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The next morning, Iris woke up before anyone in her dorm. She got dressed silently and went to the great hall to eat. No one was at the Ravenclaw table that she knew, but the Gryffindor table was packed with people. She spotted her cousin, sitting beside Ron and the twins. She sat down beside them and gave Harry a hug. "Hiya Harry. Congrats on getting into Gryffindor!" Harry hugged her back. "Thanks, Iris, where were you yesterday anyway?" He asked. Iris eye-rolled and sat down to eat. "Got detention with Snape." She said casually. The twins joined the conversation. "Really? That's gotta be a record." They said in sync and eagerly. Iris smirked at them. "Nope, last year I was 30 seconds faster." Fred and George watched her in awe. 

"Hey have any of you seen Mika? I didn't get to see her yesterday," All everyone said was 'no sorry'. Iris was a bit suspicious, Mika usually was always around. She watched the door to the hall and tried to catch the girl. She found Percy walk through it, and it gave her an idea. "I'll be right back," Iris said. Harry nodded, but Fred and George watched her see where she was going. They sighed dishearted when they saw her meet Percy. 

"And there she goes again. I don't understand why she talks to Percy! She's like the girl anyone could dream of, and he's a prat, a git, a nerd, shall I continue? Am I right George." The older twin asked. "Right you are Fred." The younger one replied. It was quite obvious that they fancied her a little, and as did most of the boys in school. "Oh, you know Iris?" Harry asked, unknown to their crush. "Yeah? How do you know her?" The twins said together. "She's my cousin," Harry said not seeing how big of a deal it would be to tell everybody. The Weasley's mouth was now hung open, including Ron. "She, is your cousin? How come I didn't know?" Harry shrugged, while Percy came and sat down beside them.

"What are you all talking about?" He asked. "Did you know Iris and Harry are related?" Ron inquired to his older brother. Percy looked up, "Yeah, found you yesterday. I was quite surprised actually. But now that I know it's sort of obvious. You two have the same eyes." Now Harry found people staring at him, or his eyes at least. "Wait, but Harry, didn't you say the muggles you live with are terrible?" Ron said, recalling his conversation with Harry the night before. 

"Oh, not Iris of course. Her parents and brother are horrible. Iris is completely different. Some people might think she's adopted if it weren't for her looks. Although, they basically treat her like she isn't their daughter." Harry explained, and everyone listened intently, but none more than Percy. "Well that's just cruel isn't it?" George asked. Harry shook his head. "It's worse than that. It wasn't always that bad I think, but when she got accepted to Hogwarts it got worse. She thinks I don't know, but she's really hurting. They don't punish her physically as they do to me," He gestured at his bony body, "but it's just as bad." The bell rang indicating their first period.

Percy quickly rushed out of the hall, and to DADA. He would get her to talk to her. He never knew her life was that bad. Iris walked timidly into the classroom. She was coming from the hospital wing where she was visiting Mika. Apparently, Mika had tried over in her dorm and broken her leg. What a way to start the year.

Iris sat down in her seat next to Percy, since it was the only one left. The class was just about to start, which Percy would use to ask her about her parent. He went through it with his head. Just say, 'Why didn't you tell me.' no, that sounds weird. Why would she tell me? Percy stopped for a second. Why would she tell me? It's not like I'm her best friend.  Percy was now having second thoughts. It's obviously clear that he had a bad childhood, it's not my business to go snooping around. Iris noticed Percy was quieter than usual. "Hey, what's up? It looks like you're thinking about something," she whispered. "Oh, er-" Should I tell her? Forget it, Percy, she's not going to be happy. "Just wondering how Swan could break her leg." it was the first thing that came up to his mind. Iris grinned. "Actually, she was setting up a prank, but it went wrong and she fell. It would have been a good one if she didn't mess up." Iris rolled her eyes but kept a small smile. Percy watched her, wondering if Harry was really saying the truth.


It was after dinner that week, that Harry told her some news. "Iris! I forgot to tell you, and you can't tell anyone. Oliver is keeping it a secret and wants it to be Gryffindors secret weapon." Harry said, drawing Iris' attention. Looking around to make sure they had no eavesdroppers, "I'm Gryffindors Seeker." Harry said excitedly. "Wait what? How? You're a first-year!" Iris replied, looking a little paler than usual. "I know, but McGonagall saw me flying the other day and she made Oliver watch. She said she's never seen flying like that." Iris began panicking, Seeker was the most dangerous position, why would Wood do that. Iris stood up and left the hall, leaving Harry confused. He followed her but grew even more suspicious when she went to Gryffindor tower. "Iris wha-" Harry started, But Iris was too fast and couldn't hear. She reached the portrait, and yelled out 'Caput Draconis!'. The fat lady let her in after many years of visits. Iris jumped through the hole just as Harry came. She ran to the stairs and yelled. "OLIVER WOOD!"  

She crossed her arms and waited for the Gryffindor captain to come up to the common room. Her screams attracted attention, including Percy. "What are you doing here? get out! You're not supposed to be here." Iris glared at him. "Just because you have the power to kick me out now, doesn't mean I'll listen. Plus, I need to speak to Wood." Percy glared back, seeing as it was no use to try and shoo her out. Oliver came running into the common room after hearing his name, but his face turned red when he saw one of his opposing team. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Iris kept her face. "YOU let Harry, A FIRST YEAR, into the GRYFFINDOR TEAM?" She stepped forward with every word. "How do you know that?" Oliver asked, slightly angry his new secret was already out. "Harry told me." Oliver looked at his new seeker and gave him a look of judgement. "Oh, don't be mad at him. He had the right to tell me! You gave him the most dangerous spot! He's not even allowed to play!" Oliver puts both his hands up and straightened himself out. Oliver was much taller than Iris, but that didn't stop her. "Look, I don't know what your mad about, but Harry is an amazing player, and if you're mad that I let a talented boy in," Iris shook her head. "I'm not mad about him being good, I would have done so too, if it was at tryouts and he was older!" Iris seethed. "Why are you mad about him being too young!" Iris scoffed, "Has the word not gotten to you yet Wood? I'm Harry's older cousin, and if he gets hurt on your watch, you can kiss your arse goodbye because I will send it to next year! Do I make myself clear?" Iris may have accidentally wrapped her lecture short, but it was too late to turn back. It was unfortunate since she had many backup statements. Oliver nodded, ready to have Gryffindor win this year. Iris sighed and started leaving, but when she passed Harry, she added. "You better fly damn well, or I'll kill you if you kill yourself." Harry nodded as well, but he didn't have that much confidence as Wood did. 


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