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(Chapter 10)The last glimpse

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(Chapter 10)
The last glimpse

Author POV

They kept their heads down under the rain of flashing lights. Cameras surrounding them blinding them at every angle. With sunglasses on the bright white light was dimmed and less painful to their eyes.

They stared at the monochrome floor as they walked, head down not paying attention to everyone around them who wanted to know private information.

Why they stalled at the stadium during the concert. They were unsure how they had gotten that information so fast, but they weren't surprised by the invasion of privacy any more. More than used to it as their popularity continued to grow.

The crowd of fans and media closed in around them like predators circling their prey. Looking for any sign of weakness that could be their downfall. The group gave them none.

The bodyguards protested them from the over eager fans and paparazzi who were reaching out to grab at them. Some of the airport staff had stepped in to help as well.

They walked quickly but calmly in the direction the managers were leading them. Probably to their terminal, they were taking a private jet to their next location. With them gain such a large fan base they had to be more careful when moving about as a group for both work and personal reasons. The paparazzi didn't care which it was, in the end it was always about the story they could sell.

Usually along the way they might send smiles or Jin would blow the occasion kiss at the fans. But with the brief sighting and loss of their soulmate none of them felt up to the task. The fans didn't seem to notice all clambering over eachother screaming their names as they all but wiped eachother out to get a closer view of their idols. The bodyguards and airport staff were working hard to push them all back.

One of them got through, they collided with Jungkook in excitement and he shoved them off alittle to hard. They looked unperturbed by this reaction as Jungkook's head had snapped up to look at them.

But then Jungkook froze. His eyes widening, much like they did when he got lost in thought.

"He is here" he managed to get out to the others.

They rest of the members looked up at Jungkook's words. Heads turning to look where their youngest member was.

Then they saw him, in bright vibrant colours much like they had at the concert. Their soulmate turned to look at them, probably heard the crowd of screaming fans. His eyes widened as he saw them.

That spurred the band into motion they all tried to pass through the crowd of fans towards their vibrant soulmate. Their soulmate froze much like Jungkook had when he first saw him again.

But then he was spurred into motion, he grabbed his friends hand and yanked him along.

In the opposite direction to them.

The members soon realised the situation, he was running from them again. It hurt just as much as the first time.

No matter how much they pushed through the crowd they couldn't break it. They were like water being held back by a dam, unable to progress forward without the aid of people. And they had no help, so they were helpless to watch as their soulmate ran into the terminal deporting for Busan.

Jin had somehow broke through the crowd and was rushing towards the staff member, but she clearly didn't hear him as she locked the terminals door. Preventing anyone from going down the tunnel to the plane.

Watching the door shut and lock seemed to ring out in the member's ears. Everything else drained out, indistinguishable background noise.

Hoseok fell to his knees, which in hind sight was dangerous in itself. The fans seemed to pick up on something, perhaps it was the palpable grief and sadness surrounding their idols.

They backed off when the bodyguards gained some control once again. But the idols seemed to have no intention on leaving. They watched through the airport window as the plane their soulmate had departed on began to move towards the runway.

Soon after the plane took off, as did a part of each member's soul, their hearts may as well have left too.

Members of Bighit staff realising the members had stopped came back around. They had no idea what had happened to them. They merely pulled Hoseok to his feet, grabbed Jin who now had his hand pressed against the window they had watched the plane depart in.

They rounded up the reluctant but pliable members. They seemed dead on their feet, as if all the life had been sucked out of them, leaving them as empty shells. Hollow and only one thing could cure the emptiness that filled them, threatening to spill out of the seams.

But that cure was gone and they only had one clue: Busan.

They were herded like sheep onto the plane, away from the now sombre fans. They had stopped acting so excited when they saw their idols seem to crumble and break down like stone under the pressure of time.

The paparazzi was less inclined to respect their distance. Instead snapping photos that were bound to show up the next day with plenty of theories attached to them.

But the idols couldn't find it in themselves to care for it.


"Why did he run again?" Jin sounded angry, it wasn't common for the eldest to allow his anger to show. Wanting to keep a respectable image, but the situation had unhinged him.

"I don't know, may he doesn't want us" Yoongi sounded just as angry as Jin but like he was trying to mask it under a facade of nonchalance.

"Are we not good enough?" Jungkook had taken to one of the seats while several of the members were standing.

Taehyung had curled around their youngest, stroking a hand through the slightly curly hair. The staff had curled it for the concert.

"You are enough Jungkookie" Namjoon responded quickly.

"But clearly not to him" Jungkook stated.


Wow that was angsty, sorry...

Anyway we will be back with Jimin, Chou and Simeon next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.




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