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(Chapter 7)Behind the concert stage

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(Chapter 7)
Behind the concert stage

Author POV

It was set to be a regular concert. The usual high standard that the group maintained throughout their concerts. Never upgrading for each location till the next tour, they wanted to give it their all and have all Army's love their work.

Taehyung messed around with the grey microphone, his eyes looking up when his name was called by one of the stylist staff. Allowing himself to be pulled into what he presumed was a colourful outfit, not that he could tell. It was in monotone colours as he was yet to find the one that would provide the painting palette that would decorate the world with colours he longed to see.

Jin lent back against the sofa beside Namjoon who was playing on his phone. He had been ready first and was now waiting around for the rest of them to be ready.

"What do you think the colour pink looks like? The stylists say my microphone is pink" Jin asked Namjoon.

"How should I know? I have never seen the colour" Namjoon responded.

"Alright, what would you associate with the colour pink? What do you think of when people say pink?" Jin continued to pester him.

"Flowers and blossom I guess. I have a friend who has met their soulmate. They went to see the cherry blossoms together when spring came. She said it was one of the most beautiful sights to see in colour" Namjoon replied truthfully. He sounded wistful as he said this, almost imagining what it would be like to take his own soulmate. Would they like it too?

"I want to know what colour looks like. I have been waiting for over 24 years now" Jin sighed.

Finding your soulmate could happen at anytime. It wasn't constricted to your age. Children sometimes found their soulmates at school. It could happen to anyone at anytime. Just as long as you look your soulmate in the eyes.

"Is Jin-hyung complaining about his soulmate again?" Jungkook approached them. He sat down on the sofa, practically on top of the eldest just to aggravate him, who in turn retorted by shoving him off. Jungkook landed gracelessly on the floor with a smug smile on his face. But he soon stood up and and dusted off his trousers before taking a seat on a free sofa.

"Yes" Namjoon replied not looking up from his phone.

"I think it would be great to meet my soulmate, but I am happy to wait for them" Hoseok declared.

"But I don't want to wait. I want to meet them" Jin complained.

"It will happen when it happens hyung" Namjoon replies, finally looking up from his phone. "Is Yoongi-hyung asleep again?" He asked.

This prompted them all to turn around to look at the second eldest of the group.

"Yeah he is, had a long night in the studio again" Hoseok told them.

"He needs to rest more. This isn't healthy" Namjoon said out of concern.

"I agree, but he won't listen to us. I have tried to talk to him" Jin informed them.

"He is stubborn like that" Taehyung inputed as he approached the group. He had been listening in on the conversation as the stylist had curled his hair slightly.

"Yoongi-hyung" Jungkook shook the second eldest's leg.

Yoongi's eyes snapped open.

"I wasn't asleep" he glared. "You guys talk to loud for that".

They could see the dark circles under his eyes, he was clearly exhausted.

"Sorry hyung" Jungkook squeaked, moving backwards and out of Yoongi's personal space.

"Is it time to go on stage yet?" He let out a yawn, grabbing his microphone off the table beside him.

"No, just waiting for the staff to finish up. We were talking about soulmates in the mean time." Taehyung told him.

Yoongi nodded, slumping back down in his chair again.

"What do you think the colour pink looks like Yoongi?" Jin asked.

"Like the colour pink" Yoongi retorted sarcastically.

"I liked Namjoon's response better" Jin huffed.

"Do you want to meet your soulmate hyung?" The 19 year old Jungkook looked to the monochrome elder.

"Yes and no." And that was the only answer he was giving. He didn't elaborate further. Instead remaining silent till they were called up onto the stage to being the concert.

Before they went onto the stage Namjoon said his customary speech of working together to make this concert a good one for the fans who had traveled to come and see them perform. All of them nodding along with the words, eyes determined.

Then they entered the stage to thunderous applause and cheers that filled the stadium with noise. They all smiled, this is what they had been working for. This is why they made music, well one of the reasons at least.

They all looked out at the monochrome crowd, the white flashing army bombs began to beat to the song Idol. They took their places and became the performers they were known for. Putting their all into every move, moving with synchronisation that had been years and long hours of training and dedicated to being the best that they could be.

They jumped around the stage with enthusiasm, making sure to go infront of the armies who were holding cameras out for particular fan sights. Smiling and generally enjoying themselves.

Striking the final pose for idol they grinned at the crowd, sweat beginning to bead on their foreheads due to exertion. They all took a drink of water and waited for the next song to begin.

Anpanman. This song allowed them more time to move around the stage seeing as there was only a small dance piece scripted into it. They all moved around the stage much to the excitement of the fans, who were all pushing at eachother for closer or better views of the idols.

Taehyung traveled to the corner of the stage to the VIP section, he smiled to them all. Before he stiffened. Staring in shock and confusion as the man before him burst into colour.


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I was going to do this chapter and the next from the point of view of the group and how they reacted to seeing Jimin for the first time.





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