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~Ryunosuke Tanaka~

"Noya! Oi! Quit pushin' me dammit!" I shouted. He had Shouyou and I from the back, pushing us away from Toshiko and that lousy captain from Seijoh.

Hinata slumped, disheartened. "Noya! They're getting away! And he gave her the rose..."

After a long time, he finally stopped us and looked back, they were long gone.

"What the hell, man?!" He pissed me off. He was actin' like this was okay! "You let that pompous Grand King get away with Toshiko!"

"Don't worry!" He smirked. "I didn't lose them! I know exactly where they're going. Ha ha!"

Hinata beamed. "Gwah! How, Nishnoya?! Toshiko said that he kept the date spot a secret!"

"Think about it guys!" Yuu began listing things off with his fingers. "He's dressed for the hot weather, made her do the same, and think about the city we're in!"

A lightbulb clicked on in my head and I gasped. "Oh! He's taking her to the amusement park!"

"Exactly!" Noya grinned.

"Uh oh... That's bad news for her." Shouyou pondered. "She's afraid of heights."

We both looked at him and it made me have a realization.

No wonder she acted so weird on the roof that day...

Noya patted our shoulders. "Well no matter! Back there I had an idea, which is why I told her to go along and dragged you guys away."

"What is it?" Hinata asked.

"Let's follow them around the park!" He jumped and exclaimed. "We can watch how bad the date goes and then make her feel better when she realizes what a loser he is!" We stood in silence after his proposal, and after a few painful moments I finally cracked and busted up laughing. Hinata did the same.

"Oi! Quit laughing' at me ya bastards!"

"Sorry I'm- I'm not laughing at you," I breathed through the giggles and calmed down. "It's just... you're crazy, Noya. But a genius."

Hinata's soul jumped out of his body. "Hah?! You agree with him?!"

"But we can't just follow them like this..." I pondered aloud and brainstormed. "If she sees us, she might get mad. So we gotta wear some disguises."

"Oh!! Like we're super spies!" Nishinoya sparkled at the idea.

Hinata tilted his head. "Super spies?!"

"Super spies! Super spies! Let's go!" My fellow 2nd-year and I shouted, dragging along our junior for the mission ahead!


"There they are!" Hinata pointed to the two targets getting onto a big roller coaster.

"Good eye, Shouyou!" I patted his back as we walked a little closer to get a better view of them.

"Hey, why did I have to wear the mustache?! This thing is itchy." Noya complained.

"You're the one who wanted it! I told you all we needed were hats and sunglasses, now shut up." I quickly shushed him and made them look at Oikawa and Toshiko. Even from our distance I could see her fidgeting with the safety harness nervously. Oikawa said something, to which she shook her head wildly and fastened her hands to the shoulder bars. It looked like her eyes were shut tight as the ride made an ascent up the track.

"Think she'll be okay?" I asked Hinata, who looked up there in worry. Soon he closed his eyes and sighed.

"She'll definitely try to be okay. Even if she's not." He said before giving in to a smile. "But she's strong, so it'll be fine."

Man... this kid's in it deep...


"She'll be done with this guy after that for sure! Right, Tanaka?"

"I don't know... I mean look at her..."

She wobbled off the ride's exit and turned her attention to Oikawa as he spoke. Toshiko looked around for a moment and beamed at something far from the area. We followed behind and saw that she led him to the teacups, and then from there it was the bumper cars...

Toshiko was having a fun time. The mission wasn't going exactly as planned, and I had to tell the guys bluntly.

"What do you mean give up on the mission?!" Noya shouted, I had to remind him to keep his voice down.

"Just look at her, man..."

We all did that and watched her laugh and shout at that Oikawa guy as she rammed her car into his. He was lighting up her competitive spirit and there was no denying that Toshiko was having a blast. We went there to comfort her when the date turned out to be a bust but... that didn't seem to be happening that way. It was time to face that fact. We watched from a distance as he led her to a nearby bench and sat her down.

I did my best to reassure the guys. "C'mon, don't look so depressed! We should be happy for her, right? Let's leave them alone, ride some rides and have our own fun!"

"... Yeah!" Shouyou agreed. "Let's go-uwah!"

"Oi! What the-"

"Ouch! What gives?!"

From nowhere, three security guards jumped us from behind and held our arms. They roughly turned us away and began walking us to the exit!

"Oi! What the hell is goin' on?!" I shouted.

The man grabbing me replied with a gruff voice. "We have gotten multiple complaints of you three acting suspiciously around the park! We're telling you, you must leave the premises at once for disturbing the park-goers!"

Noya floundered. "Wait! I didn't even get to ride any rides!"

"Seiko is gonna kill me for wasting this money..."


"Man that was awful..." Nishinoya groaned, the streets of Miyagi being lit up orange and gold from the sunset. I lightly agreed, yet couldn't help but notice how quiet Hinata had been since we got kicked out. It wasn't like him.

"Hey buddy..." I tapped his shoulder. "You okay?"

That seemed to bring him out of some sort of daze, he looked up at me slowly and tried to tell me he was fine. Nothing about what he said seemed fine. I worried that he was bothered about Toshiko and her date. But before I could offer something encouraging to say, he spoke.

"You know, Tanaka... I've started to realize something."

"Ah... realize what, Hinata?"

"That you're right... I... I like Toshiko. I wanna make her happy. And seeing her laughing and playing with some other guy wasn't fun at all..."

Oh man... so much for being super spies...

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