a confession from who?! // 24

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~Flashback: mid-golden week, during first homeroom~

"Shouyou, after going over everything I got some bad news for you..." I said in a grim tone peeking from behind some papers at the wide-eyed ginger. His brows quirked up worriedly and he leaned closer to me.

"You mean...?" He croaked.

"Yes..." While pushing the papers and notebook covered in red ink marks back across his desk I looked at him somberly. "Hinata Shouyou. According to this evidence... you are bad at English." I pretended to adjust a pair of invisible glasses up the bridge of my nose and crossed my arms, the boy groaned at me.

"Aw, man!" He flailed his hands exasperatedly before gripping the pages and pouring over the notes and edits I left him. "I even felt good about this assignment!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well I'm glad you asked me to take a look before class. You should also go over the corrections I made on your math. I can explain how to set up the equations if you need me to."

"Thank you, Toshikooo." Hinata whined. "I'm lucky you're so smart." His comment caused me to drop my façade for a moment, I was flustered.

"I- well- uh... don't give me so much credit. I just happened to understand it...  And I figured I could offer you my help." I tried to deflect his compliments, but he wouldn't let up. Shouyou flustered me even more by continuing to comment on my intelligence before a voice intervened.

"Good morning, Toshiko!" A girl in our class smiled sweetly at Hinata and I with her hands behind her back. Tendrils of her hair fell over her cheeks and shoulders when she tilted her head.

"Ah- good morning, Mimari." I smiled back at her as Hinata replied with the same greeting.

"Toshiko... can I talk to you outside for a minute? Privately?" I gulped, this was starting to make me a little suspicious. Sure, Mimari was my classmate and friend, but she never did anything like this before.

"Oh- yes." I said, pushing back from my desk and following her out of the classroom. "See you in class, Sho."

"Okay! Thanks for helping with my homework!" He smiled and waved me out the room. As soon as I slid the door closed behind us, she grabbed my wrist and began dragging me through the halls.

"*Hey*- wah-? Mimari?!" A playful giggle met my concern, only adding to my confusion. She enthusiastically led me to a set of stairs leading to the upper floor - where all the second year classes were. She got a chance to catch her breath in front of a set of lockers, mumbling under her breath.

"She should be here already..."

"Mima. What is going on? Why did you drag me up to the second floor?" At my question, she turned and grabbed my hands. Holding them under her chin with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"You'll see! My friend will be here any second!"

"Your friend...?"

"Sorry I'm late Mima," a voice from behind us chirped up, startling me. "I had to take care of a few things."

"Oh! Asai! You're here!" I turned to see a beautiful 2nd year student. She had clear, dark skin and brown coiled hair pulled up in a stylish ponytail. My breath hitched in my throat for a moment, I wasn't ready to be graced by such a pretty person.

"So, this is your classmate?" She said scanning me up and down. I became a bit shy.

"Yep!" Mima gripped my shoulders and rested her head by mine. "This is my friend, Toshiko!"

"Um..." I interceded the conversation. "Sorry to interrupt, but can someone please explain what's going on?" At my question, Asai formed a mischievous grin.

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