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I continued to go through inventory for Mickey and restock some of the shelves before I headed over to the garage to help Dom and the team. I swept the floors and wiped down the counters, glass displays, and cashier station.
As I was restocking some last few things on the shelves, I felt a pair of hands suddenly grasp on to my waist. I jumped at the sudden contact only to come face to with Brian and his iconic sheepish grin.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded with a disapproving expression. He leaned in and kissed me but I quickly pushed him backwards.
"Came to see you." He smiled slyly and kissed me again but harder. His hands gripped lightly at my hips pulling them in towards him.
"Are you crazy?!" I said after a few seconds of giving in. I glared at him before glancing around the shop.
"No one's here." He reassured while taking my hands in his.
"Well it doesn't matter. You never know when somebody like Dom will pop in."
"Doms and the team are working. I'm on my way to make a run for them."
"Then you better get to it." I gave a quick smile and warning look before turning around to face the shelves again. But he just wouldn't leave. He draped his arm over my chest and leaned in to lay a kiss on my neck and cheek, "I had a good time last night." He was really trying to procrastinate and switch the topic here.
"I'm glad." I started in a low voice as I leaned into his touch, "And don't think it's happening again tonight." I finished firmly before pulling away.
"So that's how it's going to be now huh?"
"Yes. Now get our of my store." I shooed him away with one hand.
"And what if I don't want to?"
I gave a quick exhale before turning to face him, "Then I won't be responsible when you get your ass handed back to you!" I waved my hand in a sassy manner as I spoke, gesturing towards the front door.
"You know you're kind of cute when you get angry."
"Please just go." I half whined before gesturing towards the shelves, "Mickeys out this weekend so I'm trying to finish up things before the big race in a few days."
"Alright, Alright. I give but not before you agree to go for a drive with me again tonight." he held his hands up in slight surrender as I turned back around to adjust some of the prices of the items.
"I really cant Brian."
"Then I guess I really don't have to go."
"Oh my gosh why do you have to be such a pain in the ass." I moaned.
All he did was smile and it irritated me.
"Fine I'll go you can pick me up at 7pm."
"Sounds good. So, What are you working?" he inquired, his hands still planted on my hips.
"Refiling the prices and inventory for the books." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "Nothing really worth watching."
He nodded a few times I picked up the notepad I left on a nearby shelf and adjusted the numbers according.
"Guess I'll leave you too it." he added while placing a kiss on my shoulder.
"Yes, please do."
"So, I'll see you tonight?"
I looked up at the shelves before slightly turning my heads towards, "It depends..."
"If you behave yourself or not."
He let out a chuckle as he pulled me back in towards him and hugged me from behind.
I couldn't help but shake my head and smile.
He laid a light kiss on my cheek before gently biting into it. The action made me blush slightly as my smile grew bigger and more genuine as his hands traveled from my waist and down my hips. It was quite a blissful moment until a low voice emerged from behind us,
"Last time I checked, they outlawed making out in the oil section." The unamused voice rose from the front of the store. I relaxed lightly when I saw it was Letty.
"He was just on his way out." I assured her while giving Brian a quick jab in the ribs.
"Don't you have some place to be Spilner?"
"Yeah," he gave her a quick nod "I'm headed that way now."
"You better hurry because Dom needs you back in time for the race. Unless you're checking out?"
I smiled lightly, at Letty's remark. Sometimes she could play a more intimidating Alpha than Dom.
"Nah, I'll be there."
"Good." she nodded her head towards the door signaling for him to leave immediately. He nodded towards her again before turning to me and kissing my forehead.
"Who died and made you Alpha supreme." I smirked over at Letty after Brian left.
"Hey, I'm trying to help the guy out but he can't slack off to come over and make out with you."
"We weren't making out!" I insisted again, "I spent the last 10 minutes telling him to go!"
She gave me a skeptical look as she crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes immediately, "Like you and Dom haven't "done it" enough times amongst the scrap heaps."
She smirked slightly, "Hey, I'm trying to help y'all. Your the one who won't tell Dom about him."
"Because he'd beat him with a tire iron Letty! And you know it!"
"Why do you think I'm helping. I don't have a problem with Spilner and you."
"I appreciate everything. Believe me I'm not trying to hold him up from doing a run for Dom."
"A run?" She questioned while raising a brow.
"Yeah he said he had a run to make for Dom."
"Not that I heard. He told Dom he needed to finish up something for Harry. Make a drive over to Phoenix for something. Dom could have given him and order though if Brian was already headed that way."
"Huh." Was all I could reply as the thoughts from Brians phone repeated through my mind. An uneasy feeling began to rise in my stomach but I swallowed it back down when Letty asked if I was ready to help her finish up some details on her ride.
"For sure." I gave a smile and quickly grabbed my backpack and keys.
"Yeah I had to interrupt their little-"
"Letty would you shut up." I huffed as Mia called from the grocery and diner over to the garage to check in on things.
"We didn't do anything!" I hollered through the phone line at Mia before Letty could exaggerate things again.
Letty laughed as I pointed the wrench I held at her.
"Okay we'll see you later girl, bye."
"Why do you have to go and get her all excited. You know how dramatic she is." I rolled my eyes before looking back down and giving the engine another once over.
"Hey, we're both just happy that you're happy alright." She gave me a genuine smile and I returned it.
"How about a couple of colas?" She offered after a few more minutes of us talking and tinkering. She couldn't leave Brian out of the conversation. I knew they both were happy for me but I never liked people making a fuss.
"Sounds great." I wiped the sweat off my brow with my hand. She shot a wink and went out the back door of her private space in the garage.
"Rides looking good." A deep voice arose from the front corner of the room, right at the entry way and I almost jumped. It was Dom.
I gave a slight smile towards the shaded area, "How long you been standing there creeper?"
I gave a bigger smile as he walked towards me and came into the full lit space of the garage but my face quickly fell. He didn't look happy. I felt my heartbeat quicken in pace.
"How long do you think I've been standing here?" He sneered.
"Dom please. I don't what you heard but don't."
"Don't what?" He began as he moved to hover over me, "Slam that punks face into the concrete for laying his hands on you? Piece of shit should know better!"
I swallowed deeply before making eye contact with him, "Thats uncalled for and you know it. You respect him Dominic. You tru-"
"Bullshit!" He shouted in a booming voice. My gaze immediately shifted down and away from.
"Bull F*#king Shit, that I trusted him and you!"
"Well you did and that wasn't my fault!" I raised my voice back. "So don't me into this! Don't sit here and make me feel like the enemy when you brought him in here!"
"A mistake I'll be sure to not fucking making again! You knew better than to lead him on Charlie!"
"Are you serious right now?! I never wanted to engage with him it was just to Vince of my ass! You have no right to make me feel like some hore!"
"Better him to fuck you than someone I don't even know!"
"That's such bullshit Dom. You'd be pissed either way! Because you treat me like I'm your property. Like a side piece. I mean let's be honest okay are really pissed because he fucked me or because you didn't get the chance to."
Suddenly Leon walked in. He immediately froze.
"Where the F*#k is Spilner?" Dom, completely enraged, chose to ignore my comment. He sneered at Leon whose eyes widened immediately.
"He uh went on that run for Harry." Leon stumbled over his words as he quickly looked between Dom and myself, "Phoenix remember."
"Good and the Son of bitch won't becoming back from there either." Dom grumbled underneath his breath before taking off to the front entrance. He grabbed ahold of his shot gun that was hung onto the wall and cocked it.
"Dom!" I yelled after him as he jerked open the door and slammed it behind him causing the whole room to vibrate.
"Dom!" I called out again as I stormed after him. Everyone in the garage looked up at the both of us.
"We're done talking about this Charlie." He picked up a duffel bag and started tossing random shit into it.
"Bullshit, we are! There hasn't even been a discussion."
"And there won't be one." He turned around sharply his face a few inches from mine. "The conversations over! Just get your ass back in the room and Ill deal with you later."
"No!" I stomped in protest. I jerked on his arm and forced him to turn back around and face me.
"No you'll deal with me now Dominic Toretto because this is actual shit."
He glared at me deeply before grabbing the duffel bag from off the cashiers desk.
"It's shitty the way you treat me! And the way you feel like you can control my every step and move. Okay, your not my father Dominic. Your not my guy either. I don't need your protection, let alone you riding my ass every f$#king minute of the day!I CAN make my own decisions well enough without you. I can choose who I let into my life. Okay you said we could trust Brian. I did and don't go back on what you said now because it's too late. Don't blame me for a mistake you made. It's not my fault."
Dom shoved a few more tools in the bag before stopping to turn to me.
"I make the rules so bad shit doesn't happen to us, alright. So it doesn't happen to you. I set boundaries so you'll make something of yourself instead of f#$king ever guy in the damn city!" Doms voice bellowed throughout the whole garage. His arms raised in emphasis as he spoke condescending to me. I could feel tears beginning to swell in my eyes but I held them back. I gritted my teeth together as my face grew more sour and vitriol.
"Again I ask you Is that really the problem Dom?" I began slowly and bitterly, "Are you really concerned about me becoming tramp! Or is the problem with the fact that any f-ing around I do isn't with you. I am so done with people here trying to manipulate me. You wanna blame someone for what between me and Brian. Ask your sister why pressured me to go out with him."
His eyes grew wide at my last statement but I didn't stick around to see or hear anything else that happened. A few tears streamed down my cheeks as, I ran out garage and into the back room slamming the door behind me. I could hear Letty call my name as I opened the back door of the room but I didn't stop. I kept going. I got into my Vette and sped off. I didn't bother stopping at Mickey for my things, I didn't even go by Doms place to see Mia not after I just threw her under the bus. Though I knew she'd be the first to look. I sped off out of town and over into the outskirts of one 45 miles over. Thankfully, I had my wallet and bag with me. I paid for the room in cash. I was able to hold my tears long enough to check in but as soon as I entered the room I began to scream and cry. I threw my bag against the wall as my knees hit the floor. I sobbed profusely for a few minutes before I heard my phone ringing from within my bag. If it was Dom I swear I'd slam the damn thing into the wall but it wasn't.
"Hello." I answered lowly as I wiped away some of the tears from my cheeks.
"It's Brooks. I got the results on the number you sent into us."
"Where'd it lead back?" Attempting to clear my hoarse voice.
"LAPD. An agent by the name of Tanner. Want me to look into him?"
"No. No that's alright. I've got what I needed. Thanks Brooks."
As I smacked the phone shut a million thoughts and images rushed into my mind.
Bastard was cop. He lied to me. To us all.
He was a cop and I knew it. The whole time I knew something was off but I got played anyways. I chose to ignore the signs right in front of me. My training and intuition taught me better than this but I just went in blind.
"Damnit Charlie! You're an FBI you should have known he was a freaking cop." I fell backwards onto the bed my hands covering my face as I began to cry slowly. Thoughts of the night before flooded my mind.
"Stupid." Was all I could repeat to myself, "So stupid!"
"Don was right. He was fucking RIGHT!"
Things are heating up now as Charlies past becomes unlocked - Nyx

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