coming to blows // 50

545 31 5

Check to the right: clear. Check to the left: no sign of anyone.


"Coast is clear, guys! No sign of Daichi!" I shouted and jumped back into the gym. Kageyama and Hinata cheered as Yachi laughed. It was time to get some extra practice in before the third years returned to lock up. With the training camp in Tokyo being a week away, we wanted to practice as much as we could before having to train with those bigger schools.

"Ready guys?" Yachi said with a ball in her hands. The rest of us cheered and got ready in our positions. Kageyama was tossing the balls from Yachi for Hinata to hit. I was on the other side trying to receive. But as the minutes went by, and ball after ball was put into play, something was off about the two boys. Yachi and I shared a glance from across the court as they started to talk, talking led to bickering.

"How am I supposed to get better if we keep doing the same thing?!" Hinata shouted.

Kageyama matched his volume. "What we need is to get good with what we have now!"

"Guys..." I tried to intervene. "What the hell just happened?"

"Please don't fight..." Yachi tried to help. However they didn't listen. Out of nowhere that bickering escalated into an actual altercation. Yachi ran out in a flash, but all I could do was stand there! I tried to step forward, but suddenly their argument got worse.

"You're only trying to show off for Toshiko!" Tobio shouted. I froze. They're bringing ME into their fight?

"HAH?! What kind of bull crap are you spewing?!"

"Don't play stupid, dumbass! I know you keep her to yourself because you secretly like her!!"


"M-moron! You don't know what you're talking about. Cut it out, Kageyama!"

"Oh I don't know what I'm talking about?! You're not getting any better because you're always distracted by her!"

Shouyou launched himself at his teammate. "How dare you even bring her into this?!"

He grabbed the back of Hinata's shirt, cloth spilling from his fists. "Oh, don't act so NOBLE!" Kageyama threw him to the ground with a grunt and I yelled for them to stop. That was all I could do. My heart was hurting seeing them fight. The things Tobio were saying was hurtful. They brawled on the ground and threw punches until Tanaka busted into the gym and put an end to everything. Hitoka was watching from behind the entryway.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" He shouted at them, and shot me a worried glance. The other two simply grunted and stared each other down. Tanka bopped them both on the heads. "No answer, huh?! You're being stupid! What are you two doing fighting in front of the girls?!"

The mention of Yachi and I seemed to bring them to their senses a little bit. They blinked and turned to their sides to observe us, I couldn't even look at them anymore. I turned my head away as the things Kageyama said were replaying over and over. He called out to me weakly, which I ignored.

"Hinata, walk Hitoka to the bus stop. Kageyama you take Toshiko home. Got it?! And apologize to them right now!"

They did, but I didn't wanna hear it.

Needless to say, the walk home with Kageyama at my side was quiet. Awkward. I had nothing to say to him. As we approached my front steps I muttered a 'thank you' before trying to get away. To get into my house. But he grabbed my wrist and asked me to face him.

"Toshiko wait... I'm... I'm sorry. For fighting in front of you and Yachi. Tanaka... was right. We shouldn't have fought in front of girls."

"You also shouldn't have fought over a girl." I spat.

"Toshiko... I-"

"No... you and Hinata, you guys are apart of a team. A good team. You're partners. And I believe that you can beat the "fallen crows" title. You've already done such great things together."

He released my arm and tried to reason his argument. "But he's not listening!"

"You're not listening, Kageyama!" My voice lifted to a shout, I didn't want to shout. He blinked at me in surprise. "Look... clearly, amongst the other things, I am partially the cause of your guys' fight... from what you said to Shouyou anyway..."

I think he felt guilty. His face twisted to a grimace and opened his mouth to speak. But nothing came out, I filled the silence once again. "So I think the best thing for me to do is create some distance between all of us."

He stepped closer to me. "Wha-?! What do you mean?"

I climbed further up my steps to get away from him. "You and Shouyou... you're my friends, I care about you both and want to see you succeed. And right now you can't work together with me in the picture.... I'm not coming to practice anymore. At least for this week..."

"What?! Wait- Toshiko-!"

"Please listen... I think this is necessary. Because I think it's something that will help you two mend. I'll still go to the training camp, but until then I'm going to avoid the both of you. So... so stay motivated, and find solutions! Bye, Tobio..."

The tears threatening to spill were my motivation to finally leave him out there. Closing the door behind me felt like the seal of the deal. Maybe it wasn't fair of me to not hear his side, but after hearing what he said during the fight I felt like I had heard enough. I texted Shouyou the same thing, letting him know I wasn't going to see him for a while. It made me realize I had much to think about. But my heart was hurting too much to dwell on that in the moment.

What am I gonna do? I'm losing my friends again, for a while... and volleyball too. I'm tired of all this drama...

I flopped onto my bed with a sigh, wondering if Kageyama had left. Wondering if what I was doing was the right thing. Wondering if it would actually help them. Wondering if-


My text tone rang out into the stillness, startling me a bit. I turned the screen towards me to see if it was Kageyama trying to get me to change my mind. Or Shouyou trying to say something. But I was wrong with both, and a small smile found its way to my face as realization struck.

"Great timing, Oikawa."


Hey lovelies! Just wanted to pop in and give some thanks for all the support! My story has been getting tons of attention lately and it truly means so much to see everyone enjoying the story! The conclusion to this journey isn't too far away, so I hope you'll see it through with me!

Also, for those of you who like to have some music playing for the fics you read, I have a Spotify playlist specifically for this story! There's a link in my profile bio if you want to have music that I associate with the vibes of this fic.

See you readers later on!

<3 Lemon

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