angela // 35

852 36 40

"What am I supposed to tell her, Angela? This is my family."

"Am I not important to you anymore, Ken?"




A long sigh broke the silence of the phone call. His sigh. A stress headache had well established itself by this point, with no relief in sight.

"How am I supposed to handle a divorce when my business is in jeopardy? What if this turns into a public scandal?" He chewed on the end of his glasses as he swiveled in a hotel desk chair.

"You know I can still help you with your business." She instigated. "But that means you have to do this my way."

This is cruel. He thought. Over and over that realization hit him like a ton of bricks. She is cruel.

"But, Angela... my kids-"

"You'd only be leaving the boy behind. Your girl is too young to remember anything. She'll grow up none the wiser."

A small tug at his shirt garnered his attention. A little toddler stood looking up at him with sleepy eyes and messy hair.

"Papa..." He rested the phone on the desk for a brief moment and lifted his daughter into his lap.

"How'd you manage to get down from the bed, huh?" He chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry, little one. Did I wake you?" She rubbed her eyes with pudgy hands and nodded in response.

"Where's mama?" She asked sleepily. Ken coaxed her to lay on his chest.

"Mama's not here right now, Toshiko. Try to go back to sleep, okay?" The child didn't protest, in moments she was fast asleep to the comfort of her dad's steady heartbeat and his hand gently rubbing her back.

He lowered his voice to not disturb his daughter's sleep again. "Angela, this is cruel. I can't let my daughter live a life of lies."

"You don't have much of a choice. You either move here with me and take your daughter with you. Leave your wife and son. And watch your business flourish. Or you stay with them as your money dries up because you fail to keep your business running. How do you expect them to get by if you're broke? What'll it be, Ken? Don't you love me?"

"I... love my family."

"Then you won't want to see them suffer in poverty, right?"

This woman... she's relentless. What have I done...?


He sat at a table surrounded by work associates. Slowly sipping on a glass of champagne. He would laugh at stories and jokes told by his colleagues, when really his mind kept wandering.

This is a very important conference. My struggling franchise can benefit from connections I make here... just have to find the right people and the right time-

"This seat taken?"

Alluring and flowing blonde hair framed a flirtatious smile. Piercing eyes captured his gaze - practically daring him to try and say no. Besides the sudden approach, he was surprised an American woman was attending the conference. He offered her the seat and they began chatting. As they talked he found out why she was there. Angela Jackson, was the founder of one of the partner companies running the conference. This was the perfect chance for him to strike a deal and revive his business! However her intentions, it would seem, were far off from his own. Eventually he stopped protesting her casual touches.

As champagne bottles emptied and attendees at the table found themselves elsewhere, the two adults were eventually left alone and intoxicated. He much more so than the woman. Business talk bled into personal conversation, he wasn't sure how. He was also unaware of her holding his hand, examining the ring on his left finger. The room swayed beneath his seat.

"Married, huh?" She cooed.

"Bah- married life." He slurred. "It's not all it's cracked up to be."

Wait, I don't mean it like that...

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows as if saying 'keep talking, you have my attention.' "What makes you say that?"

"Ah... well. It's just that- my wife hasn't been happy lately. She says I work too much. Don't spend enough quality time with her and the kids. I feel bad keeping her at home with a toddler and a newborn, but work is demanding."

"Oh, you poor thing." Her voice smooth and captivating as silk. "You sound exhausted."

She then took him by the hand and assisted him to his feet. It wasn't hard for her to coerce a drunk person to walk or move wherever she wanted. "Do you want to come back with me to my hotel room?" She asked playfully. "I can help you ~relax~"

"Woah- wai'd a minute." He pulled his hand from her grasp and managed to have a shred of logic amidst his alcohol-influenced mind. "I'mmarried..."

"Don't you want to expand your business? Because I can help with that, handsome."

And with that went any logic he could muster. He was too drunk to think of the consequences of the following one night stand. Except it wasn't only one night, and it turned into years of hell and manipulation and greed.

And guilt...

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