*Kidnapped, and Harry to the rescue*

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The two love birds were in the middle of... when they heard McGonagall's announcement ring through the halls. "All students return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staff room." Her voice sounded worried. The two quickly put their clothes back on, all crinkled and folded, their hairs all over the place and both faces drenched in sweat and very red. Although it was a tense moment, the two were rushed in an awkward way. "Do you need me to walk you to your dorm?" Percy asked shyly which was awkward. Iris smiled, "No, I'm ok," Despite the fearful moment, she placed one last kiss on him, "Be safe," She said and ran away to her dorm. Percy watched her leave, before shaking himself and returning to his pompous ways.


Turns out Ginny was taken last night and was also possessed by some diary. If Iris were her mother, she would scold her, but instead, she was a loyal friend and comforted her. Also, Harry had gone to save her, which Iris frowned at since he almost also died. Iris hadn't seen Percy for a couple of days, everything was chaotic. The petrified people were finally awake, and Iris took extra caution to stay away from Penelope. She eventually told Mika, Phelipe and Eric about her and Percy, but it was very brief. Iris assumed Percy would be with his family, and her assumptions were correct. Ginny had recovered after 3 days of being on potions, but Iris could tell she was having a traumatic experience. At last, on the last day of school, two weeks after the drama, Iria and Percy had time to talk. 

"How are you?" Iris asked. Percy sighed but he was hanging in there. "I'm alright, never imagined Ginny getting into a situation like that though. I must thank Harry if it weren't for him Ginny'd be dead." Iris nodded but smiled in relief. They were standing in front of the front doors, it was lovely weather. "So," Percy said clearing his throat, Iris looked at him fumbling. "So," Iris repeated. "Uh, do you er, happen to still love me?" Percy asked hopefully. Iris bit her lip. "Yeah, unfortunately," she added teasingly. Percy rolled his eyes, for once getting a joke. "Do you?" she wondered. Percy looked at her, blue eyes meeting green. "Yeah, I do, which is a little unsettling." Iris laughed, the tension wearing off a bit. "So does that make you my girlfriend?" Percy said. Iris thought for a bit. "I don't know, does it?" she raised an eyebrow. Percy tilted his head. "Can you?" he said. Iris smirked. "I can, but can I?" Percy looked at her weirdly. "Will you?" he questioned. Iris smiled, leaning in, "I will."


At the feast, they were allowed to sit with different houses. Iris joined the Weasleys, and so did Mika, Phelipe and Eric. They mostly crowded around Ginny and the golden trio, finding their stories interesting. Iris and Percy had their own little conversation going on, while Fred and George wanted to know what Ginny was going to say. "Ginny, what did you see Percy doing, that he didn't want anyone else knowing?" Harry asked. Iris was aware of the conversation, but Percy seemed to be distracted. "Oh that," Ginny said giggling. "Percy's got a girlfriend. You know Penelope Clearwater? That's who he's been writing to all summer, and one day I walked in on them kissing." Iris felt a little annoyed and nudged her boyfriend. He caught the last bit and turned bright red. Fred and George looked like their birthday had come early, and everyone apart from Iris, Percy, Mika, Phelipe and Eric were amused. iris got furious and looked at guilty Percy. "Are you really? You snogged the prefect?' Fred asked immediately. 

"Er..." He said, avoiding Iris's eyes. He scratched the back of his neck, the room starting to get hot. "Of course I didn't, I mean," Iris crossed her arms now, half wanting to help, half angry, and another part slightly interested in what he had to say. He sighed heavily, knowing everyone as looking at him. "I was, but I broke up with her. I am, however," he cleared his throat, determined to get it out and about. Iris nearly rolled her eyes, seeing how much Percy was struggling. She sighed and replied for him, at least he tried. "dating me. I'm his girlfriend." She said it and returned back to her mashed potatoes. Percy sighed in relief, not yet ready to say it out loud. The Weasleys went every quiet and stared at the blank blond girl. A moment passed and then the twins and Ron were protesting, Harry gagging, and the girls squealing at her. Iris kept looking at her food, but she turned her head slightly to look at the boy across from her, winking at his smile.


Iris was In tears at the platform, she was saying goodbye to her best friend. Mika could've easily apparated from Hogwarts, but she decided to take the train with her friends for the last time. Mika had gotten a job at Gringotts, after hearing George talk about Bill's work, she found being a curse breaker interesting. George got Bill to pull a few things which landed her with a job in Egypt, but that meant Iris would be seeing her as often as she saw her grandparents. "I'll miss you so much bestie," Mika said to a crying Iris. "Who's going to be my prank buddy?" she asked like a child. Mika laughed at her, but she had tears in her own eyes. She brought her in for a hug. "Thank you for making my life at Hogwarts so much better, I love you rissy." Iris sniffed and held on tighter. it was like saying goodbye to her sister. "I love you to Mika, Thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for." They held on for one more moment, before breaking apart. 

"Michaela Jeannette Swan you better write me." Iris said in a strict wavering voice "Oh I will Iris Majorie Dursley." Iris sniffed again, before saying goodbye. "Bye bye sister." She said with a smile. Mika smiled back. "Bye bye Rissy," She turned on the spot, vanishing before her eyes.


lol, that year was kind of short, sry. Also, just a weird side note but It was kinda weird writing about them hugging because you know... Covid.

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن