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Iris was currently with the Weasleys, she was pacing back and forth waiting for harry to come down to the hospital wing. She had questions, that were not answered. She didn't even know what was happening, other than the fact that Cedric Diggory was dead, The cup was some sort of portkey, and according to harry, who was shaken like he visited hell and back, Voldemort was back. Everyone knew as much as she did, so it didn't make Iris's head any less busy. Percy had left her a little while ago, he was reported down by the ministry for settling, questioning, and investigating. Mrs. Weasley looked no better than Iris, Ron and Hermione were also there pale as a sheet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              "Here, drink this." The matron said, giving iris a vial of fluid which she supposed was calming draught. Iris took it in one gulp, not questioning the substance which could possibly be poison, but continued to pace afterwards. Finally, nearly 2 hours later, the doors opened revealing Harry who looked like he was a zombie, Dumbledore with concern on his face, and a big black dog, which Iris thought looked familiar. Mrs. Wealsey ran up to hug him but was stopped by Dumbledore, saying the boy needed rest. Iris couldn't agree more, as she set up his bed for him to sleep.

His head hit the pillow and he was out in a snap, leaving iris to watch him. Knowing he was right in front of her, she felt more at ease, at least he was safe. As soon as Dumbledore knew Harry was sleeping, he summoned Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, along with Iris out to the corridor. It was as if he did not want to be heard. "I am afraid, Lod Voldemort has returned, and if the ministry turns their back on us, I am opting to re-create the order once more. Molly, and Authur, can I count on you two?" He asked the couple, but it left Iris vaguely confused. "Of course!' Molly replied immediately after sharing a look with her husband. Dumbledore nodded, dismissing them. They left for the hospital again, leaving Iris with the headmaster. "Am I correct in thinking you are confused? " he asked. Iris nodded pursing her lips. "The order is something I created during the first war, it is a secret organization of trusted witches and wizards to fight against Lord Voldemort and protect muggles and other species. I have very high trust in you, and I am offering for you to become a member."

As he suspected, Iris agreed to it without a doubt. "Good, I believe he will decide whether to take action or not in about an hour's time, for now, I suggest you get some rest, Ms. Dursley." Iris nodded, then noticed she was quite tired. She took a bed at the hospital and drifted off to an uneasy sleep.


Iris woke up when she heard angry voices arguing. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and watched the scene unfold in front of her. Her two colleges and Dumbledore were teaming up against Fudge who looked like he was told Christmas was cancelled. Percy was also there, standing near the back not sure who or what to believe. Harry was also joining the argument, but the minister refused to listen to a 15-year-old. Iris had no authority to join in on the conversation, so she kept her mouth shut and watched from a far distance, though she was ready to strangle the minister. Fudge refused to face the facts and left the school with a trail of disappointment. 

Yes, Percy was arrogant, but he was nowhere near pompous as Fudge, Iris thought. Percy had tt leave once more, but he got to say a word to Iris. "Are you alright?" He checked. "Yeah I am, but can you believe Fudge! Just ignoring Harry like that!" Percy didn't say anything, but he just nodded. Even though he didn't say anything, Iris could see in his eyes he didn't agree. "Merlin's beard, you don't believe Harry either!" She accused making Percy rapidly shut her up. He didn't want to make a scene at the moment, or ever really buy if he had to express his opinions to Iris, he'd rather it not be in front of his family. "I didn't say that. Look can we talk about this later?" He pleaded. Iris was about to argue her way into getting him to talk, but someone came to get Percy who was needed by the Aurors. He left with a 'we'll talk later' look, but Iris was still furious with him.


Hey y'all, I'm so sorry these are such short chapters, but its sort of hard to write with an iPad, (my laptop is unavailable) but I'm getting it back soon so that means better and faster chapter updates. Yay!

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