(Chapter 8)The man in colour

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(Chapter 8)
The man in colour

Author POV

Taehyung merely watched in fascination, so this was colour. This man was his soulmate, this very beautiful man he concluded as he studied the flush to his cheeks. The colours he had yet to learn the names of.

If this was how beautiful the man was in colour, he could only imagine how the world would look stained in the vivid colours that this precious man held in the depths of his dark eyes.

He barely recognised the song playing in the background, it was like every other sense he possessed faded away, leaving only the blinding colours that filled his vision. He wanted to reach out, to hold the man's hand watch the colours fill the world together in the tender embrace of his soulmate.

He recognised the panicked look upon his soulmate's face, watched his beautiful eyes scan the room, the stage looking anywhere but him. It hurt, but then he watched as he gasped in shock.

He finally tore his eyes away from the man, looking in the direction that had made the man's jaw drop. That's when he noticed the other members of his group staring wide eyed at the same man he had moments before. Was his soulmate theirs too.

By the volume of their reactions he predicted it must be true. He looked away from the other members of BTS to look at the colourful man once again. But frowned immediately, the man had rose to his feet. He then proceeded to give them all a panicked look.

Then he ran.

That had Taehyung panicking this time. Without hesitation he went to jump off the stage after the man. But the bodyguards prevented him from following, they weren't allowed to leave the stage during the concert, it was considered too dangerous.

Those moments where he and the other members struggled with the bodyguards allowed their soulmate to slip out of the doors at the back of the concert and out of sight.

The world leeched back completely into grey as their small ray of colour disappeared. Their one glimpse of colour leaving, showing the world as it used to be and would remain as until they found him again.

Jungkook managed to wrestle his way off the stage and into the crowd, his eyes only fixated upon the doors their soulmate had left through. But Army had become excited, some of them rushing forward for a chance to see their idol up close. Jungkook was soon surrounded by fans with no way to easily get through without shoving and potentially hurting someone.

The bodyguards had soon broken through the sea of fans and pulled Jungkook back onto the stage. They must have recieved a message through their ear pieces because they were soon ushering the members off the stage.


Once they disappeared behind stage the staff played music to try and sooth the fans and their concern.

"What has gotten into you?" Their manager whisper yelled at them.

"We saw him" Namjoon offered.

"Who?" The manager retorted quickly, he was clearly disappointed and confused by their behaviour over the past few minutes.

"Our soulmate, we saw him." Jin provided.

Their manager sucked in a breath, clearly not expecting that response.

"I'm sorry, I saw him and I just got so enraptured. I forgot where I was" Taehyung apologised.

"I understand that meeting your soulmate is one of the most joyous moments of anyone's life" the manager began.

The members could already tell they weren't going to like the but.

"But you are idols, this is your concert. Something you have worked hard over many years to achieve. You can not afford to be distracted." The manager finished.

"But he is our soulmate" Jungkook shouted.

"And he will still be here when you have finished your concert" their manager shouted back.

"But he ran, he left the building that's why Jungkook jumped off the stage" Taehyung told him.

"And that is not my problem. Now you are going to pull yourselves together. Get on that stage and perform, like you have done at every concert so far." The manager told them in a firm tone that told them that he wanted no more back chat.

They looked mad, barely contained anger building up. But the held it in like they had been taught and readied themselves to go onto the stage once again.

They all looked to eachother, they were determined as always, but they could tell their minds would be on anything but the performance. The army chanted once again as they appeared, they performed song after song.

Taehyung's eyes strayed to the seat that his soulmate had occupied. He noticed something, the man who had been sitting beside their soulmate. He grabbed his attention. He held up a piece of paper, then gestured to the seat and slid it under the chair seat. Hidden from view to anyone else, but since Taehyung had seen him do it he knew that it was there.

It was in that moment, Taehyung realised the man had just given them a clue how to find their soulmate. He was clearly friends with him and wanted them to be able to find him again.

The simple action lifted Taehyung's heart and allowed relief to make a home within it. Then the man left the concert hall much like his soulmate had, just in a less dramatic manner. Walking rather than running.

They continued to perform, when they gathered together briefly to rest, Taehyung whispered what the man had done for them. That he had left them something that may help them find their soulmate. That was all it took to lighten the hearts of all the members.

Pouring their hearts out to the crowd before them. But never their soul, the beauty of their soul's were reserved for one person and one person alone, their soulmate.

The one that had ran from them, but would be found again by the hope that a small piece of paper possessed the map to find him.


I decided to do another chapter from the members perspective in the next chapter. I am sorry but you are really going to hate the managers through out this book.

Anyway, Chou has once again got Jimin's back, but also he is going to be one of the biggest supporters of their relationship. So he will do anything that is necessary to encourage their relationship to grow.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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