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(Chapter 19)Red

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(Chapter 19)

Author POV

Red was such a fascinating colour Jimin had decided. It was bright and dull at the same time, it came in so many shades.

Jimin finally saw the colour of some of his clothes, running his hands over the soft, red fabric. A part of him longed to finally see all the colours, not just the ones that highlighted his soulmates in the monochrome world.

He had woken up early, far to excited to sleep, he had a date after all to the small cafe on the corner. He decided to wear a red top, it felt good to be able to choose a coloured top for himself, a colour he could actually see.

He pulled on the jeans he had worn to the concert, it was a recommendation from Chou. He had spent 2 hours talking to his best friend that night, despite the time zone. Chou was beyond ecstatic for him.

He almost went on a tangent, lamenting Jimin's whole love story and life, it had left Jimin with a light feeling in his chest, and a room full of laughter.

He had parted from the facetime call with a certain sense of longing. He wanted to be able to tell Chou all of this in person watch him get excited in person.

He had ended the call complimenting Chou's red dress he had worn. The shock on his best friend's face had  been worth it as he said 'I love you' and hung up. Chou had send him a barriage of text messages after that. Jimin had sent back a smiley face in response.

But now he had music playing in his headphones as he walked to the cafe, he felt excited and didn't realise his steps were quickening the closer he got to his destination.


The coffee shop was quiet, a couple of students and elderly filling some of the tables. It has a peaceful ambience and Jimin felt some of his nerves wash away with the smell of freshly ground coffee and sweet sugary cake and pastries.

He ordered a drink and some pastries he liked and hoped the others liked as well. He took a seat in a booth that could hold all of them, it might have to be a tight squeeze but Jimin was sure they could manage. Plus there was no tables with enough seats for them all comfortably.

He waited patiently till he saw them enter. They had on track suits, and training gear. They headed to the counter to order their drinks, but their eyes scanned around the coffee shop to look for Jimin.

He waved when he caught Taehyung's attention. The younger man positively lit up when he saw Jimin, and he looked like the brightest glowing start. A star in stark colour against the grey backdrop of the world.

They collected their drinks and practically rushed over to see Jimin. Taehyung wasn't thinking straight, he was just ecstatic to see their soulmate.

That when Jimin stood to let them take their seats, Taehyung collided with him, pulling him into a hug without thought.

Jimin found himself gasping like a fish out of water, though his arms had come to wrap around the younger man out of instinct. There was a new colour that had appeared in his vision.


"I'm sorry" Taehyung whispered near his ear when he realised what he had done. Jimin felt all his muscles tense, he felt bad for the younger who had only wanted to hug him out of excitement.

The others were watching, measuring to see how Jimin would react. Jimin reacted in the only way he could think of in that moment. He put Taehyung into his arms tighter than before.

"It's ok" he whispered back.

Taehyung practically sank into his arms.

"I can see purple now" Jimin whispered.

"It's my favourite colour, I've always liked the name and the way my parents described it." Taehyung replied.

Jimin let him out of the hug thought when they sat down with the others, Taehyung practically plastered himself to Jimin's side. Now that he had permission that is.

His thigh was against the older man's, barely a gap between them.

"What was the colour you saw with me? I heard you saw purple with Taehyung" Jin asked, his face curious.

"Let's just say I got the red cup for a reason." Jimin lifted his cup up to take a sip of the warm liquid that had begun to cool.

Jin smiled at that.

"The world really has changed, it feels so strange to see it in colour now. Especially since it used to all be black, grey and white. I can't even imagine going back to that." Jin stated.

They all made small talk, the conversations ranged from hobbies and interests, to work and university. It was pleasant and the air was calm and comfortable. Jimin wasn't sure why he had been so hesitant to to meet them, not now when he had gotten to know them.

Not as the idols on stage, or from the point of view of the fan he was. But as Jimin and as Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook.

Some spoke more than others, others were shy to input. Jimin was content to listen as they shared experiences from their travels around the world while on their tours.

He fed their excitement with every question he asked about their stories, watching them light up and ramble more about their experiences. Something personal to them, that only Jimin was allowed to know.

Taehyung hadn't said a word the entire of the conversation, his head had been on a swivel, his eyes moving rapidly.

Jimin knew he must be trying to comprehend the world in colour, apparently it was supposed to be quite a jarring change, from grey to colour.

Taehyung couldn't seem to absorb it all, his eyes were watering, the tears streaming done his cheeks at his over worked eyes.

"Are you ok?" Jimin whispered.

"It's beautiful" Taehyung whispered back, his voice cracked, he sounded so broken, but his awe was evident in his voice.


So another chapter done, did you like it?




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