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Iris Marjorie Dursley was the oldest child of the Dursleys. She was born on the 15th of July, 1976, when her parents were 18. To make things less confusing, she was born a mistake. But of course, Vernon and Petunia did not let anyone know of their 'mistake', instead, they covered it up with their marriage. Getting married at 18 was considerably young, and unDursley like. But to them, getting married young was better than having children before marriage. That was the Dursleys. They wanted their life to be normal. Live in a small house filled with luxury, Petunia is a housewife who kept everything nice and tidy. Vernon is a rich and successful man running his own business. They had absolutely no intention of getting married so young or having a child at 18. Course, they told no one that Petunia was pregnant until after they got married which was rushed. Everyone bought it except maybe Lily Evans. She had suspicions when Iris was born. It was only seven months after they got married. Petunia shut her up by saying that Iris was an early-born baby. Lily took it as it was, after all, she was 16. 

Iris had met her aunt Lily once when she was really young. Perhaps 2-3 or so. She remembered her visiting their house. Iris remembered her red fiery hair and bright emerald eyes. What she was there for, little Iris did not know. She spoke very little to her, but Lily was a sweetheart from what she could remember. She had no idea why her mother didn't like her, Iris did.

Iris was the kind of child with parents who loved her but didn't respect her. In fact, they didn't love love her, they just loved her. Her life was considerable for the first 5 years. Her parents both acknowledged her, very rarely spent time with her, until June 29th of 1980. (I know I know, Dudley's birthday is not on the 29th, but just go with it.) Being 4 at the time, she didn't know her life would change. Dudley was her little brother, the kid that her parents dreamed of. Now Iris was not the kind of child that hated their younger siblings because they took all the attention. Instead, she let it happen. It was human nature to be jealous, after all, Dudley took all the love her parents had in her and more, but Iris was a stranger to love, so she didn't care too much.  Iris was now simply a little girl living with them. But her life wasn't horrible. She was still fed well, had nice clothes, celebrated her birthday, not anywhere near her younger brother, but she is considered lucky to her unknown cousin.

She tried to get along with Dudley, but he only punched her or teased her when they got older. Iris decided it was best to stay away from the new addition and let him occupy her parents. Iris obviously thought some things were unfair in her life. Like if Dudley broke something, Vernon would laugh and say he was going to be a strong man. Whenever he cried, Petunia would come straight from him and reassure him. Whenever he had the slightest complaint, they would fix it right up for him. Every time Iris broke something, they would yell at her. Whenever she cried, they would tell her she was weak and tell her to shut up. If she complained even a little bit, they would give her a long lecture about being an ungrateful brat. Iris learned very quickly at the age of 5, that she would stay away from things that could easily break, cry silently in her bedroom, and it was just better to stay quiet.

Iris had three guesses why her parents didn't like her. One, she 'ruined' their reputation of being 'normal' by being born early and making them get married early as well. Two, Iris had emerald green eyes, like her aunt. If you didn't look at her eyes, you would see a Dursley. Blond hair, prim face, tall. But her eyes looked exactly like Lily Evans. Iris guessed that her mother did not like Lily, and her having green eyes didn't seem to help. Her 3rd guess, and most probable was that she was a witch. Of course, she didn't know at the time. She only knew she wasn't as 'normal' and her parents, and they hated anything that wasn't normal. When she was younger, before Dudley was born, whenever she got mad or sad, things would break, shatter, fly, do anything objects weren't supposed to do. It scared the living hell out of her parents, and each time she did something like that, they would get extremely mad and lock her in her room. Iris didn't like this punishment so she learned to control her temper. She got mad often, but she controlled herself before the weird magic would happen. She hadn't performed any type of magic since she was four, which seemed to please her parents. Though she wasn't going to be the last magical person. 

Iris remembered the day her little cousin came to her house. November 1st, 1981. It was in the middle of the night, Iris was supposed to be asleep. But an owl was in her room, and she thought it was entertaining and petted the owl. She heard a knock on the front door and creaked her door open when she heard her parents walk down the stairs and open the door. She heard her mother scream. Iris moved herself to the stairs so she could see the guest. She didn't see anything out the door, but when she followed her parent's gaze to the doorstep, she found the source of her mother's shrill scream. The two adults stayed staring at the basket for about half an hour until they realized their neighbours could be spying on them and brought the baby boy in.

They carried the basket to the dining room, holding it like it was a bomb. Iris followed them and listened from the doorway. It was hard to make it what they were saying, but she heard 'Potter' 'dead' 'Harry' 'freaks' and something that sounded like bumblebee. She put the words together and guessed that the Potters died, her aunt and uncle, but Harry her cousin survived. The next day, her parents coldly explained to her that the Potters died in a car crash, leading Harry to be dropped off here for them to raise them. Iris wasn't overly excited, only because she thought it would be another Dudly, and how wrong she was. The first week, Petunia took care of him, not as lovingly as Dudley, but enough so that Iris could learn how to care for him. They told her that they were going to put him in the cupboard under the stairs, but Iris thought that was mean. She demanded that she would take care of him until he could take care of him self. She wasn't sure what she was expecting. Being 5, she thought it would be as easy as taking care if her dolls. At least Harry was 1 and was learning how to walk, so she didn't have to carry him everywhere.

By the time he was three, he was able to do many things, so the Dursleys took it as an advantage and made him their servant of sorts. Iris still thought it was mean, but that leads her to becoming closer to a servant as Harry was. He was being fed less and less, which worried Iris. She figured out a pattern when she was 6. She found out that Vernon went to work every week day, leaving at 8 in the morning, and coming home at 6 pm. Her mother would always start the day by going outside to tend the garden after her father left, giving Iris time to grab food from the kitchen and take it to Harry. Iris was very careful not to take too much at a time. In case they would realize the lack of food. The only obstacle left was her spoiled brother, who got suspicious of her after he found her leaving the fridge door open. Iris cursed when that happened. She was smart academically and forensically, but she lacked common sense. She bypassed him by saying she needed ice, and Dudley being dumb, didn't realize that ice came from the freezer instead of the fridge. Iris was just glad Harry ate anything that was edible.

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now