message thread... // 37

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Subject: Questions!!
To the mystery email boy...

You're right about this being pretty weird!! (;° ロ°) But I'll play along for now.

Not that I'm agreeing to the date! I just meant I have some questions ('へ'*)ノ

So I'll take a shot in the dark and ask you... what is your name?!


From: unknownemail
Subject: Nice Try .。.:*☆
So nice to hear back from you! (ノ^∇^)

Sorry... but after thinking about it I find the mystery of it all to be quite thrilling, wouldn't you agree? <( ̄︶ ̄)>

That being said I'm going to keep my name a secret until the day we meet! That is if you agree to the date of course.

But I'll try to answer any other questions .。.:*☆

P.S. Judging from the email, I'm guessing your name is Toshiko? Such a cute name~ Looks like I'm already one step ahead of you, Detective. (-o⌒)


Subject: No Subject!!
I see...

You may be one step ahead, but I won't be beaten!! o(-'д'- 。)

Since you won't give me a name... What school do you go to? And what year are you?

And just because I think you can tell a lot about a person by this next one: What is your favorite food?

To make things fair I'll tell you mine...(`^')ノ
Mexican food! So now it's your turn!!


From: unknownemail
Subject: Questions of my Own .。.:*☆
Haha! I like that last question! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Mexican food, huh? Can't say I've ever had it! My favorite food is milk bread ( ˘ ³˘)♥ and I'm a third-year from Aoba Johsai. Too bad I can't ask those questions back, since I already know you're a first-year from Karasuno!

But I'd like to ask some questions if that's alright! Just to get to know you.。.:*☆

What part of Japan did you grow up in? What do you like to do for fun? And finally, what do you find most attractive about a person? (¬‿¬)


Subject: Answers!!
Milk bread?!  (*≧艸≦) Yummy! I recommend Mexican food if you ever get the chance to try it!!

Seijoh?! Third-year?! I feel like I've been too informal!! (シ_ _)シ I'm sorry!

Actually... I grew up in America! My dad wanted me to go to high school here, so...

For fun I like to do fun things, duh! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ Sports are the most fun!

Is this question your way of flirting, mystery boy??
(-_-)ゞ゛Anyways! I think the most attractive thing about a person is how they laugh... maybe it sounds weird, but my favorite thing to see is how someone's face lights up when I tell a good joke or something


From: unknownemail
Subject: ...
I see... this is the first time anyone has given me an answer like that... you're a kind person, Toshiko-chan~ and interesting too! This is my first time meeting someone from America!

No need to be so formal, seeing your genuine attitude has been... refreshing to say the least

Oh, you're an athlete too? So am I!

So... have I passed your test? After what my cousin put you through, I simply wish to make things right. No girl should be treated so poorly. But that being said, I still understand if you're opposed to the date.

But please consider it, I promise you won't regret it!

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