ferris wheel // 49

590 36 18

"We're here!"

"Eh! An amusement park?!"

"Haha! I knew you'd be surprised! C'mon let's get our tickets!"

He smiled and eagerly led me to the front gate. As he paid for the entrance tickets and held them up to me I slowly started to realize why my excitement felt so misplaced. And seeing the rides on the other side only confirmed that...

These rides are so high up...!

Out of nowhere, he grabbed my hand and began leading me to one of the rides, saying "I have the perfect ride to start with! You'll love this!"

Seeing which roller coaster he was talking about, I began to seriously doubt that I would love it...

Our feet dangled above the tracks of the thrill ride he dragged me too, the final 'CLACK!' of my safety harness was like the stamp on my death certificate. I couldn't help but stare at my feet as I began to think of which of my stuff to will away to my friends.

"Isn't this exciting?!" Oikawa interrupted my thoughts, and I tried to act like what he was saying was true. But my response made him pause a moment. A warm smile spread across his lips. "Toshiko, you're welcome to hold my hand if you're nervous."

"Eh?! No way!" I denied. "As if I'd be nervous..." I opted for squeezing my handlebars instead and shut my eyes tight as our car began climbing the track. Rides like that were only fun if I closed my eyes, not able to see how high up we were.

It was hard to hide my wobbling knees as we exited the ride, his laugh startled me from behind.

"Wow! Wasn't that a thrilling start to our date? Where do you want to go next? I'll let you pick."

"Oh! Um..." My eyes scanned for something - anything - low to the ground. "Yeah! Over here!" I cheered and began leading the way, he was close behind.

"The teacups?" Oikawa asked with a grin. "That's adorable."

I stuck my tongue out at him as we waited in the short line. He was looking somewhere distracted when we finally got to the front. I had to snap him out of it, "C'mon! Let's see how fast we can spin one of these things."

His eyes lit up as he smirked, asking what my favorite color was. We quickly found an orange teacup to ourselves and gripped the wheel tightly while the ride started up. In no time at all we started twirling at high speeds - what seemed like it anyway. I couldn't help but laugh like a little kid. Our hands brushed over one another's as we gave one final tug at the wheel, losing ourselves in the morphing colors that blended into our background. Looking up, Oikawa laughing in the seat across from me was the only clear image I could see. The rest of the world was a muddle of colors and shapes that I didn't care to focus on.

Now this was fun.

Taking in the joy of it all I leaned back, carelessly throwing my hands in the air and giving into the fun. I wasn't worried about the date sucking anymore. For the time being. As we laughed together and exited the ride, I spotted the bumper cars and could not resist dragging him over there hoping that I could keep us low to the ground for as long as possible.

"You're toast!" I called from my own car across the arena. The fires of petty competition lit up on his face.

"Oh is that right? We'll see..."

3...2...1... Start!

I immediately sought him out, weaving between other people in their cars to ram into Toru's. He held on tightly to his steering wheel and laughed, like he didn't expect me to come after him like that. As soon as I made my attack, I backed away. Laughing as I bumped into other's and saw the look in Oikawa's eyes.

one step further // haikyuu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now