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"Ready to this?" I glanced up at Brian as we seated across each on the train we were about to unload.
"Always." He winked back at me. I smiled softly before preparing myself for the next step. When one of the security guards walked down the isle, I immediately stood up and pretended to be distracted and bumped into him.
"I'm so sorry." I genuinely apologized as I placed one hand on my chest as the other slid across his belt and took his security guard. As he continued past me, I smiled and went to end of the cab to unlock the first door. Brian followed me immediately and we continued on until we reached the cargo hold.
"Not a bad load Vince." I smiled lightly as we gazed over at the cargo.
"We don't have very long." Zizi, a partner of Vince who apparently told him about this deal, told us.
The metal side of the car came off as Zizi men finished with their blow torches. There was a truck and ramp waiting outside. As soon as the door fell away, in walks Dom.
"Look who finally decided to show up." Vince nodded towards him as he came over to the first car.
"Where's me?" I questioned immediately surprised that she didn't want in of this deal.
"At home, worried, this doesn't fall well into the plan of laying low."
I nodded my head in agreement.
"Well things went dry and we needed to call in some favors." Brian chimed in before placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Thats what I told her." Dom nodded back, "Lets get this done."
"I get the GT." one of Zazi men chimed in immediately and hopped into the drivers seat of the first vehicle.
Two large grapples hooked onto the body of the car and pulled it onto the bed of truck. The ramp slowly dropped and the man soon drove off. Zazi stepped forward next but Dom immediately stopped him, "Ladies first." He mumbled seriously before nodding at me. I gave a small nod before looking back at Brian.
"I'll see you baby." Brian nodded towards me as I got into the car. As the grapples clamped onto the car I couldn't help but overhear something Zazi mumbled in Spanish. I looked at Dom who's expression was suddenly serious. I felt a sudden and intense instinct to just drive."
As soon as the ramp dropped I took off, as far as I could possibly go and fast I could get there. I needed to get back home. The words of Zizi rang through my head, "We'll get the girl later."
I pulled up to the safe house and immediately covered the car.
"Charlie?" Mia called out questionably before running over to me.
"Where's Brian, Dom and Vince."
"I don't know. Something happened we were set up."
"What do you mean?"
"It was some kind of trap or scam. We weren't supposed to get the cars."
She clasped her hand over her mouth and I gulped,
"I Don't know if they made it out."
Mia and I waited for almost 24 hours before their return. I found myself pacing around the compound. Why did they want this particular car so bad? What was the point of this? Did Vince know it was a set up? Suddenly I heard the sound of engines.
"Charlie?!" The familiar sound of Brians voice rang through my ears. I turned around quickly and saw as he, Dom and Vince all stride in. My body relaxed immediately releasing an exhale as I ran towards Brian and threw my arms around his neck instinctively.
"Are you okay?" I asked as he cupped my face with his hands. He kissed me a few times. Deeply and could tell it made Vince uncomfortable. Dom broke the silence with slight sarcasm,
"You know I am alright too." I smiled before hugging him tightly.
"Yeah we're okay, no thanks to him." Brian quickly nodded towards Vince causing him to glare
"Look,'I didn't know it was going to go down like that."
"Yeah bullshit man. You weren't the one hanging off the back of that truck."
"Be careful what you say pig." Vince sneered and I gave him a wide eyed look. Brian stormed over to him,
"Your just they didn't come after Charlie because if they had I would have-."
"You would what-!" Vince immediately got defensive as he squared up to Brian.
"Okay enough!" I shouted and immediately stood in between them placing my hands on Brians chest,
"This is ridiculous." Brians gazed shifted towards me for a moment. He relaxed his posture as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist. Dom redirected the conversation quickly,
"Why did they want the car Vince?" Brain huffed slightly,
"Yeah cut the shit man and tell us what's going on. What's so important about this car?"
"Look I don't everything alright. I didn't know what they were going to do."
Brian jaw clenched, "That is such horseshit man. It was your job!" He charged over to Vince immediately and Vince stormed towards him but Dom immediately got in between them,
"That's enough! If he said he didn't do it. He didn't do it. Go walk it off O'Connor." Brian stormed off and I quickly followed him.
A few hours went by. Brian calmed down and we both went to sleep after attempting to clear our heads but it didn't last long. I heard heavy footsteps and the sound of Doms voice echoing, "Damn!" I quickly sat up and noticed Brian already by our bedroom door. I quickly got up and followed him out,
"What is going on out here?"
"You should have come clean to us!" Dom shouted at Vince.
"Look all I know is they want this chip."
"You realize Charlie was on that train! They could have found her and Mia."
His gaze shifted towards the ground, "Im sorry Dom."
"I want you out of here."
"OUT!" His voice echoed so loudly I could feel the concrete walls shaking. I gulped slightly as Vince gazed shifted over to us. He looked Brian up and down before turning his head back to Dom,
"You never listen to me. Not now. Not when I told you that he was a cop. Look at our lives now Dom! I can't go home. Mia and Charlie are stuck in this life."
"Get out." Dom sneered firmly and I felt anxiety in my stomach as I saw Vince slowly stride away and out of the door.
"What are we going to do Dom?" I asked in low tone.
"We're going to tear this car apart and find out exactly what Reyes is looking for."
I tossed and turned for a few hours with a nausea rising in my stomach I got up quickly and ran into the bathroom throwing up repeatedly. I slowly sank down to the tile and exhaled slowly trying to gather my strength. Suddenly I heard the door open. I jumped slightly and quickly stood up from the floor as Brian came in.
"Hey." I replied slowly taking a slight exhale. He furrowed his brows immediately,
"Are you okay?" I nodded my head and quickly flushed the toilet. He quickly placed one of his hands on my forehead, "Are you sure? Do you feel sick?" I shook my head from side to side, "Im okay." He smiled at me, "Well in that case." I let out a slight squeal as he lifted me up and carried me bridal style over to the bed. I smiled as he tossed me onto the bed,
"I take you two are finally done with the car." He leaned over me and kissed me before replying,
"Yeah we found it."
"All of this shit over a chip. It just seems insane."
"Don't worry about it. We got a plan. It will all work out." His gaze shifted from my eyes and down to lips and I couldn't help but smirk,
"You know for hot-headed street racer you really don't when to make a move."
He smiled his body still hovering over mine, "Guess I need someone to show me." I smirked again before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. His hands gripped ahold of my waist as he kissed me deeper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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