
"Jesse." I smiled softly at the thought of how genuinely sweet Jesse was.
"Jesse and Leon sort of just, showed up one day and never left. That's the way Dom is, you know, he's like gravity. Everything gets pulled to him, even you."
"Nah. The only thing that pulled me in was you. Being friends with Dom is just a bonus."
My gaze shifted towards the table as I felt my cheeks growing warmer.
"Thanks." The words felt awkward coming out of my mouth as I tried to process what I was feeling inside. I pushed a loose strand of hair back behind my ear.
"I guess It's nice to come first every once in a while."
"Do you race at all?"
"From time to time." A confident smirk spread across my lips at the thought of racing.
"You have a nice Vette." He smirked lightly before taking a sip of his beer.
"Yeah he's a beauty but nothing like my Mustang when it comes to racing."
After a few moments of silence and feeling Brians gaze shifting over me,
"Do you want to take a ride?" The word's tumbled out of my mouth before I could even process them.
We got back in the car and Brian let me drive. I sped up and drifted around some sharp corners and continued on to our next destination, a little spot on a beach area. Not fully a beach but more of a lake area. I parked the car near the dock when we arrived.
"Nice place." Brian said as we got out the car and leaned against the hood.
"I had my first race here." I said while gazing out at the water.
I nodded my head, "This corner was always so hard to cut. Anyone that missed flew straight out of the dock and into the water."
I nodded again remembering the events the successful race in my mind over 5 years ago.
"I was completely different then." The words came out involuntary and Brian turned his head towards me.
"Being with the team really changed me; in comparison on who I was before."
"How did you come around to know them?"
I gave a slight chuckle as the events of that story flooded my mind as well.
"Thats...definitely, another long story."
He beamed a smile, "I got time." He said again and I shook my head lightly.
"Maybe another night." I said as I turned my gaze from the water and to Brian.
"So you're saying that there's going to be a next time." He smirked while shifting closer towards me.
"Maybe." I said with a playful smile.
I felt my cheeks start to get warm as Brians eyes shifted from my own and towards my lips. He reached his hand out and tucked a loose strand of hair back behind my ear gently. I felt my pulse quicken and could my heart beating more loudly. The next thing I knew our lips were connected. The kiss was slow at first and moved to quicker pace as he cupped my cheek with one hand and put the other on my waist. I smiled as he pulled me closer towards him, the kiss becoming a bit more urgent between us. For the first time in my life my mind was completely blank.
"Not here." I quickly said after we paused for a moment to take a breath.
We drove back to Harrys where we went upstairs to Brians apartment. I had no anxiety whatsoever and the question of why was wanting to emerge into my mind but something shut it out.
He closed the door quietly as we came in and tossed his keys on the kitchen counter. I smiled as he began to kiss me urgently again, stopping only for a moment to pull off his shirt. The emptiness in my mind remained as I focused solely on the moment happening between us. Ever action feeling instinctual. I don't know how I went from being so anxious about going out tonight to letting go in every way......
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-Nyx 🤍🖤

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