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After the run in with Fenix and the rest of Bragas gang we came back to Doms to hide out. My head pounded after making contact with debris from the explosion but thankfully I left with nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises. None of which I noticed or felt until the adrenaline started to run out and my heart was no longer pumping. Dom was in the garage going through some of Letty's things.
"How are feeling?"
Brian asked me as he observed my slumped posture. I removed the ice pack from my bruised forehead and looked up at him.
"I'm alright." I smiled softly but he didn't believe me. Brian pulled out from the dining table and sat right in front of me.
"I'm okay Brian." I reassured as he stroked his thumb across my cheek.
"You shouldn't have been hurt. That's my fault for not protecting you."
"You know I really wish you and Dom would get over yourselves. I knew the risks, we did what needed to be done. I'm not dead just bruised and sore."
"Okay okay message received." He held his hands up in defense.
"It's about time." I gave a slight eye roll which made him smile. He quickly kissed my forehead when suddenly his phone began to ring. He pulled it out and I froze when I saw the name.
My eyes widened as the front door flung open. Dom stormed towards the both of us. I jumped up from my seat and Brian quickly pushed me backwards so I wouldn't have the chance to jump in between them.
"When were you going to tell me?" Dom grunted.
"Dom calm down." I pleaded as he charged towards Brian.
"When were you going to tell me you were running Letty?!"
Dom grabbed Brian the neck and threw him into one of the shelves in the living room.
"Dom stop it!" I screamed but it didn't phase him.
"You don't understand." Brian tried to explain but Dom wasn't backing down.
"I understand!" He hollered while throwing Brian across punching him hard.
"Dom enough!" I called out again as I raced over and tried pulling him off Brian but he was to strong. Dom quickly whipped his head back to look at me. He grabbed my shoulder with one hand and shoved me back into the dining table, "Stay out Charlie."
A sharp pain went up my spine when my lower back smacked the metal table. I gripped on the end so I wouldn't fall over. The fight now switched gears. Brian started fighting back throwing firm punches at Dom.
I couldn't believe this was happening. Tears were forming in my eyes and I felt my body sliding towards the ground.
"She did it for you Dom!!" Brian suddenly yelled out amongst the scuffle. Doms fist froze in the air.
"Everything she did was for you!"
Doms eyes were blank and his face was cold. His released his grip off Brian and turned away quickly storming towards the front of the house.
"Damnit." Brian swore while spitting out some blood that was pouring down the side of his mouth.
"I'm sorry Dom!" He continued to call out as Dom left.
I immediately buried my face in my hands and began to sob uncontrollably.
I felt Brian at my side immediately.
"Are you okay?" He asked softly while pulling my face up out of my hands.
"I'm sorry." He exclaimed when he saw all the tears streaming down my cheeks. "I should have never-"
"It's not your fault Brian." I quickly interrupted before he could feel anymore guilty.
I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and he pulled closer.
"I just miss her so much and I'm scared that Dom will do something reckless now."
"I promise, I'll look after him." He gave a small smile while stroking my cheek gently.
Dom was gone for hours and it was beginning to scare me. He knew how much I hated it when he drives off without warning but as often as he's disappeared and reappeared you'd think I'd be used to it.
"He'll be fine." Brian reassured me pulling away from the front window.
"Something could happen to him. Anyone of those Demônios could come after him Brian." I stomped my barefoot against the wood flooring before turning back around. I nibbled on my thumb nail anxiously as my eyes darted all around the dark streets.
I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"Brian please." I turned around around to face him with another rebuttal but I was silenced when our eyes met. He looked me, softly, intently, deeply. The way that he could look at me and read my every thought and emotion. He a finger to my lips before stroking over my cheek with his thumb.
"I just don't want to loose him Brian."
"And you're not going to. He's going to come back, you know that. He knows we have a job to finish but is just taking time to clear his head. He needs to be focused and sort through things."
"He was so mad when he left though." A few tears started to come down my cheeks and his expression changed from soft to pained.
"And that's my fault for dragging you all into this."
"Brian don't blame yourself."
"It's true though, Charlie." He sighed in frustration as turned his face away from mine.
"No." I pleaded while reaching my hand up to his cheek to make him look at me.
"I don't blame you. I know Dom doesn't. I just hate seeing upset. I'm glad you came back Brian. I don't know what I'd do without you."
His eyes grew a bit wider and I smiled softly.
He gave a small smile in return before kissing my lips and forehead.
"Come on let's get some sleep." He put his head in the small of my back and ushered me upstairs. I didn't want to sleep. I couldn't sleep until Dom was home. That's just the way I was. I needed everyone safe before I can rest.
I could only pray, as I slowly lifted the covers off myself in order to sneak out of my room, that Brian wouldn't completely hate me for leaving.
In plaid shorts and black tank top I grabbed my keys and slipped on a pair of sandals. Thankfully I parked my car in the street and up a little ways. Again I could only pray the sounds of the engine starting wouldn't wake Brian. I started the car carefully and drove to the only place I could think of him being.
Sure enough he was at the wreck sight.
"Dom..." I called out as I jogged up over to where he was parked. He was placed right in front of the crash sight.
"Dom." I said again while placing my hand on his shoulder. He was leaning against the car with his arm crossed over his chest. He felt cold.
"I should've been there to protect her." He spoke slowly after a few moments of silence.
"She was trying to save you Dom."
"She shouldn't have had to. It's my job to protect our family."

"No Dom it's everyone's. We all look after each other. There's not just one person in charge of looking after everyone. You can't be with all of us all the time. She knew what she was doing."

"She knew she wouldn't come back from it."

I felt a lump in my throat at the thought of it. The thought that Letty, probably, knew she wouldn't actually come back to us.
"She might have. She'd have done anything for you Dom. For anyone of us. We all took an oath. We know what the risks are."

"I just don't know how she expected me to live without her. To continue on without her here."

"I don't know either but I know love never dies. Even with her gone. She's never really gone because a part of her will always live on inside you. We all hold a piece of Letty in our hearts."
He didn't respond but reached an arm out and wrapped it around my waist. I leaned my head against his chest.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" The bluntness of the question told me he was feeling a bit more like himself.
I gave a light chuckle, "You know I can't sleep if you aren't home."
"I'm surprised you got let out. I told him not to take his eye of you."

"Oh, believe me he has been. I had to wait until he fell asleep and then sneak out."

He snorted, "Remind me never to put him on a night watch."

I beamed a smile and laughed lightly, "And remind me to put a GPS collar on you so I know where your going when you randomly decide to run off."

He smiled crookedly, "Good luck with that Angel."
He kissed my forehead before getting into the driver's side of his car. I went back to mine and we both quietly came back inside. When I opened my door Brian was still sound asleep. I snuck back under the covers and prayed everything would run smoothly tomorrow.

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