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The flight wasn't as extensive as I thought. Forcing my sorrows aside, I fell asleep for the majority of the it.
When I arrived at the terminal I saw Mia waiting for me in the distance. She anxiously chewed her bottom, scanning through the crowded hallway looking for me. I could see her analyzing each individual face as the passed her. When her soft brown eyes landed on me I couldn't withhold my emotions. I raced towards her and immediately threw my arms around her neck. She pulled me into a tight hug and squeezed me hard when I began to cry.
"He's gone Mia." I mumbled into her shoulder softly, "He's really gone."
A few months past as I settled into the outskirts of LA with Mia. I spent two years traveling around right after Dom left and the team split up but I just couldn't stay away. My time traveling, however, opened doors for me getting some tech and translating jobs here in LA. I was established with private connections in Tokyo and in the U.S. with Individuals who weren't shy of my identity or affiliations. My main job was as an imports manager but I also did some information work. I handled and distributed all varieties of import cars to different collectors and dealerships. People came to me when they wanted something found and modified. On the side I translated for "a independent" few businesses. I learned Japanese quick while in Tokyo and also knew Spanish, French and Sign Language. Mia helped me in with the importing jobs but mainly kept a low profile; doing side work for people who already knew us. It was late in the morning when I came from an imports job. Some days I just did office work; taking orders and working out the customizations, which was the clean side of the business. Other days I was on the docks making sure the cars got in under low profile. Certain cars were expensive to ship and could only be transported under certain customs. Buyers bumped the price for us to order and deliver the pieces while the dock workers got their cut for bumming the paperwork. It was a thrilling line of work but it paid it the bills adequately and kept me out of the limelight at least for now.
I walked through the door around 2 in the morning and was surprised to find Mia on the couch, awake.
"Mia?" I asked concerned as I came inside and set my keys on the coffee table. In the dim light I could see tears dripping down her cheeks.
"Mia what's wrong?"
"It's Letty....shes dead."
I suddenly felt all the oxygen leave my lungs as my body became weak and frail. Letty had come back to LA about three months after I did. She kept her distance because of the cops patrolling her after she entered the border but everything seemed fine. She was going to come stay with us next month after she was sure she wouldn't be monitored. This couldn't be real right now. This couldn't be happening. I must be dreaming. I swear I must be!
I couldn't even yell or cry. I simply just became weak. My knees hit the floor and Mia began to cry deeply.
"I've got to tell Dom." I said out load and her face became stern immediately, "What do you think he'll say?"
"I don't know but we can't keep this from him." Taking a few breaths I pulled myself to my feet and dialed the number that I hoped was still his residence in Panama City.
"Dom?" I said when I heard his voice say Hello from the other end.
"Charlie I told you guys not to call me hear."
"It's Letty, Dom." I tried to say without my voice hitching, "Shes dead."
He was silent for a few minutes, "I'll be there."
"Be careful Dom. They'll start scouting the streets soon."
"I'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll see you guys shortly, okay."
I nodded as the call ended.
Mia looked at me with a mix of curiosity and sadness, "He's coming home." I told her with a faint smile forming on my lips. I didn't know whether to be terrified or happy. I wanted to see him more than anything but knew he was risking everything by coming back to the states as it is. Maybe if I could get him in on one of the import ships he'd stay low profile. It would take a lot for me to find a deal worth making outside Panama though.
Mia wore a long black dress to the funeral with flats and her hair loose around her shoulders. I stuck with my signature black jeans, a black off the shoulder bodysuit and matching black denim jacket. I put on my black converse and had my hair in a French braid. Mia and I clung to each as we gazed over the closed wood casket. Vince stood behind us, emotionless in his face but I could feel the sentiment draining off him. He rested a hand on each of our shoulders. Leon also came into to pay his respects it was nice to have him back for a few moments. As the service continued on I felt a familiar presence around me. I knew Dom was here. In the distance some place but I could feel him watching me. Each of us took our turns setting flowers on top of the casket before it was permanently dropped and buried. I felt another familiar presence around me. One that caused my pulse to quicken a bit in anxiety as a shiver came up my spine. I swore I saw the figure of a man in a navy suit standing off in the distance of my peripheral vision but when I turned in the direction; the figure was gone. Did Dom and him notice each other? If it was him why would he be here? Doms not going to fall for any more schemes of his and neither was I.
"Dom you have to be careful." I whispered to him from inside the dimly lite house that had a handle of cops patrolling the streets, "They're staking the place out." Mia added with further concern. "Hey, I'm not going to get caught." He soothed her while placing a hand to her cheek. She smiled warmly before hugging him tightly. Dom reached out to me with his free hand and I took it being engulfed into the group hug was the most secure I'd felt in the past four years while everything unraveled. I couldn't believe he was here with us and risking everything but, after all, it was Letty and he'd risk anything for her.
As we pulled away from the hug, he brushed each of our hair back behind our shoulders. Mia glanced over at me knowingly and I gave her a light nod before smiling wide.
"Alright, what's up girls?" He looked at us suspiciously for a few moments.
"There's something we need to show you." I smile before walking through the kitchen and out the back door to the garage.
As we walked into the garage, I flicked on the one small light we had. Doms eyes shifted immediately to the covered car in the corner. I pulled off the sheet to reveal the finished masterpiece. "She wouldn't let it be junked even though it is cursed." It was Doms father's car; it first crashed in a race that took his father's life. Then crashed by Dom; who was lucky he didn't loose his own life.
His eyes showed warmth even though he didn't say anything to either of us. I could see a small smile migrate onto his lips as he stroked the hood of the car gently. Suddenly his face fell and became stern.
"I need to see the crash sight."
Mia gave me a concerned look. I pressed my lips together flatly before hesitantly responding, "Dom I don't know that if that is such a good idea."
"I need to see it Angel."
Mia looked at me concerned again but I gave her a look of reassurance, "Okay." I replied to Dom with a nod. "But we got to be fast because if they find you-."
"They won't." He finished before walking out the garage door and towards my vehicle.
"Charlie should he really be seeing this?" Mia rushed up to me after Dom left.
"Mia it'll tear him up inside if he doesn't. He deserves peace."
"I know I am just so scared. I don't want to lose him again."
"I don't want to either Mia."
"Be Careful, okay. Have each others backs and don't let him go off and try to do something crazy. You know he will blame himself."
"I'll watch him, Mia. Don't worry."

The Quarter Mile (Fast and Furious)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu