a short stay somewhere // 40

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"You wanted to see me, Takeda-sensei?"

"Oh, you're here! Have a seat, Toshiko." He gestured to an empty seat across the desk. The summons was sent during class and directed me to an empty meeting room. I got nervous knowing what the meeting was probably for. And as I sat down, my suspicions were confirmed.

"So... about yesterday." Takeda pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and looked at me with worried eyes. Involuntary defenses kicked in as I tried to sway the severity of the conversation.

"Right! About that..." I laughed nervously. "Sorry for yelling at everyone..."

"You apologized enough for that last night, no need to do it more now. But what I'm concerned about - and what I called you in here for - is about home."

I swallowed hard, it felt like a ball formed in my esophagus. He continued with a serious expression on his face.

"As a teacher, it's not really my place to do this but... I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Well I mean..." I shifted in my seat and struggled to find the right words. "I'm... okay. I guess. Things at home aren't 'bad' they're just - complicated. My dad... my family is complicated, like I mentioned yesterday. But I have food, water, a roof over my head. I don't let this effect my grades. I still participate in extracurricular clubs..."

He sighed. "I see. That's a very mature way to look at it."

"You're not just saying that because I went off about being treated like a child, are you?" My joke made him laugh and it cleared the air a bit.

"Of course not. I mean it. You're very strong, Toshiko. But tell me, do you know what happens when muscles are overused?"

"They get fatigued... and that can lead to injury."

"Exactly. So even someone who's really strong can become tired after holding onto something heavy for a long time, right?" My lips formed a tight line and I slowly nodded my head. "You see what I'm getting at?" I nodded again and looked in my lap. My hands squeezed tight together.

"My suggestion to you, and this is only a suggestion... find a friend to stay with for a few days. Solitude can be a heavy burden for a young person. You don't have to, but I ask that you at least think about it."

"...Okay. I will consider it. And as much as I deflect and make up excuses, I really do appreciate your effort to look after me Takeda. I know you've worked hard to keep me involved with the club because you understand how much volleyball means to me. Even though you were trying to be subtle. Thank you." I bowed and smiled before I left, my gratitude made him well up.


Usually I wouldn't sneak around the third year floor, I had no reason to before. But Sugawara... I just didn't want to see him. Every time I talked to him I began blushing and acting like an idiot! Ever since I realized I liked him, I couldn't be my normal self. So, carefully I hid behind some lockers and checked down the hallway towards the classrooms.

Coast clear. Then I checked the other way. Also clear. No Suga, just other students looking at me like I was crazy. Swiftly I emerged from behind the lockers and proceeded to run right into someone's back. They turned around.

"Oh hey you!" Sugawara smiled warmly. "Whatcha doing up here?"

Just my luck!! Where did he come from?!?

"S-Suga! Um I was looking for Michimiya! You haven't seen her have you??" My voice hitched a few octaves higher on accident.


one step further // haikyuu x OCWhere stories live. Discover now