(Chapter 5)Chou was right

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(Chapter 5)
Chou was right

Author POV

Jimin waited anxiously in line. The morning at Bighit had been amazing. They had given him a personal tour of the building and given him a run down of how they made their covers and what the inspirations for the album concepts where.

Chou had practically been bouncing off the walls in his excitement. He had been whispering all of the colours used around the building so that Jimin could try to imagine it. Jimin had tried created colours in his head in the past. Tried to imagine it, imagine not seeing the world in monochrome colours. It was difficult imagining something you have never experienced before, and wouldn't experience till you meet your soulmate.

But Jimin absorbed his best friend's excitement, joining in as he asked about areas of the building. Chou kept his hand in Jimin's, as he dragged Jimin around the building the tour guide looked exhausted after the tour. Like she wanted to collapse on her feet, Jimin had given her one of the sweets he had stored in his pocket. To cheer her up, it wasn't always easy keeping up with Chou. Especially when he was in an excitable mood.

"Do you think they will be as handsome in person?" Chou asked out of the blue. Bringing Jimin back to his current surroundings with a start.

Jimin blinked at him.

"I don't know, maybe. You'll just have to be patient and wait to find out." Jimin provided. How should he know, he had never met them in person before.

"But I want to know now" Chou complained in a whining tone.

"Sometimes it is hard to think that you are 28 years old" Jimin responded, rolling his eyes, a fond expression on his face.

"And your only a baby, 21 so young" Chou sighed dramatically. Pulling Jimin into his arms.

"Don't worry my baby. I will protect you from the evil in this world." Chou told him in a determined tone.

"Right" Jimin said skeptically, they had drawn a couple of people's attention who were standing in the queue with them.

"Aww they are soulmates, so cute" A girl said gushing at them.

"I'm not his soulmate." Jimin told her. She looked away awkwardly, blushing in embarrassment.

"No but I have found my soulmate. He is absolutely gorgeous let me tell you. Great sense of humor, great ass too now that I think about it" Chou stated. Looking lost in thought when he was evidently picturing his soulmate's ass.

"Chou-" Jimin tried to interject before he told this girl his whole life story. Chou had a bad habit of overhearing, something Jimin had been subjected to on more than one occasion. He really didn't need to know what Chou and Simeon did in their own time. But now he did, whether he had wanted the information or not.

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