*The Wood's*

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Iris gagged as she was pulled into an apparition, especially without the warning. When Percy landed, she let go of his hand and slapped him on the back. Percy laughed even though he was being beaten. "Jesus Percy, I could have been splinched!" Iris grumbled. Percy grinned, something Iris found Percy doing more than she could remember. "h c'mon, you had to have known we were going to apparate!" He said. iris glared at him. "You could've given me a warning, it's been nearly 10 years since I've done that!" She muttered. Percy pretended he didn't hear anything and walked to the house that they landed in front of. It was a fairly big cottage, a  nice accent of colour to it. It was evident that the family was rich, but it wasn't too showy. Iris stared in awe at the house, as Percy led them to the front door. 

The quidditch-obsessed boy answered the door, greeting Percy brotherly-like. "Percy! What a surprise," He noticed the brunette standing quietly beside him. At first, Oliver didn't recognize her, but when he saw her smile at him, he could immediately identify her. "Iris," He whispered softly. Iris smiled weakly, she didn't know Oliver too well. "Hiya Wood," She replied. Oliver didn't respond, but turned his head back into the house and yelled for his wife. "Penny love! We have a very important guest!" He yelled. Iris looked at Percy sheepishly. Penelope ran from the house to the doorway, looking startled. "What is it Ol- Iris!" Penelope squealed, hugging the girl immediately. Iris was shocked by the contact but hugged her back. Today was the most hugs she had received in a decade. Iris had another round of tears forming, but she blinked them away. "Oh, Iris! I swear on Merlin's name! If you run away like that again I will hunt you down!" Iris laughed. "Oh alright, you're not the first set of threats I've received today." Penelope smiled at her, grabbing her husband's arm. 

"Merlins there's so much to talk about! I've missed you so much Iris, we all have. Speaking of all, would you like to meet Areida?" Penelope asked. Iris went visibly pale. She wasn't sure she was ready to let her daughter know what a failure she was. Percy noticed, and placed an arm on her shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. SHe doesn't blame you for everything, and she's got a real sweet heart." Percy reassured. iris gulped. "Well, I mean if she's alright with it of course," Iris said. The couple nodded and let Percy and iris into their grand home. Oliver called for her, and a beautiful blonde came running down the stairs. iris gasped at how grown up she was, with the matching blue eyes Percy had. "What is it dad? Oh hi Percy, and..." She stopped talking when she noticed the other lady. Iris was frozen in awe, so very proud of the Woods. 

"I don't think I know you. I'm Areida, Areida Clearwater-Wood" The girl greeted brightly. Iris bit the inside of her lip, and the other 3 watched their interactions. "Hello Areida, uh you might know me from your parents, but I uh, I'm Iris, Iris Maj-" SHe stopped, then corrected herself. "Iris Dursley." She stuck out her hand for the little girl to shake. But she didn't grab it. Areida was in shock and stared at her adoptive mother. Iris's breath hitched, she was never really their greatest with children. What surprised her next, was when Areida had jumped and hugged her, taking her in. Iris chuckled nervously as the girl let go, a big smile forming on her face. "I know all about you, from mum and dad, but also Percy." Iris smiled at him, then returned her gaze to the girl. "dad says you were one of the greatest quidditch players, and that I have your skill." She said proudly. Iris smiled."Well, that would make sense. I am pretty good." She said sarcastically making Arieda laugh. She already liked the woman. "Hey, I hope you understand why I wasn't, er around much for your childhood, but I hope I can make it up to you as you grow up," Iris said. Areida didn't look mad. 

"That's alright. Percy already told me everything, it would have been nice to have you in my childhood, but you can make it up to me. Are you going back to teaching this year?" She asked abruptly. "Areida," Penelope said warningly. iris had completely forgotten about it, but it was nice to be reminded of the job. "Uh, I haven't thought about it yet, but maybe in a few years to come." She said. From behind, Percy smiled, because it meant iris was considering staying in the wizarding world. "I hate to cut this reunion short, but we must get back to the burrow, I'll bring Iris along another time." Areida looked sad, but she made sure to make Percy promise. "It was so refreshing to see you guys again, and I want to thank you guys for taking such good care of Areida, I already love her so much," Iris said to the couple. Penelope and Oliver shared a look, before smiling back at her. "No we want to thank you for giving us a wonderful opportunity to raise her, she means the world to us." Iris smiled again and hugged Penelope once more. 

"make sure to visit more often!" Oliver said to Percy. "Will do!" He replied. Iris and Percy waved themselves out of the house, and onto the street. "Awe, I love her," Iris said quietly. Percy grinned. "Yeah, she looks just like you." He said. "But she's got your eyes, she's beautiful," Iris said. Percy smiled and nodded. He raised his hand again, indicating that he was going to apparate. "You ready this time?" He asked. Iris eyed him. "Where are we going?" She asked. "The burrow, I need to give you something."

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