the hardest choice // 42

696 42 41

~Koushi Sugawara~

"What do you think Asahi wants to meet for today?" Daichi pondered as we strolled down the hallway, slowly closing the distance to the club room.

"Ah, that Negative Nancy probably just has to ask some questions." I cracked up.

Daichi smiled back. "Oh you're probably right."

"Sawamura! Sugawara!" We were being called from a voice down the hallway. Michimiya Yui had appeared from around a corner.

"Michimiya, hey!" Daichi called out. "Keeping busy with college prep?"

She laughed as if she was tired of hearing that question. "Definitely. I'm just glad exams are over! How did those go for you guys?"

"Haha... about that..." I sighed.

"Two of our first years have to take make up exams tomorrow morning."

Yui looked on sympathetically. "Oh no... don't you guys leave for that training camp in Tokyo by then?"

"Yeah," I interjected. "But everything should be okay."

"I see!" She smiled, and suddenly faced me completely. "Speaking of first years... have you seen Toshiko today, Sugawara?"

"Toshiko...? No I haven't."


"Uh, no? Why?"

"O-oh! No reason! You two are so close I thought you might've known where she is." My stomach tightened. My mouth went dry. And I felt a heat crawl up my neck. Michimiya then mumbled under her breath. Something about a promise. Daichi asked her to speak up, but she awkwardly excused herself saying it was nothing. We waved her goodbye and continued our walk to the club room in silence.

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I sat on the floor facing away from the door. Daichi sat with a 'whomp' right next to me. "What's with that face?"

"I'm not making a face." I grumbled and crossed my arms.

"Haha right... and my names not Daichi."

"Pfffft. Whatever." His sarcasm pulled a smile out of me and I took a deep breath to quell my annoyed feelings. Lately, it had felt like I couldn't escape Toshiko or my feelings for her. And it just hurt me more every time I thought about it.

Daichi and I talked about the day for several minutes. The clock ticked on and soon we realized something: Asahi was late. And he was the one who asked us to be there!

"Where do you think he is?" I asked.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. And anyway, I gotta ask..."

"What is it?"

"Something's going on with you and Toshiko, huh?" There it was again. Another painful twist of a knife in my heart. Rubbing it in that she was someone I wanted but couldn't have for myself. And it pissed me off.

I huffed. "No, nothing is going on between me and her." My emotions were getting the better of me. They were bubbling up uncontrollably and escaping through my voice. Daichi quirked his eyebrow.

"Hm? Why do you say that, Suga? I think-"

"I will never, ever get with Toshiko. It's not worth it! I just wish everyone would drop it already, damn!" Finally, I lashed out. It's not like I was mad at him, just the situation. My body twitched at the sound of a new voice.

"Oh no..."


He stood in the doorway looking mortified, and right after that I was too... Toshiko was with him.

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