feeling embarrassed // 3

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The closer I approached the desk, the further the boy sunk down into his seat; crossing his arms and purposefully avoiding eye contact with me. His lips were pressed in a thin line as his whole face now lit up bright pink. Couldn't help but smile to myself as I sat down and faced away from him.

He looks pretty cute all flustered like that. Does he feel that bad for earlier?

While listening to the teacher I was acutely aware of the boy fidgeting behind me. After she was done giving announcements, she allowed some free time, causing some boys and girls of the class to approach me - asking questions and introducing themselves. Everyone seemed pretty nice and I was warming up quickly, laughing and making the others laugh as I let my personality shine bright. All it took was some talking to get the feel of those around me and relax a little. Suddenly, I heard the chair behind me slide against the floor, and my classmates around the desk looked up with amused faces. Curious, I turned in my chair and was shocked to see the orange-haired boy bowing deeply in my direction.

"I'm really sorry I almost hit you with my bike earlier! I wanted to be the first one to morning practice because we're getting ready for golden week. Please accept my apology!" He bowed as he talked, the whole gesture making the class giggle and causing me to blush.

Practice for what? What the hell is a golden week? This had to happen my first day?

I waved my hands in front of me trying to coax him to stand. "It's fine! S-seriously it's not a big deal... uh... I'm sorry, I never got your name..." This whole interaction in front of my new class was quite embarrassing.

He couldn't have just met me after class or something?! Why do this right now when everyone is watching?

"My name is Hinata Shouyou!" He exclaimed, still bowing.

"H-Hinata-! Please stand, I'm feeling embarrassed." I whisper-yelled at him, blushing under the eyes of almost all the class. Shouyou stood then, his form rigid but his face showing complete seriousness. Deep brown eyes bore all the way into my soul, the intensity he exuded made my stomach turn and my breath was caught in my throat.

His energy is so extreme... he really means his apology.

My mouth opened to speak, but the teacher interrupted by calling for me from the front of the room. "Toshiko, someone out here needs to speak to you." I turned back to the tangerine boy, he was still staring me down. It sent chills through my spine.

"Sorry, Hinata," I said with a bow of my head. Some hairs fell from their place behind my ear. "We can talk more after school. See you later!" Quickly I escaped from the embarrassing ordeal. Only looking back to watch his shoulders slump forward in defeat, and a male classmate teasing him while bonking him on the head. After closing the door, I leaned against it and took a deep breath of relief. But a nearby voice made me jump.

"Toshiiii!" An older female student was standing before me smiling brightly. Immediately I recognized the very short brown hair and cute face. I lit up with joy.

"Michi!" I exclaimed as she pulled me in for an excited hug. The two of us had been in contact for a couple months, and had managed to create a solid bond in that time. "I'm so happy to finally see you in person!"

"Hehe, I'm happy to see you too, Miss American!" She laughed teasingly as I pulled away from the embrace. "Are you excited to finally meet the team? I've been hyping them up about your arrival." I nodded vigorously in response. "Great! I'll see you at practice in the gym after classes then!" The bell rang and students began moving into the hallway.

"See you later, Captain." I smiled wide, proud and happy to be part of a team again.

I'm so glad she's nice. Tonight I will have to prove I'm worthy to be apart of their team. Hopefully I'll be able to catch that Shouyou guy before I have practice...

~Notes From author~

Hey gang! This is a bit shorter chapter, I'll try to keep my chapters at around 1,000 or so words. I felt like this was an appropriate end for this part however, and things will be begin to pick up soon. A.k.a: we get to see the other Karasuno boys get introduced huehue c:< Hope to see you there!


*Later edit: yes I changed the MC's name, this one sounds more realistic of someone raised in America. Confusion about her name will probably get answered later :) I'm trying real hard to make sure I clean up all the edits lol!

one step further // haikyuu x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ