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(Chapter 17)Dancing with my heart

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(Chapter 17)
Dancing with my heart

Author POV

Jin watched as their soulmate Jimin got into place alongside the rest of the members of the group. Hoseok explaining the dance to him, Jimin's eyes tracking his every movement with clear focus.

He was by far one of the most beautiful people Jin had ever seen. But he may be a bit biased, he was his soulmate after all. When he his eyes had first met the young man's eyes in the crowd of thousands he hadn't known how to process the situation.

It was like his body was a computer that had shut down and needed to reboot. And when he finally had come around the man had run, hidden away from view by the crowd. Yet so easy to pick out as he was in stark colour.

Colours Jin had never realised he wanted. He had been fine with his world of black, white and grey. Thought he had been curious of this fantastical world that soul bonded people painted.

He had reached the age of 25 and with the companies strict dating and soulmate policies he hadn't expected to see his soulmate at all. What hurt the most is while Jimin stood before them now, and he was cherishing every minute of that moment. He company refused to allow any form of romantic relationships.

If Jin wanted to date Jimin he would have to wait for his contract to expire so that he could leave the company to be with him. Unfortunately he had just signed a new contract not a year ago. At the time it was exciting that the company thought that their group could continue to perform for another 6 to 7 years.

Now it only felt like a heavy shackle and he was behind bars, prevented from going to see the world he desired. Part of Jin wanted to say screw it all, forget the company and go to be with Jimin. But the more rational part of him wanted to remain with the company to continue to live out the dream he had had from being a small child. He also had an obligation to the Army, a loyal and supportive fanbase.

He watched Jimin copy Hoseok's slow show movements. Shadowing him perfectly but with alittle hesitation in his movements. Jin had no idea what names each of the colours Jimin wore were. He hadn't seen colour again since the concert. This was only his second time ever seeing colour.

Eventually Jimin felt like he had memorised as much as he could in that moment. So the music began to play, on instinct Jin got in to his allotted space. Letting muscle memory take over and begin to move himself in time with the song.

Jimin kept up with them surprisingly. It was usually difficult to keep up with a group who had been moving in sync for over 7 years, perhaps it was a soulmate thing. Jin wasn't sure he didn't actually know much around the topic of soulmates other than what he was taught briefly in school. And that was just about the colours and gaining the glittering gold name across your wrist. But other than that Jin was clueless.

They moved as well as they could. Not quite used to having a 7th person in the routine. They had to mind not to bump into Jimin. From the way he had reacted around them before they doubted he wanted anyone accidentally bumping into him and finishing a a part of the bond. For any member of the group it would be a complete bond, but for Jimin he would have to have contant with all 6 of them to complete the full bond and see in full colour.

Jimin is a fluid mover, he seems to flow through the dance. Like the music is an extension of his body and he was the waves of sound.

Jungkook stumbles as he tries to avoid the new member in the dance and Jimin is swift to move out of the way, not wanting to be touched and as a result loses his own footing. Jin reacts without thinking, it was an instinct to make sure none of his members got hurt. Usually he was catching the clumsy Namjoon.

Jimin fell sideways over his ankle into Jin's arms. The connection is instant. Jin watches in both awe and horror. He had touched his soulmate without permission something the young man clearly hadn't been ready for. He felt terrible as his world began to burst into colour.

But he refuses to look up and around. Instead focusing on his dazed soulmate in his arms. He was lighter than Jin expected. Everyone in the room had stopped dancing, eyes trained upon the pair who had bonded. And when Jimin's eyes looked up at him he could see unshed tears in his eyes.

He could only feel guilt. But then Jimin's voice echoed out cutting off his thought process.

"It's not your fault" and as much as the words comfort him, the guilt is still there like a rock in his stomach. Uncomfortable and noticeable.

"I'm so so sorry. I reacted without thinking. I didn't want to see you hurt" Jin stutters out. His voice shaky with emotion.

"It's not your fault, I should've been able to stay on my feet." Jimin tries to push away the guilt Jin was currently overwhelmed by.

Jimin pulls himself out of Jin's arms. And when he stands he pulls back his sleeve to reveal his arm. Jin watches in fascination as his name begins to run along Jimin's wrist right next to the base of his hand. It was in loopy calligraphy, a glittering gold in colour.

But all Jin could think about as he looked as Jimin's wrist wrote over the place one would feel for a heart beat. His heart was rushing, beating hard in chest for all the wrong reasons.

But all Jin could think about was how his first colour outside of his soulmate already existing colours was the clear colour of tears in the man's eyes.


This is angsty update 2 out of 3 in the mass update.

I hope you liked it. So now Jin can see in full colour.




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