reunion // 57

494 23 22

Geez... this is more awkward than I thought...

When I had volunteered Tsukishima and I to block for Bokuto and Kuroo, I wasn't really thinking. Mostly grasping at the straws of what I knew best— and that's volleyball. But now that I knew the truth about Bokuto...

Or maybe I should call him Koutaro...

"One touch." Tsukishima called out, snapping me back to the blocking-practice-turned-pick-up game. I barely managed to get under the ball in time to give Tsukki a pass.

I exclaimed, "Right here!" While setting up my approach for an outside hit. My teammate tossed it nice and high, however that gave Kuroo too much time to adjust to me.

He had a smirk on his face that said 'Good luck getting it through me, Short Fry!' And that fired me up to do just that. I reeled back on my jump, preparing to practice my cut shot, but while I was up there I happened to catch Koutaro's glance. He seemed almost focused, but troubled about my presence.

So I lost my focus.

My hit turned into a well-placed dink, the ball floated right over Kuroo's outstretched fingers and to the floor behind him. Just out of Koutaro's reach as well. Kei and I lazily celebrated, smacking hands together and setting up for more to come. Even though I was nauseous and beginning to feel more worn out than I normally would.

I feel dizzy. Maybe I should sit down? No, I shouldn't worry them... maybe I could suggest we take a water break. Or maybe—

"Can we take a break? I need water." Tsukishima announced to the other team. He glanced my way briefly, like he read my own thoughts and accommodated for my lack of action.

Kuroo chuckled and smacked between Bokuto's shoulders. "Fine, lazy bones. We'll all take a short break."

I plopped to the ground with a huff, drinking water like it was life support. Tsukishima sat beside me, positioning himself in a way that blocked me off from the others across the court. I peeked around him a couple times, catching Kuroo and Koutaro staring at us, but Kuroo was really the only one talking. In my mind, I wondered if I should do something. Say something. My thoughts were in a whirlwind of contradicting possibilities. Yet, while my mind raced, I failed to notice Koutaro approaching us.

It was subtle, but Tsukishima rested his arm over his knees in a way that his overhanging elbow rested on my knee closest to him. Only doing that as Bokuto got closer.

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he stumbled into a sentence. "H-Hey, Toshiko... Can we-- um... Can we talk?" Koutaro pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.

"Sure." My sudden agreeable-ness threw him off, I think. Considering how I blew him off earlier anyway...

I glanced back at Kei once as I walked away, his eyes glued to us as we exited the gym into the walkway. The closing of the gym door was a stark contrast to the silence that filled the air between us, crickets softly chirped nearby. But that wasn't enough. My stomach flipped and my brain short-circuited being in this situation. Why hasn't he said anything yet?! I didn't think I should be the one to start this conversation! What should I even say?!

"Um... Toshiko...?" He softened his voice and pulled me from my rambling inner monologue.

"Eh?" I peeped, looking up into his eyes for maybe the second time that day. So eerily familiar, his gaze.

"Can I... show you something?"


He retreated to his gym bag sitting besides the steps in front of the gym, quickly finding something and bringing it over to me.

one step further // haikyuu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now